P., 23, 20.50 Afrâsvalst, 47, amat
punished in hell, 5, 125 ; his struggle Fravâk, and Fravâkaîn, one of the with Mânûskîhar, 5, 135 sq. ; 24, 62, first seven pairs of men, 5, 58 sq. ; 62 n.; his evil reign, 5, 213, 228; Hôshyang, son of F., 5, 131; 47, offered to Anâhita in his cave under 35; son of Sîyâ(k)mak, 5, 132; 47, the earth, 23, 64 sq., 64 n.; killed 128, 128 n., 140 ; great-grandson of by Husravah or Khûsrôî, 23, 114 sq., Gâyômard, 18, 89, 89 n. 278, 304, 307, 307 n. ; 24, 64, 64 n.; Fravâkaîn, one of the first women, 47, 14, 116; tries in vain to seize 5, 58. the priestly glory of the Aryans, 23, Fravarâne, see Zoroastrianism. 300-2, 305; created immortal by Fravardin, the cockscomb, the Aharman, 24, 35, 35 n.; his exploits, flower of, 5, 104; invoked, 5, 403, 24, 61; bound by Haoina, 31, 246; 405. See also Fravashis. defeated by Allzôbô, 47, II, II Sq. Fravashis (prototypes, guardian n. ; sought the glory of Zaratûst, 47, angels): F. of Ahura-Mazda and
33 sq., 33 n. See also Afrâsyâb. other gods, 4, 213; 23, 199 sq.; Frânya, n.p., 23, 204.
31, 273, 278; the mighty F. of the Fraora-ostra, n.p., 23, 217.
righteous invoked and worshipped, Frârâzi, son of Túra, 23, 217. 4, 221, 245; 5, 313, 313 n., 392; Frashâîtar, n.p., 5, 145 sq., 146 n. 18, 167, 173, 240 sq., 357 ; 23, 6, Fras-hãmvareta, 1.p., 23, 206, 10, 13 sq., 17, 20, 33 n., 36, 38, 206 n.
179-230, 321, 350-3 ; 31, 278 sq. ; Frashaostra (Frashộstar), son of the Fravashi of Thraệtaona worHvôva, father-in-law of Zarathustra, shipped, 4, 246; 31, 389 sq.; the 23, 207 sq., 207 n.; 37, 397; Zara- Fravashi of the holy Yima, 4, 262; thustra preached to him, 23, 331; of the holy men of Turanian nations, 31, 133, 142 sq.; Zarathustra prays 4, 266; sacrifice to the souls and for him, 31, 15, 22; Gâmâspa and F., 4, 349; 31, 309, 331; come to F., the two leaders, 31, 76, 76 n.; meet and bring aliments, &c., to the 37, 130, 130 n.; a protector of the departed soul, 4, 373 sq.; their Zarathustrian Faith, 31, 161, 165 creation, 5, 5 n.; 18, 89; 47, xxviii, sq., 250; presented a blest form, 31, xli; engaged in the defeat of fiends, 185; offers propitiation to Ahura. 18, 104; not rendered wicked by Mazda, 31, 190 sq.; questions Zara- the sin of the soul, 18, 104, 104 n.; thustra as to the rites, 31, 327; angels, souls, and F. attend to the priests come to F. for religious wishes of the creator, 18, 120; inquiry, 37, 219, 219 n., 413, 413 n.; pleased by ceremonial, 18, 159 sq. ; 47, 80 sq. and n., 165 n.; disciple of 37, 174, 184; are free from disZoroaster, 37, 230; praise of F., 37, turbance through the glory of the 236, 290, 297, 299; joyfulness in creator, 18, 261, 261 sq. n.; heaven righteousness taught to F., 37, 374; their seat, 18, 275; Keresâspa's utterance of F., 37, 406; his death, body watched over by 99,999 F., 47, xxx, 165, 165 n.; converted, 47, 18, 369; the soul and Fravashi of I 25.
the bull, 23, 16; come for help Frashậvakhsha, n.p., 23, 210. and joy, 23, 26; the Frayashi of Frashôkareta, n.p., 23, 206.
Zarathustra worshipped, 23, 93; Frashộstar, see Frashaostra.
31, 208, 212, 218, 222 sq., 227, 244, Frâsîyâv, see Frangrasyan.
252 sq., 255, 273, 275, 278, 324, Frasp-i Kûr, n.p., 5, 135.
327, 351, 358, 380; 47, 4 sq., 16, Frasrûtâra, n.p., 23, 216.
73, 139; give virtuous offspring to Frast, n.p., 5, 146.
the truthful, 23, 120; in the train Frâta, n.p., 23, 203.
of Mithra, 23, 136, 145; the FraFratîra, n.p., 23, 218.
vardin Yast dedicated to them, 23, Fraud, see Theft.
179-230; what they are, 23, 179; Frava, n.p., 23, 214.
of next-of-kin, 23, 180, 228, Fravâhar, Phl., ' guardian spirit 5, 230; different classes of F. wor
shipped, 23, 180, 184 sq., 230; 31,
Ixxiii, 14.
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