122 sq.; the g, rejoice at the birth 93 sq.; do not know the path of the of Buddha, 10 (ii), 94, 125 sq.; 19, Arhat, 10 (i), 95; (ii), 115; world 4-6, 13, 344 sq., 347-56; how they of g., Mâras, and Brahmans, 10 (ii), felt about Buddha's death, 11, 88- 14, 30, 45, 96, 142 sq., 208; 11, 90, 119-21, 127; 19, 308, 318; 187, 288; vehicles of the g., 10 (ii), pay homage to the remains of 23; 21, 345, 350 ; 36, 117; cried out Buddha, 11, 124, 128 sq.; rejoice against the injustice of killing cows and pay homage to Buddha when for sacrifices, 10 (i), 51; the g. worhe reaches Bodhi and founds the ship Indra, 10 (ii), 52; g. and men Kingdom of Truth, 11, 153-5; 13, depend on desire, 10 (ii), 55; the g.. 97 sq.; 19, 58, 163 sq., 178 sq.; 21, hear the well-spoken words of Vasa160-71, 184; 35, 243 ; 49 (i), 68 sq., va, 10 (ii), 64; the pious liouseholder 136, 155 sq., 165-7; instrumental goes to the g. by name Sayampabhas, in making Buddha (Yasa) resign the 10 (ii), 66; g. as adepts of Buddha world, 13, 83, 89, 103; 19, 32-4, and friends of Buddhists, 10 (ii), 36, 49, 54, 56-8, 68 sq., 88, 144, 85 sq., 185 sq.; 13, 81 sq.; 20, 401; 152-5; 21, 55; 35, 220 sq.; 36, 45, are subject to time, 10 (i), 90; a 45 sq. n.; 49 (i), 30, 32, 34, 52, Muni is to be worshipped by g. and 68, 168, 173; scatter scents and men, 10 (ii), 91; Buddha, the enflowers and raise heavenly music at lightened of g. and men, 10 (ii), 96; Buddha's funeral, 19, 323; pay the thirty-three (Tidasa, Tâvatimsa) homage to the newborn Buddha, g., 10 (ii), 125; 11, 18, 32, 32 n., 19, 361-4; 49 (i), 7; Indra, Brahma 48; 17, 101, 107; 35, II, 13; a Sahâmpati with all the other g. god, or Brahman, or Inda, the husstrew garments and heavenly flowers band of Suga, 10 (ii), 189; Buddha on Buddha, 21, 69 sq., 313, 315, has penetrated all things concerning 366; the four classes of the audience the g., 10 (ii), 213; good men called of a Buddha, monks, &c., g, and g., 11, 20 sq. and n.; Buddha, the other superhuman beings, 21, 69, teacher of g. and men, 11, 27, 41, 162, 213, 222 sq., 225, 253, 376, 54, &c.; 19, 331; 21, 119 sq.; 35 383, 412, 431, 442; pay homage to 167, 237; can, by intense medit:Buddhas, 21, 156 sq., 162-71, 183 tion, cause an earthquake, 11, 45 sq.; sq., 308; Indras, Brahmas, and their royal city Alakamandâ, 11, Brahmakâyikas show honour to the 100, 248; 35, 3; their existence preacher, 21, 347, 349; worship depends on Karma, 11, 119 sq. 1.; relics of Buddhas, 35, 148 sq., 151, world of Brâhmanas and Sananas, 247; when Buddha was eating the g. and men, 11, 152 sq., 187, &c.; g. infused the sap of life into his the wheel of the empire of Truth dish, 36, 37 sq., 37 n.; g. and men set rolling by Buddha, cannot be adopted the Dhainma, after Brahmâ turned back by any god, 11, 153 had adopted it, 36, 41 sq.;---the dis- sq.; seven kinds of g., 11, 154, ciple of Buddha will overcome the 154 n.; an immeasurable bright world of the g., 10 (i), 16; envy the light beyond even the power of the Arhat, 10 (i), 28, 49; 20, 233; not g., appeared in the universe, when even g. could change into defeat the Buddha founded his kingdom of victory of a man who has vanquished righteousness, 11, 155; converted himself, 10 (i), 31 sq.; the Buddhist by Buddha, 11, 155 n.; 19, 240 sq.; view of the g., 10 (i), 31 sq. n.; 11, 36, 248–50; 49 (i), 180; the higher 162-5; the uncharitable do not g. are opapâtika, there being no sex attain the world of the g., 10 (i), or birth in the heavens, 11, 214 n.; 48; we shall be like the bright g., aspiration to belong to one or other feeding on happiness, 10 (1), 53, of the angel hosts (deva-nikâya), is 53 n.; the virtuous praised by the a spiritual bondage, 11, 227, 231 sq.; 8., 10 (i), 59, 86; the true Brâhmana cloud-spirits of cold, heat, air, wind, is he who has risen above all bond- and rain, 11, 255 n.; deities residing age both to men and to g., 10 (i), in trees, 13, 126; 35, 242; they
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