life the t. subsists on the sons' 367 n. ; 25, 504; 26, 155; 42, 87, resources, 44, 157; the f. is the 126, 223, 229; are the guardians of same as the son, and the son is the houses, 12, 368, 368 sq. n., 436; are same as the f., 44, 187; sons lovingly the seasons, 12, 421; 43, 243 sq., touch their f. when he comes home, 244 1.; classification of the f., 12, 44, 204 ; f. and son part company, 421, 421 n., 427, 429 sq., 429 n.; 44, 308. See also Family, Inheri- 25, Ixvii, 15, In Sq., 112 n., 127; tance, Marriage, and Sons.
41, 136; abide in the third world Father-in-law, see Relatives. from here, 12, 425 n.; roam about Father of Husbandry, see Gods (n.). as birds, 14, 268; the bliss of the f., Father of War, see Gods (n.).
15, 60, 61 sq. n.; created, 25, 15; Fathers (Pitris, Manes).
43, 74; are primaeval deities, 25, (a) The F. in Mythology.
TI; sprang from the sages, from (6) The F. and Morality.
the f. the gods and Dânavas, 25, (c) Worship of F.
112; penances adopted by gods, (a) THE F. IN MYTHOLOGY.
sages, and f., 25, 473; in the second They are dependent on the setting order of existences caused by goodsun, 1,27 ;-world of the f., why does ness, 25, 495; all-gods include the it never become full? 1, 77, 82; f., 26, 359 n., 360 ; dwell on the obtained by sacrifices, offspring, &c., earth, in the air, in heaven, 30, 108, bliss in it, 1, 80, 127; 15, 90, 172, 229; dwell on the hearth, 32, 218; 176; 42, 166; 44, 236 sq. ; Brahman f. and mortals read the abridged seen in it as in a dream, 15, 22 ; in the code of Manu, 33, 3; among the south-east is the door to it, 44, 424 ; paskaganâh, 34, 262; create many the mourners return from it to the things by their mere intention, 34, world of the living, 44, 438 sq.; it is 347 sq.; rise owing to their mere destitute of all light, 49 (i), 151; will, 38, 410 sq.; stars are the lights the f.go to the moon, 1, 81 sq., 81 1., of righteous men gone to heaven, 273; moon the light of the f., 12, 361; 41, 244; a remedy, arisen from the the moon regulates time for the f., foundation of the f., 42,10; conduct 25, 20, 20 n.; Soma (the moon) and men afar, 42, 54; dying = following the f., 26, xiii, 50, 363, 363 n.; 42, the f., 42, 59; Rakshas, serpents, 89 sq. ;--they appear sitting on the pious men, f., 42, 162; road that altar, 2, 148; live in heaven until leads to the f. in the heavens, 42, the destruction of the world, 2, 160; 183 sq.; follow the Brahmakârin night and day of the f., 7, 78 ; (the sun), 42, 214 ; serve the Person innumerable f. have passed away, 7, in the eye under the name of 78 sq.; part of the hand sacred to "svadhâ,' 43, 373 ; recurring death the f., 7, 198; 14, 25, 166 ; 25, 40 sq.; of the f., 44, 272; the uneven years Lakshmi praised as the food of the and single Nakshatras belong to the f., 7, 298; Aryaman, chief among f., f., 44, 423; in that respect the f. 8, 89, 89 n.; Yama, king in the share in the world of men that they world of the f., 8, 153, 346; 41, 299; have offspring, 44, 424, 427; are the 42, 161; 44, 236 sq., 365, 481 sq.; world of the plants, 44, 429; are in Râma is requested by his f. to desist secret, 44, 433, 435; are three in from killing the Kshatriyas, 8, 295 number, 44, 465, 4651., 467, 481 Sq., sq., 300; the south is the region of 487; once for all the F. have passed the f., 12, 63; 14, 28; 26, 1-4, 165; away, 44, 482, 488; path of the f., 29, 122, 41, 330 n. ; 43, 226; 44, see Future Life (b). 82, 82 n., 198-200, 199 n., 225, 236 (6) THE F. AND MORALITY. sq., 424, 485; 45, 372, 377 ; offered The departed in the moon, after food to Vritra in the afternoon, their good works are consumed, 12, 166; the intermediate quarters return again to new births, 1,81 sq., represent the f., 12, 228, 228 n.; the 81 n.; the f. of a man who spurns gods are immortal, the f. are mortal, food given by a sinner, do not eat 12, 290, 295 ; gods, f., and men, 12, his oblations for fifteen years, 2,71;
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