not be employed for any other sand cours, 25, 110: a hermit not purposes, 7, 192; the householder's to receive g., 25, 200; once only duty of making g., 7, 192-4, 215-17, does a man say, 'I will give,' 25, 8, 358 sq.; 14, 237, 262; 25, 92, 335; 33, 171; offered to the Dik164 sq.; the merit of different kinds shita, 26, 45; for the dead, 27, of pious g., and their corresponding 34; 28, 140 sq., 144-7, 156 sq., 164, rewards, 7, 263-76; 25, 165-7, 194 sq.; about g. of introduction, 165 n., 229 sq.; certain times 27, 119; g. of condolence, mournauspicious for certain kinds of g., ing g., 27, 134, 136 sq., 154 sq., 7, 263, 265-70; the skin of a black 155 n., 183, 356; 28, 69 sq.; interantelope, adorned and covered with change of g. between ruler and all sorts of jewels, given to a Brâh- ministers, 28, 21-3, 69 sq.; given mana, 7, 263 sq.; fit and unfit to Brâhmanas at a wedding, 29, persons to receive g., 7, 274-6; 10 38 sq.; made at the end of cere(ii), 80-4; 14, 38 sq.; 24, 53, 82, monies, 29, 57; distribution of g. 291 sq.; 25, 59, 107, 158 sq., to be avoided for some days after 430 sq. and 1., 444, 444 n.; pro- the funeral, 29, 244 sq.; what is tection is more meritorious than given away at a Sraddha brings any g., 7, 271; fruit of g. obtained prosperity, 29, 254; prayers recited by devotion, 8, 81; good and bad when receiving &., 29, 367 sq.; one kinds of g., 8, 120 sq., 242, 324 sq., about to give alms must not be 330; g. made without respect to arrested, 33, 19; deeds of g., 33. fruit, a means of sanctification, 8, 305 sq.; great meritoriousness of 121 sq.; g. made at ceremonies, g. of land, 33, 306; inalienable 8., 8, 169; sacrifice, 8., and other pious 33, 314; duty of king to bestow g. works end in destruction, 8, 355; on Brâhmanas, 33, 347 ; invalid giving and accepting of g. the duty g., 33, 354 ; Buddhas do neither of Brâhmanas, 8, 359; 25, 24, accept nor refuse 8., 35, 145; to be 158 sq., 419, 426; some Brâhmanas given to the Order rather than to are for meditation, others for sacri- the Buddha, 36, 51-5; a Samana fice, others for g., 8, 376; the gift purifies g. made to him, 36, 82-4; of the law exceeds all g., 10 (i), 83, why do Bhikkhus trouble about g.? 83 n.; meritoriousness of g., 10 (i), 36, 92-6; the meritoriousness of g. 84; 11, 20, 20 sq. n.; 17, 223 sqq.; illustrated by the story of Vessan36, 31-8, 145-8, 150, 155; made to tara, 36, 114-32; ten g. that are Bhikkhus and to the church of the disapproved. 56, 120 sq., a Bhikkhu Buddha, 11,-27, 33; 35, 134 sq.; the should always share g. he has remeritoriousness of g. to Buddha, 11, ceived with others, 36, 292; law 80,84; 35, 242-6; 36, 24, 31-8; 49 about righteous g., 37, 68, 106 sq., (ii), 119, 123, 136, 139, 141, 143; 441; g. of the righteous, 37, 72; g. perpetual grant made by Sudassana, to righteous teachers, 37, 95 sq.; 11, 263 sq.; at sacrifices and funeral damaged g., 37, 137; the soul deoblations g. must be given to learned sires giving of g., 37, 193; righteous g. Brâhmanas only, 14, 17 sq.; rules at the season-festivals, 37, 483; sacri. about g. of robes to Bhikkhus or the fices, g. and austerities are purifySamgha, 17, 194 sq., 219-25, 251-5; ing, 48, 700. See also Charity, to the priests and the poor, 18, 150 Priests (fees), Teacher (fees). sq., 150 n., 154 sq.; made at the birth Gigghakûta, Vulture's Peak,' n. of of a prince, 19, 19 sq.; wishing g., a mountain, 10 (ii), 80. for which the donor expects a par- Gihin, Pali t.t. = Gahattha, houseticular result in a future birth, 20, holder, 10 (ii), x. 9, 9 n.; the great merit of giving Gihvâvat Vâdhyoga, n, of a teacher, Vihâras to the Samgha, 20, 160; 36, 15, 226. 3; resumption of g., a title of the Gim, see Yima. law, 25, ciii, 253, 282-4, 292, 292 n.; Gina, title used by Buddhists and 33, xiii, 128-30, 341-3; of a thou. Gainas, 22, xix sq.; title of Ma
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