ornaments on, and decked with Fines, see Punishment. garlands, 17, 63; f. on the mountain- Firdausi, see Shâh Nâmah. top at Râgagaha, 20, 71, 168; white Fire. cloth spread out for ceremonial
(a) The element f. purposes, 20, 127-9; in honour of
(6) The god F. gods or sacred places, 22, 92; (c) Purity, resp. defilement, off. Gaina monks or nuns should not
(d) F. worship in India: the sacred f.
(C) F. worship in India: the three or inore accept food at f., 22, 92-7; duty of
sacred fires, Brâhmanas to invite neighbours to
F. worship in India: the Agnihotra or
f.-offerings. f., 25, 322; the Agrayana, or par- (g) F. worship in Iran. taking of the first-fruits, 29, 98 sq.; a f. in the autumn month of Asva- (a) THE ELEMENT F. yuga, 29, 130, 203, 332 sq., 415; 30, F. produced from the Sat, or the 92 sq.; the Kaitra f., 29, 132; 42, Brahman, 1, 93, 100; 38, 20-2; 48, 666; af, on the Mâgha day, after the 532-4 ; produces water, 1, 94, 100, Praushthapada full moon, 29, 209, 117 sq.; 38, 22 sq. ; red the colour 331 sq.; ceremonies at different of f., 1, 95, 96; its subtlest portion times of the year, 30, 304 sq.; the becomes speech, 1, 96-8; breath is Indramaha-f., 42, 353, 510; the merged in f., at death, 1, 101, 108; spring-f. during the Âgrahayana full is merged in the Highest Being, at moon, 42, 365, 551; f. of Indra's the death of the body, 1, 101, 108; banner, 49 (i), II n., 89; Mâr- united with air, warıs the ether, gasîrsha and Srâvana f., see Serpents; 1,117; meditation on f. as Brahman, monthly f., see Sacred times ;-cele- 1, 118, 304; worldly uses of the f., bration of the season f., Gâhânbârs, 4, 115-19; first production of f., 5, a good work, 4, 301 sq., 315, 315 n., 55 sq.; 42, xxvii, xxx ; diffused 327-43; 5, 91-7, 208, 351, 351 1., through the six substances, 5, 159; 363, 387-9, 388 sq. 1., 391; 18, Aharman mixed darkness and smoke 157, 157 sq. n., 161, 161 n.; 24, 27, with the f., 5, 163; "the Good 27 n., 100, 264; 31, 367; 37, 15-17, Diffuser' in men and animals, 5, 15 n., 84, 95, 167, 173, 422, 429, 184 sq.; in plants, waters, and 434, 440 sq., 477, 483 ; 47, 154 sq., heaven, 5, 185; 42, 54, 191 sq., 154 n.; celebration of the Rapîtvîn, 571, 43, 184; the nature of wisdom 5, 95 sq., 352; 37, 477 ; in honour is just like f., 5, 394 ; ordeal by f., of the Fravashis, 5, 315, 315 n.; 7, 59; 31, 39, 51; 37, 59; the the Hamaspathmaêdha (All Souls) internal f. of digestion (Vaisvânara), f., 23, 192 sq., 192 n.; sacred cake 7, 59;8, 113; 11, 260, 260 n. ; 34,89 to be consecrated every year on sq., 92, 143 sq., 146 sq. ; 35, 244, the day Khurdâd of the month 244 n. ; 36, 97; 48, 287, 290-4; the Fravardîn, 24, 314 sq., 314 n.; f. of knowledge, 8, 279, 279 n., 308; monthly (mâhya) and yearly (yairya) is the first of the elements, 8, 353, f., 31, 198, 205, 210 sq., 216, 220, 353 n.; God speaks to Moses from 335, 338; see also Mâhya; the five the f., 9, 35, 35 n., 100, 11; resides Gâtha-days, and the Ardibahist, 31, in the right ear of a goat, in the 367;-drinking f. in the districts, 27, right hand of a Brâhmana, in water, 56; 28, 435-46 ; public banquets, and in Kusa grass, 14, 160; takes up 27, 57 sq.; 28, 446, 454-7.
water, 14, 162, 162 n.; the seven Fetters, the ten, or Sanyoganas, to tongues or flames of the f., 15, 31; be broken before entering on the 33, 14, 14 n.; 49 (i), 197; the Noble Path, 11, 222; removed by simile of the sparks and the f. thorough penetration, 11, 307. (individual souls and Brahman), 15, Fiend, see Mâra.
34; 34, 277 n., 279; 38, 29, 30, 61, Fiends, see Demons.
62, 139; the Self compared to the Filial piety, see Family (6)
f. produced by the two aranis, 15, Final beatitude, liberation, release. 236 sq.; God is like the f. that has See Emancipation.
set in the ocean, 15, 265; the
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