who honour the g, by offerings, will cults of certain g., 35, 266; different be honoured by the g. in return, from the spirits called 'not men' 17, 103; are liable to old age, (amanussâ), 35, 279, 279 n.; evil decay, and death, 19, 18, 18 n., deeds cannot be concealed from the 159 sq., 275, 275 1., 371 ; pay wor- g. who can read the hearts of men, ship to Brihaspati, 19, 78; subject 35, 295; Buddha is above the god to transmigration, 19, 160, 224; 35, of g., 35, 300 ; soul and g., 36, xxii 12 sq., 38; established by Buddha, sq.; the parrot who caused the 19, 193; if Isvara be the maker of heaven of the Thirty-Three to the world, people ought not to adore shake, 36, 6; Buddha, chief of g. more g. than one, 19, 207; the site and men, 36, 55 sq., 120; exalt Vesof Pâtaliputra protected by 8., 19, santara on account of his gift, 36, 250; Buddha god over all g., 19, 116; change of precedence among the 262 n., 348; 35, 167; 36, 12, 56, 8., 36, 127 n.; Akanittha, the highest 83, 125, 215, 219, 274, 279, 281, of all g., 36, 130; men who in this 283, 285, 290 sq., 295, 298, 300-2, life already attained to glory in 305 sq., 305 n., 310, 312-15, 317, Tidasapura (city of the g.), 36, 145 319, 323-5, 327, 331, 337, 340 sq., sq.; dreams caused by a god, 36, 344-6, 352-4, 358, 363-5, 368; 157, 160 sq.; miracles caused by g. immortal, but not self-existent, 19, out of pity for men, 36,175; miracles 271 n.; are filled with fear, 19, 287, worked out of pity for g. and men, 337; general grief in heaven when 36, 175; certain g. called "The a Deva's day of merit comes to an Formless Ones,' 36, 187 sq.; Budend, 19, 287, 287 n.; names, different dha's religion for g. and men, 36, classes, and numbers of g., 19, 308; 214, 217-21, 221 11., 229, 240, 242, 21, 4 sq.; 49 (i), 129, 141, 157 sq., 321, 327; preachers of the Law 180, 196 sq.; (ii), 26, 30; praise become g., 49 (i), 185, 187; where Nirvana, 19, 309 sq.; worship Bud- Buddhism is preached, there shall dha, 19, 337; 49 (ii), 165, 201; be no fear of g., Nâgas, Yakshas, Buddha as a god, 21, xxiv-xxviii; &c., 49 (i), 188; no difference beafter hearing Buddha's law, beings tween g. and men in a Buddha inay come to be g. or men, Indras, country, 49 (ii), 12, 42, 62; where Brahmas, or rulers of the universe, the Trâyastrimsa and other g. live 21, 125; g. and men will behold in Sukhâvati, 49 (ii), 37; the pleaeach other in Buddha-fields, 21, sures of Paranirmitavasavartin g., 194; protect the Bodhisattva, 21, 49 (ii), 40; in the train of Buddha, 274; voices of g. and Nagas, heard 49 (ii), 70, 90 sq.; Buddhas, Boby the preacher, 21, 339; the Aka dhisattvas, Bhikshus, and g., 49 (ii), nishthas and Abhâsvaras in the Brah- 189; obtain Bodhi, 49 (ii), 199. ma-world, 21, 340; girls, wives, See also Angels (c), and Fairies. youths and maidens amongst the g., (k) G. IN GAINA RELIGION. 21, 342; Devanikâyas, Brahmaka- On g. in Gaina religion, 10 (i), yikas, and Mahâbrahmas, 21, 342, 32 n.; worship of prophets as g. by 345; odours exhaled by the g., 21, Gainas and Buddhists, 22, xxi; a 342, 345; the preacher discerns g. Gaina should not trust in the deluand demons by his smell, 21, 344 sive power of the g., 22, 77; a sq.; rebirth among the g., 21, 436; Gaina should not say "the god rains' 35, 124; shout their approval, when but 'the air rains,' nor speak of the Nâgasena preaches and attains to god of thunder, god of lightning, 22, insight, 35, 22, 26, 29; considered 52; Mahavira's existence among as Buddhist laymen, 35, 31 sq., 31 n.; the g., 22, 190, 218 sq.; the four 36, 248–50; Nâgasena is capable of orders of g., Bhavanapatis, Vyandiscussing things with the g., 35, taras, Gyotishkas, and Vimânavâsins, 37; men who, even in their human 22, 191, 195, 202, 252; bustle body, mounted up to the abode of among the g, and goddesses at the the Thirty-Three, 35, 172; mystic birth and death of Mahavira, 22,
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