GOTIPALA-GREAT ONE Gotipala, the Bodisat as the young and punishments, 39, 315; the g. of Brahman, 36, 20-2.
sages, of virtuous men, and of spiritGovernment, principles and methods like men explained, 39, 323 sq.;
of, 3, 38-41, 46--8, 53-6, 79 sq., 115 governing the world is like taming sq., 179-81, 219-25; 28, 263-8, 312- horses, 40, 284. See also King, 1 8; 39, 96 sq., 100-5, 108 sq., 117 sq., Parables (d), and Taxes. I 22 sq., 136, 144, 259-62, 267 n., Go-vikartana, one of the king's 333-8; 40, 96 sq., 121-4, 215 ; five 'jewels,' 41, 63. orders of the nobles, 3, 136 sq. Govinata, a form of the Asvamedha, and n.; "the Great Plan' for the g. 44, 400 sq. of the nation, 3, 138-49; eight Govinda, n. of Krishna, 8, 40, 43. objects of g., 3, 141 sq. and n.; 27, See Krishna. 230, 248; the threefold business of Govindarâga, author of Manutika, g., 3, 231, 231 n.; filial piety in g., 25, cxxvi-cxxviii, cxxxi. 3, 473-80, 483, 486; to be entrusted Graha, meanings of the word, 26, to good and able feudal princes, 16, 432 sq. See also Sacrifices (k). 62, 63 n.; how to promote union Graha and Abhigraba worshipped by among the different members and the Snataka, 30, 166. classes of a state, 16, 75 n.; lessons Grahas, and Atigrahas, eight organs of good g. to be learned from a well, and objects of sense, 15, 125 sq. 16, 164-6, 166 sq. n., 253; orna- See also Senses. inent and beauty help the course Grâhi, 'seizure,' the demon of fits, of g., but are not sufficient in great 42, 15, 34, 49, 57, 187; the fetter matters of judgement, 16, 294 sq., of G. (attack of disease), 42, 165, 295 n.; characteristics of good and 525. bad g., 24, 43-5; science of g. to Grain offered, are a form of day be learnt by the king, 25, 222; and night, parched g, a form of proceedings of g. in the different Nakshatras, 44, 296. months, 27, 20 sq., 249-310; inter- Grâmani, Sk., t.t., headman, one of change of missions between different the king's jewels,' 41, 60 sq., 111. courts, 27, 58; 28, 458-64 ; oppres- Grammar, granmatical terms in sive g. more terrible than tigers, 27, Bhagavadgîtā, 8, 90. 190 sq.; of state expenditure, 27, Grammarians quoted, 48, 60, 79. 221 sq., 239; exemption from g. Grandsire, see Brahman (masc.), and service, 27, 243; importance of Pragâpati. ceremonies for g., 27, 375-9; an Grants, royal, 7, xxi 1., 21 sq. See ideal state, 27, 391-3; notice taken also Gifts. of very old people by g., 27, 466; Grasping, see U pâdâna. ceremonies, music, punishments, and Grass-stalks, sacrificial, 43, 185. See laws as instruments of g., 28, 93, also Plants (Darbha, Dûrvâ g.). 97-9, 105-7, 107 n., 272, 276 sq., Gratitude, duty of, 24, 328--30, 357. 352 sq., 356 sq.; brought in harmony Gravâratu, n.p., 23, 217. with the laws of heaven and earth, Graves, see Ancestor worship. 28, 106; five things by which ancient Great Complex, King Sudassana's kings secured good g., 28, 216; nine chamber of the, 11,267 sq., 271, 274, standard rules of g., 28, 314-16; g. 277, 278, 281, 285, 287. under different dynasties, 28, 341- Great One, the, Mahat, is the second 3; good g. depends on the regula- creation, 8, 333 sq., 333 n.; first tion of the fainily, 28, 411, 417--19; manifests itself as Vishnu, then as twenty-one chieftainsbips, 37, 167; Brahınan or Siva, 8, 333 n.; comfive chieftainships, 37, 308: let men prehended in the form of knowledge, be, and there will be no necessity 8, 350, 350 n.; the wheel of life for governing them, try to govern made up of the entities beginning it, and the world will be full of with the G.and ending with the gross trouble, 39, 142 sq., 291-8, 302 sq.; elements, 8, 357; is a development 40, 285-8; ideal g. without rewards of the Unperceived (Pradhâna), 8,
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