carries off all women, and is killed Buddhism, 22, xviii-xxxV; refutaby the king, 45, 383 n.; a true monk tion of its doctrines, 34, li, 428-34; is always alone, even when preaching recent literature on it, 45, xiii sq.; in a crowd of thousands, 45, 410; the Saptabhangînaya as a weapon called Kumâraputras, 45, 421; against Agnosticism, 45, xxvii sq.; should not eat with householders, the six Lêsyâs (subtile bodies), and 45, 428. Sce also Preaching, and Gosâla's division of mankind into Women (d).
six classes, 45, xxx, 56 n.; marks of Gaina monks and nuns, rules for its antiquity, 45, xxxiii sq., xxxvi sq.; them about the begging of food, its relation to Vedanta, Sânkhya, clothes, &c., 22, 88-119, 157-70, and Vaiseshika, 45, xxxiii-xxxviii; 297-303; how they should rub the Samitis, and Guptis, and Santhemselves clean, 22, 100; rules varas, 45, 50, 52, 55, 55 n., 73 sq., about lodging-places, 22, 120-35, 73 n., 98, 104 sq., 105 n., 107, 129171-7, 309 sq.; rules for them about 36, 174, 200, 248, 325, 355 1., 377; wandering from village to village, doctrines expounded and illustrated 22, 136-48 ; how they should behave by parables, 45, 123-9; the vows on board of a boat, 22, 139-42; called yamas, 45, 136, 136 n.; its modes of speech enjoined for them, fundamental principles expounded, 22, 149-56; regulations as to their 45, 152-7; Samitis, Guptis, and taking possession of anything, 22, religious exercise generally produce 171-7; rules for them when going faith, 45, 156; list of articles of G. to perform religious postures or faith following the number of their choosing a place for study, 22, 178, subdivisions, 45, 180-4; its true 80; rules for them about easing Kriyâvâda doctrine, 45, 318 sq., nature, 22, 180-3, 308; they should 319 n.; the syâdvâda argumentation, not go to hear music or to witness 45, 327, 327 n., 405 sq. n.; lay any entertainment, 22, 183-6 ; devotees well grounded in the should neither be pleased with nor knowledge of the Asravas, Sanivara, prohibit householders who rub or realization and annihilation of wipe the mendicant's feet or do Karman, bondage and final liberaanything for the sake of their tion, 45, 382 ; what a Gaina should health, 22, 186–8; rules for them to maintain and what he should not be followed during the Paggusan, maintain, if he is to avoid error in 22, 296-311; rules for then in sick points of doctrine, 45, 405-9; docness, 22, 297 sq., 306 sq.; rules trines which a monk should teach, about eating, 22, 297-303; rules 45, 410. See also Morality (6), and about clothes, 22, 302; how the Philosophy. monks and nuns should wear their Gainas, their chronology, and the hair, 22, 308.
death of Buddha, 10 (i), xli sq.; the Gaina nuns, thirty-six thousand, two sects of the G., Svetambaras with Kandanâ at their head, 22, and Digambaras, 10 (i), 39 n. ; 45, 267; Queen Kamalâvatî determines xxi sq., xxxii n., 119 n.; their relato become a nun, 45, 67; cut off tion to the Agîvikas (Akelakas), 13, their hair, 45, 116, 116 n.; women 90 sq.; 45, xxix-xxxii; trustworthipretend to become nuns or lay- ness of their traditions, 22, xxxydisciples in order to tempt monks, xlvii; seven sects of the Svetâmbaras, 45, 274.
22, xxxvi; Digambaras stigmatized Gaina religion (Gaina doctrines, as heretics by the Svetâmbaras, 22, Gainism), relation of Anugîtâ to it, xxxvi ; their crude system of 8, 224 sq.; doctrines taken from astronomy, 22, xl ; the Angas Brahmanisin, 8, 225; political collected by the Sangha of Pâtalireasons for its success, 22, xiii sg.; putra formed the canon of the information about it collected from Svetâmbaras only, 22, xliii ; the Buddhist writings, 22, xvi sq.; 45, three vows of the G., 22, 63 n.; XV-xxiii; its origin independent of believe in the co-existence of con
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