GABÂLÂ-GAINA MONKS Gabâlâ, mother of Satyakâma, 1, kills the holy bull, 4, 231, 231 n.; 60.
the evil done by G., the demon, 4, Gabâlas, how they speak of the 234; 23, 226; makes one pine, 23, highest Lord, 34, 152 sq., 38, 338; 44-7. See also Gaîni. their text on the fourth stage of Gâhs, the five periods of the day, life, 38, 295, 297, 302 sq.
5, 13 sq. and n., 94, 94 n., 127 Gâbâla-upanishad, quoted, 38, n., 297 sq. n., 371, 371 n.; ex423; 48, 696; see Gâbâlas.
planation of the G., as places in Gâbâlâyana, n. of a teacher, heaven, 24, 263, 263 n.; prayers 186.
recited at the G., translated, 31, Gabriel, the archangel, 6, Ixix; 377-88. people of Antioch destroyed by a Gaigîshavya, a Rishi, obtained deshout from G., 6, cv ; 9, 164, 164 n.; liverance, 19, 139; 49 (i), 130. 'the Holy Spirit,' the instrument Gaimini maintains that work is inof the revelation, 6, cxiv n., 261; dispensable to knowledge, 1, 315; 9, 10 n., 32 n., 98, 210, 308 n.; Mo- worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, hammed's vision of G. on Mount 122, 149, 220 ; quoted by Nárada, Hira, 6, cxv; 9, 322; revealed the 33, 265; the author of the PûrvaQur'ân, 6, 13, 13 n.; causes Pharaoh Mimâmsa-sútras, quoted in the Veto be a sign to the Israelites, 6, dânta-sûtras, 34, xi, xix, lxv, Ixxxii203 n., warns Joseph, 6, 221 n.; Ixxxiv, xc sq., 149-52,216 sq., 272-4; taught Mohammed, 9, 251 n.; backs 38, 180-2, 285-8, 295-7, 317 sq., him up who repents, 9, 291; an- 360, 392-402, 408 sq., 412; 48, 292, nounces the birth of Jesus from the 294, 335, 382 sq., 626, 705 sq., 750, Holy Spirit, 24, 229 sq.
752, 759 sq., 763; the SârîrakaGada, and Nadi, brothers of Kâsyapa, doctrine connected with G.'s doc
converted by Buddha, 19, 185-7. trine, 48, 5; his views opposed to Gadgadasvara: visit of the remark- Bâdarayana's, 48, 686 sq., 694. able Bodhisattva G. to the Saha- Gaimini-Grihyasûtra quoted, 2, world, 21, xxxi, 393-405; pays 190 n. homage to a Buddha by making Gaimini - pûrvamîmâmsâ - sûtra, music, 21, 399 sq.; can assume any its subject is dharma, 34, 26; quoted, shape whatever in order to preach 38,423 sq.; 48,778. See also Púrvathe Lotus of the True Law just as Mîmânisa-sútra. wanted, 21, 400-3.
Gaina church, its extent at the Gâdhi, Visvâmitra, son of, 25, 222, time of Mahâvîra's death, 22, 267 222 n.
sq.; dates relating to its history, Gadhwithw, n. of a demon, 5, 132, 22, 270; councils and their dates, Gadûg, a term used for evil beings, 22, 270 n.; its extent under the 24, 128, 128 n.
Gina Pârsva, 22, 274; its extent Gaêvani, son of Vohu-nemah, 23, under Arishtanemi, 22, 278; its 213.
extent in the period of the Arhat Gagasa, i.e. Hastinapura, the capital Rishabha, 22, 284; called the Gotra of the Pandavas, 8, 394, 394 n.
where the Vow of Silence is prac. Gagatî, see Metres.
tised,' 45, 321. Gagga, a mad Bhikkhu, 13, 279; 20, Gaina monks (Nirgrantha Srama18 sqq.
nas, Nigantha Samanas), must walk Gaghrudh, the holy maid, 23, 225. carefully so as not to kill living Gâgrivi, the sage Vigilant, a deity or beings, 8, 364 1.; their conduct a Rishi, 42, 54, 60, 571.
contrasted with that of Buddha, 17, Gâhânbârs, see Festivals.
108-17, 125; G. m. or Nirgranthas, Gahapati, see Grihapati.
21, 263; follow the precepts of the Gahattha, Pali, t. t., Sk. Grihastha, Arhat (Gina), 21, 265, 265 n.; the a householder, 10 (ii), s.
ideal of the good monk who has Gahi : the courtesan an incarnation given up all attachments, 22, 44, of the demon G., 4, 205, 205 n.; 55-8, 60 sq., 66 sq., 211-13; 45,
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