81 n., 146 n., 291, 306, 310, 341, Gaupavana, n. of a teacher, 15, 342 n., 344, 344 1., 349 ; Vessan- 118, 185 sq. tara G., 35, 170-8; 36,114-32; the Gaupâyanas or Laupâyanas, authors Sivi G., 35, 179-85; talking trees of Vedic hymns, 46, 415. in the G., 35, 241; in which Deva- Gâuri, n.p., 23, 215. datta occurs as the Bodisat's enemy, Gaurî, wife of Balakôshtha, 45, 50 n. 35, 283-93 and notes, 303 sq. Gauraviti Sâktya quoted, 44, 250. See also Tales.
Gautama, father of Svetaketu, 1, Gâtavedas, see Agni (d).
77-9; 15, 205-8; Auddâlaka (UdGâthas of the Zend-Avesta are post- dâlaka) Aruni, addressed as G, 1,
Alexandrian, 4, lxv sq.; Philo, and 88, 271, 273; 44, 52 sq., 79; asked the writers of the G., 4, lvi sq.; Brahman about final emancipation, invoked and worshipped, 4, 222, 8, 314; one of the seven Rishis, 222 n.; 31, 293-5, 329 sq., 336 sq., 15, 106; n. of teachers, 15, 118, 339 sq., 356 sq., 356 n., 373, 382; 118 n., 119, 186, 186 n., 187; Rishi quoted, 5, 167 sq. and note, 350; G. seduced by an Apsaras, 19, 39; not to be recited over the dead, 5, 49 (i), 39; Indra in love with the 318; mystic signification of the G., wife of the Rishi G., 19, 43; 26, 5, 352-69; difficulties and methods 81n.; 49 (i), 44; an appellation of of interpretation, 31, x-xv, xvii sq., disrespect in addressing Buddha, xxxvii-xlvi; their antiquity, 31, xxv 19, 172 sq., 173 n.; Tîrthakaras of sq.; relative age of the G., 31, the G. gotra, 22, 218; Sthaviras of xxvi sq., 91 sq.; their importance, the G. gotra, 22, 286 sqq., 289, 293 31, I sq.; translated, 31, 3-194; sqq.; Indra calls himself G., 26, 82, mentioned in the Haoma and Srôsh 82 n.; satiated at the Tarpana, 29, Yasts, 31, 243 sq., 243 n., 299, 220 ; 30, 244; Kêsi and G., ieaders 299 n.; duty of knowing the G., of the two branches of the Gaina 37, 73 sq.; purport of the G., 37, church, 45, xxii. See also Gotama, 169 sq.; unforgetfulness and power Hâridrumata, Indrabhûti, Nodhas, of the spirit of the G., 37, 178 sq.; Sudharman, and Uddâlaka. work of Allharmazd in the Gâthic Gautama, son of Utathya, quoted lore, 37, 342 sq.
in Manu-smriti, 25, xxvi sq., 78. Gâthâs (songs, strophes), good and Gautama-Dharma-sûtra is the bad, 10 (i), 31; singing G. at the manual of a G.-Karana of the SamaSîmantonnayana rite, 29, 48 sq.; veda, 2, xlix-liii; 14, xiii; 25, 613; quoted, 44, 98, IOI, 326 sq., 396, its priority to the other Dharma401.
sâtras, 2, liii-Ix; its language, 2, Gâthin: Indra becomes Kusika's son lix; its date, 2, 1x sq.; its text and G., 26, 82 n.; G. Kausika, author of commentary 2, lxii; translated, 2, Vedic hymns, 46, 279, 281, 283, 174-310; G. and Vishnu-smriti, 7,
285. See also Kausika, and Kusika. xx; quoted, 8, 208, 213 n., 218 n., Gâthina, see Visvamitra G.
225 n., 236 n., 353 n., 354 n., 359 n., Gatilas, see Ascetics (c).
362 n., 363 n., 365 n.; 14, xvii, xxi, Gâtismara, see Simhagiri G.
xxxiv, xl, 30, 147, 236; 25, xxvii, Gatukannin, n. of a Brâhmana, 10 XXX; 30, 97; 33, 376; 48, 590; (ii), 187, 204, 210.
quotes Manu, 25, xxxiv sq. Gatukannimânavapukkhâ, t. 10 Gautami, worshipped at the Tar(ii), 204 sq.
pana, 29, 123. Gâtukarnya, n.of a teacher, 1,267; Gautami, a name of Gotama Bud15, 118 n., 119, 186 n., 187.
dha's wife, 49 (i), 82, 86. Gâtûkarnya, worshipped at the Tar- Gautami, Pragâpatî, aunt of the pana, 29, 123; 30, 244.
Buddha, 19, 23, 64, 84-6; 21, xxx, Gauda pâda-Kârikâ, quoted, 34, 256 sq.; restored to sight by Bud
xcix, cxxvii; 38, 424; 48, 775. dha, 49 (i), 197; becomes a Buddhist Gaudas, the art of, an occult science, nun, 49 (i), 199 sq. 45, 366.
Gautamîputra, n.p., 15, 224 n., 225.
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