ciples do as Mahâvîra did, 22, 296: Ganasruti Pautrayana, the pious Garga was a Sthavira and G., 45, giver, called a Sûdra by Raikva, 1, 149, 149 n.
55-8; 34, 223-7; 38, 305 sq.; 48, Ganaka, king of Videha, and Yagña- 338-42.
valkya, 1, Ixxiv sq., 300; 8, 304 n.; Gandamba tree, 36, 247. 12, xxxi, xlii sq.; 15, 152–77, 161n.; Gandarep(ô), see Gandarewa. 44, 46, 112-15; by action alone did Gandarewa (Gandarep), the goldenG. work perfection, 8, 54; turned heeled, slain by Keresâsp, 18, 370 the wheel,' 8, 205; Dharma ap- sq., 374-6, 381; 23, 63, 63 1., 295 ; pears before G. disguised as a Brâh- 24, 63; 37, 198, 198 n.; 47, 12; mana, 8, 224; wants to banish a born from Yim with a witch, 18, Brahmana from his dominions,' 419; Parshanta, son of G., 23, 217; but finds that he must call all or lives beneath the waters, is the son nothing his own, 8, 303-6, 304 sq. of Ahura, 23, 255 sq., 256 n.; 24, 63. n.; father of Sita, wife of Râma, 12, Gandha, a Yaksha, who worships xliii ; G. and Aupagandhani, 14, Buddha, 49 (i), 170. 229, 229 n.; a wise and liberal king, Gandhabbas, see Gandharvas. 15, 100, 1oo n.; patron of learned Gandhahastin, n. of a Bodhisattva, Brâhmanas, 15, 121; on the know- 49 (ii), 9o. ledge of the Gayatri, 15, 199; with- Gandhaprabhâsa, n. of a Tathaout a teacher acquired power of gata, 49 (ii), 100. abstraction, 19, 11; reached final Gandhâra(a), n, of a country and bliss, 19, 139; 49 (i), 95, 130 ; Su- people, 1, 105 sq., 105 n.; 11, 135; labhâ entered into his body to carry a king of G., converted by Buddha, on discussion with him, 38, 237; 19, 242. the Mitravindâ sacrifice went away Gândhâras, the art of, an occult to G., 44, 66; became a Brahman, science, 45, 366, 44, 115; performed many sacrifices Gandhâris, takman (fever) delivered with numerous gifts to the priests, over to the G., 42, 2, 446. 44, 115; 48, 688; instructed the Gandharva (sing.): the G. Visvatwice-born in the rules of Yoga, 49 vasu, 12, go, go n.; 26, 52; 43, (i), 9.
xiv; women belong to him, 14, Ganaki Aya hûna, pupil of Kúla 133; 33, 171 n.; gave women their
Bhâgavitti, 15, 214; teaches the melodious voice, 14, 233; the G. priest Saulvâyana, 44, 61.
Visvavasu presides over procreaGanâ Mainyô = Zanâ Mainyô = tion, 15, 220; 29, 45; AvalokiteAhriman, 4, 373.
svara assumes the shape of a G., 21, Ganamegaya, son of Parikshit, Ma- 411; Vena, a G. representing the hâbhârata related to him, 8, 229; rainbow, 26, 281 n.; worshipped Tura Kâvasheya, his high priest, 12, and invoked at the wedding, 29, 32, xxxii; they pour out cups full of 289; 30, 84; Soma gave the bride fiery liquor in the palace of G., 44, to G., 29, 278 sq.; 30, 44, 190; 95; Indrota performed the horse- 42, 254, 323; Agni is the G., his sacrifice for him, 44, 396.
Apsaras are the herbs, 30, 146 1. ; Gânanti, satiated at the Tarpana, the concord of which the G, is pos29, 220.
sessed, 30, 199; colloquy of the G. Ganârdana, n. of Krishna or Vishnu, possessing a woman, and Yâgha7, 5; 8, +1 sq., 52, 88, 99, 233, 393. valkya, 15, 127, 132; 34, cv, 219; See Vishnu.
the heavenly, thought-cleansing G., Ganas (troops of gods), the Maruts 41, 5; the heavenly G. is yonder the princes among, 8, 346; are sun, 11, 195; a plant for promoting liable to destruction, 15, 289.
virility dug up by the G. for Varuna, Ganas and Ganadharas of Gainas, 42, 31, 370.
22, 273 sq., 278, 284, 286 sq. Gandharvas (plur.): gods, G., or Gana Sarkarâkshya, n.p.,1, 84,87; Manes do not teach what is virtue 43, 393, 396.
and what is sin, 2, 72; created,
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