metrical Smritis (Dharmasastras), Dhrishtadyumna, p. of a hero, 8, 2, ix-xi and n. ; 25, xviii-xxiii, liii 39; not born in the ordinary way, sq.; their sources, 25, xi; the 38, 125, 126; 48, 595. works of ordinary mortals, 25, xi; Dhrishtaketu, n, of a warrior, 8, 37. their purpose, 25, xi sq.; their Dhritarashtra, n, of a king, inantiquity, 25, xix; Mânava-smriti formed about the battle of Kurulater than Dh., 25, xxvi; referred kshetra, 8, 3, 37-43; his sons, the to by Patañgali, 25, li sq.; quoted Kauravas, 8, 41-3, 95; Sanatsugâby Medhâtithi, 25, cxix, cxix n.; tîya, a dialogue between Sanat sugata relation between Srauta-sûtras, and Dh., 8, 135 sq., 149-94; his Grihya-sútras, and Dh., 30, xxix- character, 8, 141; Dh. Vaikitravîrya, Xxxv.
mentioned in the Kathaka, 12, xliii Dharmavyâdha, see Religious n.; his sacrificial horse seized by hunter.
Satânîka, 44, xxx, 401; head of the Dhartri, worshipped at the Tarpana, four Mahârâgas, 49 (i), 196 sq. ;30, 244.
n, of a god, 21, 4. Dharuna Angirasa, author of Dhriti, an ascetic, converted by Vedic hymns, 46, 400.
Buddha, 49 (i), 191. Dhâtri, the Creator, 15, xxiv; Manu Dhritiparipurna, the Bodhisattva, and Dh. perform the punarâdheya, will be the Buddha Padmavrisha12, 314 n., a name of the Self, 15, bhavikrâmin, 21, 67. 311; invoked and worshipped, 26, Dhritis, t.t., oblations for the safe 376; 29, 86, 207, 320, 344, 347; keeping of the horse at the Asva30, 151, 244; 41, 54n. ; 42, 20, 54, medha, 44, 285, 285 n., 364, 364 1. 126, 160, 389; has ordained pro- Dhruva, his brothers Bali and creation, 29, 45; invoked and wor- Vagrabâhu, 49 (i), 94. shipped at the Sîmantonnayana, 29, Dhruvasena, king of Anan dapura, 47 sq., 181; 30, 208; has shaven the 22, 270 n. head of Brihaspati and Indra, 29, DHul Kifl, was patient and entered 56, 56 n., 185; invoked at the mar- into the mercy of God, 9, 53, 53 n.; riage, 29, 278; invoked for concep- was of the righteous, 9, 180. tion, 30, 199; oblations to Dh. for DHu'l Qarnâin, travels to the ocean the new-born child, 30, 214; pro- of the setting sun, and builds a tects from all evils, 42, 81; shaped rampart to keep in Gog and Magog, the being, 42, 86; invoked in 9, 24 sq. and n. charms to obtain a husband, 42, 94 DHu'nnûn, see Jonah. sq., 324; supports earth, heavens, Dhutangas, see Vows. and sun, 42, 95; made overlord for Dhvasan Dvaitavana, king of the warding-off of the fiends, 44, 464 Matsyas, offered a horse-sacrifice, sq. See Creator, and Pragâpati. 44, 398. Dhâtusena, nephew of Mahânâma, Dhvasra, n.p., 32, 360 sq. 10 (i), xv-xviii.
Dhyanas, Sk., t.t., see Ghânas, and Dhîra or Viriyavat (firm), definition Meditation, of the term, i0 (ii), 91.
Dialectics, see Philosophy. Dhîra Sataparneya, n, of a teacher, Dialogues, see Parables. 43, 331.
Dibba-kakkhu, t.t., 'the heavenly Dhishanâ, n. of a goddess, 46, 12, eye,' superhuman knowledge of 119-22, 228; a goddess of the present Births, 11, 209, 218. See also carth, and of wealth, 46, 120 sq.;- Eye. Dhishanâs, goddesses, 41, 242 sq., Dice, Krita among, 44, 330. 243 n.; are speech, 41, 243.
Difference, does not admit of logical Dhishuya hearths, see Fire (e). definition, 48, 31-3; of substance Dhotaka, n, of a Brahmana, 10 (ii), can be proved, 48, 39-46. 187, 196 sq., 210.
Digestion, explained, 8, 113, 252, Dhotakamânavapukkhâ, t.c., 10 273 n., 275 n.; juicy food causes (ii), 196 sq.
indigestion, 8, 236 n.
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