inculcated, 6, 2-4, 8, &c.; 9, 3, &c.; serve ye none but G., 6, 11; 9, 3, 5; the curse of G. is on the misbeliever, 6, 22, 165, 170, 261 sq.; he who disbelieves in idols and believes in G. has got hold of religion, 6, 40; obey G. and the Apostle, 6, 50, 68, 74, 80-3, 163, 165, 183; 9, 79 sq., 143 sq., 148 sq., 232, 241, 287; it is not G. who wrongs the misbelievers, but it is themselves they wrong, 6, 61, 198, 216; 9, 121, 125; misbelievers do not hurt G., but themselves, 6, 67; pardons anything short of idolatry, 6, 79, 88 sq.; belief in G. and fear of G. inculcated, 6, 90 sq.; could send a sign, if He pleased, 6, 119; trust in G. alone, 6, 129; the Meccans would not have believed, even if G. had sent signs, 6, 129; belief depends on G.'s grace, 6, 130 sq., 203 sq.; 9, 314, 322; who disbelieve on G., their works are as ashes blown by the wind, 6, all creation adores G., 6, 255; 240; 9, 5 sq., 47, 58, 79, 266, 273, 280, 282, 286; will defend believers, but loves not the misbelieving traitor, 9, 60; cares not for the rejection of His message by the infidels, 9, 90; honour belongs to G. alone, 9, 158; rebuke to those who say they serve false gods as a means to approach G., 9, 182; the Creator, 6, 3-5, 52, 54, 71, 100, 115, 117, 123, 127
sq., 144, 192 sq., 205, 232, 234, 239 sq., 242, 245 sq., 249, 251; 9, 11 sq., 34, 37 sq., 83, 88, 104 sq., 122 sq., &c.; the Originator of the heavens and the earth, when He decrees a matter He doth but say unto it, 'BE, and it is, 6, 16; manifested in His creation, 6, 69; has not created heaven and earth in sport, 9, 47 sq., 219; the best of creators, 9, 66; created every beast, 9, 79; produces the creation and then turns it back, 9, 119, 126 sq.; created ginn and mankind to worship Him, 9, 248;-- He is forgiving and merciful, 6, 1, 24 sq., 27, 29, 32 sq., 36, 50, 62, 65, 75 sq., 86-8, 90, 93, 102, 108, III, 134, 137, 144, 166, 171, 173, 176, 186-8, 204, 209, 229 sq., 252, 262 sq.; 9, 6, 21, 55, 63, 73, 75, 77, 82 sq., 100, 109, 139, 142, 146, 149 sq.,
161, 190, 205, 208, 235, 239-41, 270, 272, 280, 287, 290, 308; sends down of His grace on whomsoever of His servants He will, 6, 12, 14; the G. of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, and Jacob, 6, 18 sq.; is with the patient in all calamities, 6, 21 sq.; He created men, and to Him do they return, 6, 22, 192, 197, 205, 257; 9, 70, 119, 123, 132 sq., 183, 244, 272, 294, 336; whatsoever good ye do, verily, of it G. knows, 6, 31; guides whom He will unto the right path, 6, 31; will redouble a good loan many a double, 6, 37; dispute between Abraham and Nimrod about G., 6, 40 sq.; revives the dead, 6, 41; 9, 56 sq., 205; fashions you in the womb as He pleases, 6, 46 sq.; victory is but from G., 6, 62; it is not for any soul to die, but for G.'s permission, 6, 63; 9, 285; He quickens and He kills, 6, 65, 157, 190, 199, 246; 9, 63 sq., 70, 128 sq., 197, 218, 244, 253, 266, 312, 320; only can help, in dangers of land and sea, 6, 65 sq., 122; 9, 8 sq., 17, 124, 164 sq.; made a covenant with the Muslim, as with the children of Israel, 6, 98 sq.; G. and the Apostle to be taken as patrons, 6, 105; takes men to Himself in sleep, 6, 122; obliges no soul more than it can bear, 6, 135, 142; 9, 289; bids only justice, 6, 140; whoso fears G. and does what is right, there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve, 6, 141; the earth is His, He gives it for an inheritance to whom He pleases, 6, 152; appears to Moses on the mountain, 6, 154; the good names of G. not to be perverted, 6, 160; mentioning of G.'s name protects from the devil, 6, 162; nought shall befall us save what G. has written down for us, 6, 180; good-will from G. is the mighty happiness, 6, 183; does not forgive the hypocrites, 6, 184; when in distress men turn to G., but forget Him after deliverance, 6, 193-5, 255; guides unto truth, 6, 197; He it is who made for you the night, that ye might rest therein, and the day to see therein; verily, in that are signs unto a people who can hear, 6, 200; is the best of judges, 6, 204; there is no beast that walks,
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