and in hell, 18, 66 sq. and n., 72; flict, 37, 40, 44, 67 ; proportion of 24, 21 sq., 21 n., 25; is threefold, f. for mankind and cattle, 37, 91 sq.; 26, 28; 43, 93, 10; 46, 141, 143; daily f. of men, women, children, means cattle, 26, 172; prayer to the and dogs, 37, 114; sin of deprival of Lord of F., 29, 54, 348; the support f., 37, 115 sq., 123, 130, 141; all f. of all beings, 36, 369; satisfies it must be consecrated, 37, 192 ; proportionate to the body, 41, 260, prayer for f., 37, 332; 41, 262 sq.; 330; the body linked to f. by means merit of providing f. for the good, of vital airs, 41, 270; 43, 139; 37, 333 sq.; kinds of f. given to mortar and pestle represent f., 41, sacrificer, 41, 36 f.; put on the 393-7; is taken from the front (of bricks used for building the firethe mouth) towards the back, 41, altar, 41, 155; 43, 9r; is served 402 ; is the resort of the waters, 41, from the right side, 43, 226; accepted 416; all f. is water, for one eats by from a Brahmana, not from a low moistening the f., 43, 35; 44, 443; person, 48,565. See also Abstinence, is seventeenfold, 43, 79 ; evil driven Eating, and Meals. away by means of f., 43, 87; a sick (C) LAWFUL AND FORBIDDEN F. man, when he gets better, asks for Renains of f. impure, 1, 18; 44, f., 43, 87; the essence of f. is 446; restrictions as to f., for the invisible, 43, 95; how f. benefits the Brahma kârin, 2, 8, 12 n., 12-16, body, 43, 135, 139; the arrows of 191; 8, 360 ; 14, 118 sq., 119 n. ; the terrestrial Rudras, 43, 165; rules about lawful and forbidden f., represented by sour curds, honey, 2, 59-71, 74 sq., 265-70, 274 ; 6, and ghee, 43, 184 sq. ; is variegated, 23 sq., 58, 94, 97, 106, 109-11, 43, 196 ; immortal and mortal parts 134 sq., 262 sq.; 7, 33, 39, 136, 187; of f., 43, 285; by means of the arms 8, 279; 10 (ii), 40 sq.; 14, 33 sq. f. is eaten, 43, 306; when enclosed and n, 44, 69-75, 104 sq., 115, 121, in the body, f. becomes the body 130 sq., 154, 171-3, 184 sq., 222, itselt, 43, 341; f. consumed by man 224, 237, 239, 250 sq., 263, 287, in this world, consumes him in the 298, 310, 313, 317, 319, 329; 25, other, 44, 260; f. of mankind in the Txviii sq., xciv, 161-4, 168, 170-7, future ages, 47, 112-14, 117.
441, 441 n., 443, 443 n., 497 ; 27, (6) F. IN LAW AND RITUAL.
462 sq. ; 33, 287; 38, 31 sq. ; Robbery permitted to sustain penances for eating impure or forlife, after having not eaten at the bidden f., 2, 85-7, 287 sq., 290, 295 ; time of six meals, 2, 273; the cere- 7, 153 sq., 162-9; 14, 131; 25, mony of 'honouring one's f.' before 460-3, 481 sq.; 29, 224; fit for a meal, 7, 220, 220 n.; f. given for sacrifices, 2, 138 sq., 296, 300 sq. reciting stanzas, rejected by Buddha, and n.; 14, 70; 25, 123-5; 30, 267; 10 (ii), 13; fast-day f., 12, 2, 5 sq.; but see also Sacrifices (b); f. to be 42, 534 ; f.of king must be hallowed avoided for a special vow, 2, 147; by Mantras and mixed with anti- forbidden f. must be avoided even dotes against poison, 25, 251; special in times of distress, 2, 213; of f. for penances, 25, 449, 452 sq., Sûdras, 2, 233; 14, 49; fit for 455, 459-61, 463-5, 470 sq., 474 sq., Srâddhas, 2, 256; 14, 54 sq.; for478 ; first f. of the child (annaprâ- bidden f. becomes pure by scattersana), 29, 50, 182, 183 sq., 299 sq. ; ing earth on it, 2, 292, 292 n.; 30, 216, 283; 37, 122 ; see also polluted by a menstruous woman, Child (6); used for ancestor-wor- 5, 279, 283, 340 sq. n.; not to be ship, 29, 251 sq.; a wife who always thrown away to the north at night, eats before her husband may be 5, 318; f. over which God's name divorced, 33, 184; moderation in f., has been pronounced, not to be a condition of moral conduct and a rejected, 6, 130; fruit and cattle holy life, 35, 4-7; three right views created by God, therefore lawful f., regarding f., 36, 252, 252 n.; giving 6, 133 sq.; reproval of those who no f., a mode of engaging in con- prohibit lawful f., 6, 199; honey
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