are offered, 43, 240, 245 sq.; if he eats on new and full moon nights, he eats whilst passing over the g., 44, 21; the sacrificer gives himself up to the g. (by the fasts) and redeems himself by the (new and full moon) sacrifice, 44, 22 sq.; theory regarding the full and new moon in respect of the g. (sun and moon, earth and sky, night and day), 44, 31; he who offers to the g. is inferior to the self-offerer, 44, 38; offerings to the g. compared to tribute brought to a king, 44, 38; fill gold cups for him who having offered ghee, offers sacrificial portions, 44, 61; Srî dismembered by the g., and restored by a sacrifice, 44, 62-5; Prishthya and Abhiplava are the two wheels of the g. crushing the Sacrificer's evil, 44, 149; how the Mahâvrata yielded itself to the g., 44, 159; rites for the g. and rites for the Fathers, how distinguished, 44, 198-200, 430-4; may the g. protect me through the g., 44, 258; prayer to be delivered from sins against the g., 44, 265 sq.; all the g. are concerned in the horse-sacrifice, 44, 278 sq., 311, 352; went in quest of the Asvamedha, 44, 284; depart from those who speak impure speech at the sacrifice, 44, 387; the Udgâtri called 'friend of the g., 44, 388; all the g. made guardians of the Pravargya sacrifice, 44, 453; what is baked, belongs to the g., 44, 456; sacrifice a feast of the g., 46, 6, 283; spirits or deified objects connected with the sacrifice, 46, 8-12; the Aryan clans long for the g., 46, 100. See also Debts (the three), Idols, and Sacrifices (e). (i) HINDU G. IN PHILOSOPHY.
represented as a lute made by the g., 1, 264; the absorption of the two classes of g. (viz. fire, sun, moon, lightning, and the senses, &c.) into Brahman or breath, 1, 288-90; never reached the Self, 1, 311; 8, 367, 391; through freedom from heedlessness the g. attained to the Brahman, 8, 152 n., 153; are not pleased with a cessation of mortal form, 8, 254 sq.; the science of final emancipation is a great mystery even among the g., 8, 254; speech relates to all the g., 8, 338; the sage who is assimilated with the Brahman, is identical with the g., and extolled by g. and demons, 8, 345; Hara, Rudra, Siva, &c., as names of the Highest Self, 15, xxxiii sq., 16; have doubted as to death, 15, 5 sq.; Brahman is all g., the g. being but his manifestation, 15, 86; Prâna identified with the g., 15, 274-6; 34. 200, 269; the g. identified with the Atman, 25, 512; whether g. are capable of the knowledge of Brahman, 34, xxxvii, 198 sq., 216-23; 48, 326-35; create many things by their mere intention, 34, xciv, 347 sq.; possess unobstructed knowledge, 34, 99; are qualified for the study and practice of the Veda, 34, 198 sq.; may have the desire of final release, 34, 198; to them the Veda is manifest of itself (without study), 34, 199; undergo discipleship, 34, 199; multiform creations exist in them, 34, 353; the performers of sacrifices are objects of enjoyment for the g., 38, 111; 48, 588 sq.; g. worship Prâna, 42, 219; serve the Person in the eye under the name of 'strengthening food,' 43, 373; by naming the g. everything here is named, 43, 390; as the Year the Sacrificer goes to the g., 44, 140, 155; Highest Person, the inner ruler of Agni and other g., 48, 155; the g. create each in his own world what they require, God creates the entire world, by mere volition, 48, 472. (j) G. IN BUDDHISM.
Dialogue between a deity and Buddha, g. taught by Buddha, 10 (ii), 17-19, 43 sq.; 11, 142; 13,
Teaching of Brahman with regard to the g., 1, 151 sq., 152 n.; the elements and the five senses or Prânas represented as g., 1, 185; 8, 123, 123 n., 337-40, 349 sq.; 15, 98, 274; 34, 303-5; 41, 273, 395; 43, 32, 185 sq., 304; 48, 417, 576, 586 sq.; union of the g., as entered into the body, 1, 208, 233, 238-40; all the g. are produced by knowledge of the Self, 1, 245; the human body
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