the s. b., 37, 31; gratified by justice, beneath, 3, 186; services to sp. and 37, 102; spirits of fire, water, and to Heaven, 3, 217; the Minister of plants hurt by the destruction of Religion regulates the services for a righteous man, 37, 149 ; cere- sp. and manes, 3, 228, 228 n. ; monials of the various s. b., 37, 183 perfect government and bright sq. and n.; 47, 168 sq.; assembly virtue have a piercing fragrance for of the s. b., 37, 189; mutual service the spiritual intelligences, 3, 232; of man, cattle, and s. b., 37, 265; the descents of sp. ceased when worship of s. b. not to be neg- Khung and Lî made an end of the lected under any circumstances, 37, communications between earth and 276 sq.; who is liberal to the s. b. heaven, 3, 257, 257 sq. n.; ancestors is free from destruction, 37, 282; become tutelary sp., 3, 301; "all reverence for s. b. a good work, spiritual beings' or the hundred 37, 311-13 ; s. b. gratified by proper sp.' presiding over all nature, 3, 318, care of cattle, 37, 318 sq.; s. b. 318 n.; hearken to hin who seeks gratified by virtuousness, 37, 323-7; a friend, 3, 347, 347 n.; hearken to power of s. b. increased by love of the officers who quietly fulfil their their affairs, 37, 335; body and life duties, 3, 365; great altar to the sp. given to the s. b., 37, 352 sq., dis- of the land raised by Than-fû, 3, crimination in the affairs of the 384, 385 n.; unseen by men, one is s. b., 37, 373 sq.; the s. b. instruct still under the observation of sp., 3, Masyê and Masyaối in arts and 388, 388 n., 415; sacrifice to the manufacture, 47, xxv, 7 sq.; friend- spirit of the path, 3, 399, 399 n., ship of Zaratûst for the s. b., 47, 47; 425 sq., 425 11. ; 27, 314 sq.; 'host s. b. are beneficent and righteous, of all the sp.,' one of the titles of 47, 69.
the sovereigns of China, 3, 405, (n) CHINESE SPIRITS OR SPIRITUAL 405 n.; King Hsüan expostulates BEINGS (KWEI-SHĂN).
with God and all the sp. whom he Shun sacrificed to the Six expects to allay a terrible drought, Honoured Ones, to hills and rivers, 3, 419-23; sacrifices to the sp. of and to the host of sp., 3, 39, 39 n.; the four quarters and of the land, thanksgiving sacrifices to the sp. of 3, 422; Kwei-shăn or sp., what the land and of the four quarters, they are, 16, 32, 34, 45, 355 sq. n.; 3, 371, 371 n., 373, 373 n.; people inflict calamity on the full and bless suffering injury protest to the sp. of the huinble, 16, 226, 226 sq. n.; heaven and earth, 3, 90 ; Thang men of worth employed to do serfears to offend 'the Powers above vice to sp., 16, 324, 325 n.; sacriand below,' 3, 91; sp. of hills and fices to sp. or phenomena of nature, rivers were all in tranquillity, as 27, 36, 28, 203, 209, 218, 218 n. ; long as kings were virtuous, 3, 93; 39, 300 n.; sacrifices to sp. of hills sp. of heaven and earth worshipped, and rivers, and of the quarters, 27, 3, 96, 126; 27, 307; worship of the 116, 216 sq., 273, 278, 307, 313-15, sp. of the land and grain, 3, 96, 126; 376, 385 sq., 397; 28, 101; sacrifice 16, 256; 27, 107, 115, 183, 191, 218, to the Father of War, 27, 220; 222, 225 sq., 278, 300, 309, 313-15, those who gave false reports about 329 sq., 373, 397, 416; 28, 33, 67, appearances of sp. put to death, 27, 101, 222, 235, 253, 265; accept only 238; sacrifices to the sp. of the the sacrifices of those who are ground, 27, 259, 259 n.; sacrifice to sincere, 3, 99; victims devoted to the first match-maker,' 27, 259; the sp. of heaven and earth, 3, 123; husbandry dear to the sp., 27, 279, invoked for help in war, 3, 135; 279 n.; prayer to the Honoured pious rulers behave gravely and ones of Heaven,' 27, 300, 300n.; the respectfully to sp. and men, 3, 163; ruler's intercourse with sp., 27, 375, the spirit of the land sacrificed to 377; the sp. of nature as associates in a new city, 3, 183; the king for men, 27, 383 sq.; enjoy the should sacrifice to the sp. above and virtue of the superior man, 27, 394;
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