318 sq., 377-81; rules of conduct monk, 45, 46-9; the superiority for them, 22, 47-9; 45, 31-5, 69- of G. m. to Brâhınanas demon73, 109-11, 123, 129-36, 203-6, strated, 45, 50-6; you may as well 246-8, 296 sq., 306-15, 333 sq., dig rocks with your nails, or eat iron 351-5, 364 sq., 404 sq., 411; how with your teeth, or kick fire with your they should behave towards women, feet, as treat contemptuously a monk... 22, 48; 45, 271-8; their nakedness, for in his wrath he might reduce the 22, 56, 57 n., 68, 69, 73, 79, 259
world to ashes, 45, 53 sq.; the 'sacsq.; 45, xxii, 9, 11, 13, 22, 106,
rifice' of a monk described, 45, 55 296, 304, 380; how they should sq.; should abstain from practising behave towards heretics and faith
medical art, 45, 71; ten conditions less householders, 22, 62-5; their
for the realization of celibacy, 45, dwelling-places, 22, 64, 82; 45, 12;
73-7; what they should avoid, 45,
73-7; rules with regard to their clothing
77-80, 301-6; G. m. might by the and outfit, 22, 67 sq., 67 n., 69, 71,
power of his wrath reduce millions 73, 79; it is better for a monk to of men to ashes, 45, 81; their duties commit suicide than breaking the and vows, 45, 91 sq., 106; pluck vow, 22, 68 sq., 70, 70 n.; rules for
out their hair, 45, 92, 115, 262; G. m, in sickness, 22, 69 sq., 71 sq.;
imitate the life of wild animals, get45, 266-8; rules about eating for
ting food anywhere and not caring G. m., 22, 71, 204; 45, 5 sq., 75 sq.,
about medicine in sickness, 45, 97 79 sq., 91, 185 sq., 204 sq., 243 sq.,
sq.; by becoming a true monk, one 246 sq., 255, 258, 296, 303 sq.,
becomes a protector of one's self 306 sqq., 312, 353 sq., 379, 416;
and of others, 45, 100-7; their use suicide by starvation recommended
of clothes according to Pârsva and to them, 22, 72 sq.; rules for G. m.
Mahavira, 45, xxx, 121, 123; rules following the model life of Maha
for easing nature, 45, 134 sq.; reguvîra, 22, 79-87; grades of G. m.:
lations for the every day life of teacher, sub-teacher, &c., 22, 113;
monks during every part of the abstain from bathing, 22, 124; 45,
day and night, 45, 142-9; by six 295 sq.; the vow of a monk : I shall
kinds of abstinence they destroy become a Sramana who owns no house,
Karman, 45, 174; different kinds of no property, no sons, no cattle, who eat's collecting alms, 45, 177 sq. and n.; what others give him; I shall commit duties of upâsakas and bhikshus, 45, no sinful action; Master, I renounce 182; should not mix with heretics, to accept anything that has not been 45, 246; the holy life of a monk given, 22, 171; the five great vows the only road to destruction of Karof G. m., 22, 202-10; 45, 89; regu- man, 45, 249-61; relations try to lation of their possessions, 22, 205-7; tempt the monk back to household are spiritual descendants of Sudhar- life, 45, 252, 263 sq.; troubles, man, 22, 287; disciplinary rules for temptations, and difficulties with G. m., especially pupils, 45, 1-8; which a monk has to battle, 45, rules about begging food, for G. m., 261-71; some are unable to pre45, 5 sq., 13, 25 sqq., 34, 71 sq., serve chastity, 45, 262; how they 131-4 and n., 146 sq., 205; twenty- should exert themselves for the two troubles (parîsaha) which they annihilation of Karman and for must know and vanquish, 45, 8-15; liberation, 45, 298-301; the conoutward tokens will not save a sin- ceited monk will not obtain liberaful monk, 45, 22 sq., 25 sq., 104-6, tion, but only the monk who is 123; should not live by fortune- free from all pride, 45, 320-3; telling, &c., 45, 34, 70 sq., 70 11., duties of teachers and pupils, 15, 80; Nami contrasts the happiness 324-8; Sramanas who are materialof m. who have retired from the ists, 45, 341 sq.; meditations on world, with the anxieties of house- life and the true law which lead hold life, 45, 37-40; on the virtues men to turn monks, 45, 347-51; and superiority of a very learned story of a monk who, by magic arts,
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