not built, a f., 44, 439 sq.; Agnikit or builder of a f., 44, 516; Mantras for the construction of the f., 46, 285 sq. See also Agni (0), and Altar. Fire-bodies, see Fire (a). Fire-places, in India and Ceylon, 36, 86 sq. n. Fire-priest, see Priests (a, e). Fire-temple (abode of the sacred fires), ceremonial worship in it, 5, 310, 310 n.; 18, 162, 162 n., 173, 242, 242 n.; 24, 28; 37, 119; three times every day the archangels form an assembly in the f., 5, 393; ceremony for the living soul celebrated in it, 18, 242. Fire-worshippers, hold the doctrine of deeds having their reward, 13, 190 sq.
Firmament, see Sky. Fish: the Kara f., chief of the creatures living in water, 4, 223, 224 1.; sexual intercourse of f., 5, 61; the Kar f. protects the Hôm, 5, 65 sq.; 24, 111, 111 n.; the f. Vâs of Pankâsadvarân, 5, 66; the ox-f. exists in all seas, 5, 71; Makara, chief among f., 8, 90, 90 n.; eating the flesh of f., a kind of penance, 10 (ii), 41; Buddha allows the Bhikkhus to eat f., 20, 252 sq.; mighty f. hundreds of leagues long, 20, 302; 35, 130, 186; 36, 90; the eyesight of the Kara f., 23, 239, 266; stories of the island-whale, 23, 295, 295 n.; f. offerings, 28, 78, 78 n.; the f. of fifty fins, and the sacred beast that stands in Vourukasha, worshipped, 31, 291; the fabulous f. Khwan, 39, 164 sq., 167. Fishing, regulations for, 27, 260,
263 sq., 264 n., 277, 307. Five-people (pañka ganâh), rest in the Self, 15, 178, 178 n.; what is meant by them, 34, xl, 257-63; beyond the f., i.e. far away, 42, 92; the fivefold dwellings of the f., 46,
Flamingoes (Hamsas), see Birds (b). Flesh, see Animals (e). Flood: expiatory oblation to the F., if the Soma meets with any mishap at the purifying bath concluding the Soma-sacrifice, 44, 211; Wind worshipped under the name of F., 44, 479. See also Deluge.
Flowers, as offerings, 8, 85; celestial f. worn by Krishna, 8, 93; similes of f., 8, 285 sq., 313, 371; 10 (i), 16-19; rain of heavenly (Mandarava, Mangûshaka) f. in honour of Buddha, 11, 86 sq.; 20, 370, 370 n.; 21, 6, 9, 20, 24, 69, 156 sq., 162-71, 183 sq., 232, 234, 308, 313, 315, 378; the Bodhisattva smells heavenly f., 21, 345; vision of Mandâra f., 22, 233 sq.; rain of f. in Sukhâvati, 49 (ii), 95. See also Lotus.
Foetus, see Embryo. Folklore, see Fables, and Tales.
(a) F. in mythology and philosophy. (b) F. in law and ritual.
(c) Lawful and forbidden f.
F., the deity of the pratihâra hymns, for all beings live when they partake of f., 1, 20 sq.; produced from water, 1, 94; 43, 232; the word 'f.' (anna) denotes 'earth,' 1, 94 n.; 38, 23 sq.; 48, 536; see also Earth; is the root of the body, 1, 99, 99 sq. n.; depends on rain, 1, 117; 8, 54; meditation on f. as Brahman 1, 117; 15, 64-9, 194, 302 sq., 312-16; by means of f. he obtains everything, 1, 203 sq.; the creation of f., 1, 240 sq.; 41, 402; no one who does not eat, has strength to do holy works, 4, 31; all creatures produced by f., 8, 54; 15, 55, 64-9; three kinds of f. (according to the three Gunas), 8, 118; how f. is digested and bodies are formed in the womb, 8, 252; is the highest of all things to be swallowed, 8, 353; f. and breath identified, 12, 304; 15, 194; 38, 211, 213; milk the first f., and f. means progeny, 12, 385 sq., 388, 394; goddess of f., 14, 240; creatures depend on f., f. is life, hence gifts of f. must be made, 14, 245; everything rests on f., 15, 66 sq.; seven kinds of f. produced, 15, 91-3; f. and breath are the two gods, 15, 142; from f. are born all creatures that live on earth; afterwards they live on f., and in the end (when they die) they return to it, 15, 315; f. of the souls in heaven
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