me the saint.
273; heln, 23,8%; watch'a, 23,
201, 212, 218, 227, 272 sq., 275, appear in the Gâthas, 31, 27, 32 n.; 279, 331, 351, 358, 373; assist Ahura. of the saints, and of women having Mazda in maintaining the world, 23, many sons worshipped, 31, 197, 204, 180-5, 187, 193 sq.; watch over 209, 215, 219, 224; of the saints procreation, 23, 183, 185, 187; 31, invoked and worshipped, 31, 199, 273; help in battle, 23, 184, 186, 205, 207, 210, 214-16, 220, 222, 91, 196 sq., 222 sq.; invoked in 225, 256, 259, 273, 275, 278 sq., 286, danger, 23, 185; their numbers, 23, 296, 311, 319, 327 sq., 345, 351 sq., 194-6; send water to their kindred, 358, 362, 374, 380, 382, 385 sq., 23, 196; souls and F. different, 23, 389; the F. of the Kine, and of the 197, 228, 230; 31, 279, 279 n., 294; holy Gaya Maretan, worshipped, of the first man, of Zarathustra, of 31, 252 ; have power over nature, his pupils, and his followers, wor- 31, 272 sq.; prayers for the apshipped, 23, 200-II; of holy men proach of the F., 31, 272 sq. ; inand heroes worshipped, 23, 211-24, voked in connexion with the waters, 226-8; assist Allharmazd against 31, 317 sq.; the Fravashi and soul Aharman, 5, 14, 14. 1. ; 23, 198 sq.; of Zaratûst, 37, 31; ceremony for of warriors and the righteous assist the F. for the sake of male offthe Sky against the Evil Spirit, 5, spring, 37, 110; claim ceremonial, 25; co-operators with Tîstar, 5, 26, not lamentation, 37, 193; the Fra169; 23, 92, 102, 102 n.; a myriad vashi of Khûsrôi, 37, 222 sq., 222 n.; F. of the righteous protect Sâm, 5, the Fravashi of Zarathustra placed 119; 24, 110; guard the seed of into his body by the archangels, 47, Zaratûst against the demons, 5, 144; 21-9; Zarathustra's Fravashi in the arrayed as warriors by Allharmazd, Hôm, 47, 136 sq., 139. See also 5, 167; diligence of F., 5, 170; use Ancestor worship (e), and Soul (c). of cakes at ceremonies for the F.,5, Frâyaodha, son of Karesna, 23, 315, 315 n.; meat-offerings to F., 5. 209. 336 sq., 337 n.; duty of celebrating Frâyat-ratha, n.p., 23, 210. the days of the F., 5, 352; 24, 100, Frâyazanta, n.p., 23, 212, 225. 100 n., 264, 298-300; 37, 17-19, Frazîstô, demon, opposes the de17 n., 422, 429, 441, 477; funeral parted soul, 24, 17. offerings to the F., 5, 383 sq.; 24, Frazûsak, n.p., 5, 134; 47, 34, 140. 351; justice, wisdom, and the de- Frédûn, Av. Thraêtaona, introsire of the Creator are in the spirit duced talismans, 4, 385; fettered which is the pure guardian angel, and smote Azi Dahâka, 4, 385; 5, 18, 12, 12 n.; soul, animating life, 119, 234, 397; 18, LTO, 110 n., 201; preserving guardian spirit, acquiring 37, 177, 214-18; 47, 10, 116, 163 1.; intellect, &c., 18, 17; ceremony of drove the negroes from Iran, 5, the F. on the fourth day after death, 87; genealogy of F. the Aspiyân, 18, 60; invoked against fiends, 23, descendant of Yim, 5, 132 sq., 223 sq.; of holy women worshipped, 132 n.; 37, 27-9, 27 n.; 47, 140; 23, 224-88; how they manifest exacted vengeance for Yim, 5, 133; themselves, 23, 322: angels and F. his descendants, 5, 133-5, 137, 145; are with the righteous soul, 24, 81, 24, 52 n.; 47, 10 sq. ; the glory of 81 n.; Haptôk-ring, with 99,999 F. settled on the root of a reed, 5, guardian spirits of the righteous 138; reigned five hundred years, keeps back the demons, 24, 91 sq.; 5, 150; primaeval sovereign, 18, 13, the stars are the F., created by 13 n.; 47, 121, 128; is full of Allharmazd, 24, 92; protect the healing, 18, 90; the Fravashi of F. Hôm, 24, 19; the Fravashi one of kept away fiends, 18, 104, 104 n.; the appliances of the soul, 24, 145; created immortal, misled by Aharevery object has a Fravashi as co- man, 24, 35, 35 n.; his exploits, 24, operator, 24, 156, 156 n.; the de- 61, 61 n.; neglected religion, 24, parted souls bring with them 9,999 102 ; his war with the Mâzendarân, F. of the righteous, 24, 274; do not 37, 216-18; Zoroaster descended
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