Que to the
Vaisvanper, 34, 118.
34, 77-81, 124 sqq., 38, 416 sq.; 116; His essential nature is knowhas no special abode, but abides in ledge, 48, 128; Nârâyana, and other His own glory, 34,78; the sole topic names of the one G., 48, 133, 667; of all worldly songs and of Scrip- existence of G., how to be proved ture, 34, 80, 160; His nature is apart from Scripture, 48, 162-9, Mâyâ, He is the ruler of Mâyâ, 34,80, 497; dwells in the hearts of all 357 n., 370 sq., 48, 367; although creatures, 48, 356 sq.; the Ancient present everywhere, He is pleased who is difficult to be seen, 48, 361; when meditated upon as dwelling in Hara, the one G., 48, 364 ; is the the heart, 34, 114, 196; immortality enjoyer of all sacrifices, 48, 411 sq., and fearlessness ascribed to Him, 34, 627; good and evil works please or 125; the lordly power of the gods displease G., 48, 487; Gainas hold is based on Him, 34, 130; 'measured that there is no G., 48, 516; offerings by a span,' 34, 144, 150-3, 192, and pious works, all this He bears who 195 sq.; the perception of G. in the is the nave of the Universe, He is Agni gastric fire, 34, 147, 149; has the and Vayu, He is Sun and Moon, 48, heaven for His head, &c., andis based 627; called That which is,' 48, on the earth, 34, 148: forms the 658 sq.; purity of mind and heart, head, &c., and is based on the chin due to the grace of G., leads to knowof the devout worshipper, 34, 148; ledge, 48, 710; knowledge of G. worshipped as Vaisvānara, 34, 149 propitiates G., and thus destroys the sq.; is greater than ether, 34, 177; displeasure of G. due to previous is a limitary support, 34, 181 sq.;
sins, 48, 723; the continuance of there is only one highest Lord ever in the body's life due to G.'s pleasure changing, whose substance is cognition, or displeasure caused by good or and who, by means of Nescience, mani- evil deeds, 48, 725; the released fests Himself in various ways, just as soul experiences different worlds a thaumaturg appears in different created by G. engaged in playful shapes by means of his magical power, sport, 48.764 : we know from Scrip34, 190; is the absolute ruler of the
ture that there is a Supreme Person past and the future, 34, 196; His whose nature is absolute bliss and goodposition analogous to that of Par- ness; who is fundamentally antagonganya, 34, 358; His essential good- istic to all evil; who is the cause of ness affirmed by Sruti and Smriti, 34, the origination, sustentation, and disso. 358; the Lord Pasupati, Siva, 34, lution of the world; who differs in 435; Scripture the production of nature from all other beings, who is all the omniscient G. and the omnis
knowing, who by His mere thought and cience of G. based on Scripture, 34,
will accomplishes all His purposes; who
is an ocean of kindness as it were for all 437; soul, gods, and G., 36, xxii sq.;
who depend on lin; who is all-mercimeant by the term 'he who renders
ful; who is immeasurably raised above tripartite,' 38, 97; is everlastingly
lastingly all possibility of any one being equal or free from Nescience, 38, 149; is free superior to Him; whose name is the from all qualities, 38, 340; there is hichest Brahman, 48, 770. See also also a form of G. not abiding in Brahman, Creator, Great One, Is, effected things, 38, 417 sq.; is all- Isvara, Ka, Krishna, Nârâyana, Perknowing, 42, 88, 389; 48, 444, 523; son (Purusha), Pragâpati, and Self Breath is the one G., 44, 117; there (highest). must be no questioning beyond the codane Godánakarman se Hair deity, 44, 117, 117 n.; understood
Godâsa, founder of the G. Gana, 22, by Person (Purusha), or Highest Self,
288. or Brahman, 48, 4, &c., 352; intelli. gence pure, free from stain, ree from Goddesses: the powers of the grief, free from all contact with desire represented by their wives, 1, 151n.: and other affections, everlastingly one is Hsüan Kiang appears like a goddess, the highest Lord-Vasudeva apart from 3,436, 436 n.; fame, fortune, speech, whom nothing exists, 48, 23; specific &c., 8, 90; offerings to the wives of power of the knowledge of G., 48, the gods, 12, 75 sq., 75 n., 256 n.,
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