and witches, 18, 88 sq. ; a. attend (m) G. OR SACRED BEINGS (YAZATAS, to the wishes of the Creator, 18, YAZDÂN) IN ZOROASTRIANISM. 120; seven archa, in the propitia- Abstract deities worshipped by the tory dedication of the sacred cake, adherents of Zoroastrianism, 4, lxi, 18, 143 sq.; archa. pleased by the Ixv; 23, 30; natural deities in early ceremonial, 18, 159 sq., 159 n.; 37, Zoroastrianism, 4, Ixi, lxv; prayers 173 sq.; 2. not attacked by tlie and sacrifices to all the g. offered stench of unnatural sin, 18, 220 sq.; by Zoroastrians, 4, 221-4, 245, archa. are immortal, undistressed, 248; the holy g. and the great Ratu, and omniscient, 18, 221; archa. 4, 250 ; Allharmazd and the angels assist Tîstar against Apâôsh, 18, who are the whole of the heavenly 267; a. opposed by the fiends, 18, and earthly sacred beings (yazdân), 270 sq., 319, 319 n.; a. are dis- 5, 155; spirits of the sky, water, tressed by an imperfect purification earth, plants, animals, mankind, and rite, 18, 294 ; a. intercede for the fire, 5, 156; g. or sacred beings soul of Keresâsp, 18, 378-80; archa. invoked and worshipped by the sit around Aîharmazd, 18, 415 sq.; devout, 5, 312; 18, 123-5, 134-6, archa. and a. of the spiritual and 166–73, 279-81, 325 sq. ; 24, IC, worldly creations propitiated, 24, 12 sq., 26, 43 sq., 78; 37, 34 sq., 3 sq., 4 n., 8; a., archa., and spirits 344 sq., 377, 428 sq., 431, 436, 466 gratified by Vistâsp, 24, 65; good- sq.; meat-offerings apportioned to ness of the archa. the cause of 8.,5, 335-8; resurrection the happiprosperity of the world, 37, 196; ness and hope of the good spirits, Kâi-Us attempts to reach the 18, 38; are the spirits distressed heavenly region of the archa., 37, when a righteous man dies? 18, 221; he who provides for the 50 sq.; man, a servant of the g., 18, Mazda-worshipper provides for the 122 sq., 125; good spirits co-operate archa., 37, 280; assistance by the in the preparation of the sky, 18, 261; archa., 37, 291 sq.; wisdom of one Yast for every Amshaspand and archa., 37, 305; increasing the every Ized, 23, 1-3; thirty g. and strength of the archa., 37, 341; numerous abstract deities invoked, obeisance to the archa., 37, 360 sq., 23, 2-20; glory of the gods in the 378; exploits of the archa., 37, heavens and in the material world, 364 ; contentment of the archa., 23, 291 sq., 352; the sacred being 37, 370; archa. lodge in him who is the best protection, 24, 41; loves Vohûman, 37, 382; Zoroaster's divine providence overrules desconference with the archa., 47, xv, tiny, 24, 55 ; belief in the s. b. a xxi, xxiv, xxvii, XXX, 156-62 ; good work, 24, 75; fear of s. b., 24, Zoroaster's spiritual body with the 78; ceremonies are a thanksgiving archa., 47, xxviii sq.; archa, protect to the s. b., 24, 94 sq.; demons the agriculture, 47, 7; Zoroaster's opponents of the s. b., 24, 164; the guardian spirit and body united by pantheon of Zoroastrianism, 31, the archa., 47, 21-9; archa. opposed 195-203; thirty-three lords of the to harm, 47, 55; archa. assist ritual order, 31, 198 sq., 198 n., Zoroaster in converting Vistâsp, 47, 205, 210, 216, 220, 225; all the 67-70, 81, 124, 164 ; archa. send Yazads, heavenly and earthly, worforth the soul of Sritô from heaven, shipped, 31, 202, 207, 212, 218, 47, 79; archa. report the birth of 222 sq., 227, 254 sq., 257, 259, 272, Zoroaster, 47, 87; apostles confer 274, 277, 319, 328, 374, 382, 389, with the archa., 47, 106, 112; archa. 391; Fravashis of the Yazads worsent by Allharmazd to protect the shipped, 31, 273 ; sacrifices to the infant Zoroaster, 47, 145 ; glory of lords of spiritual and of earthly the seven archa., 47, 148; reverence creatures, of aquatic animals, beasts, of the emanations of the six archa., and birds, 31, 335; triumphs of the 47, 168. See also Ameshaspentas, s. b. over the demons, 37, 23, 285: and Angels (6).
47, 123; bringing of the word from
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