n.; 46, 368; so long as he has not whilst he is offering the Agnihotra, set up the s. f., the sacrificer is the Sacrificer's f, become worn out, a mere man, 12, 292, 294 ; Sabhya and he renews them again by the or hall f. kept up by Kshatriyas, 12, animal sacrifice: with the f. the 302 n., Agnyupasthâna, or worship Sacrificer and his house and cattle of the s. f., 12, 338-60; the house. are worn out and renewed, 44, 118 holder worships the S. f. when sq.; the s. f. long for flesh, 44, 119; setting out on a journey, and worshipped to avoid being driven returning home, 12, 357-60; from one's home, 44, 126; symbolism Samidhs (kindling-sticks), 12, 400 of the four sacrificial f. at the animal n. ; 44, 567; the Prânas, Apâna, &c., sacrifice, 44, 127; animal sacrifice identified with the s, f., 15, 279 sq.; in the s. f, thrown together, 44, 174; 44, 190; the three s. f. form the the three f. are the three worlds, mouth-endowed body of the Self, 44, 178; he who lays down his two 15, 308; meditation on the s. f., 15, f. spreads himself all over these 331 sq., 334; the s. f. injure him worlds, 44, 178; how the sacred f. who neglects sacrifices, 25, 133; are to be treated when the Agnimade to blaze when portents inter- hotrin dies, 44, 197-200; by burning rupt the Veda-study, 25, 145; kindled the Sacrificer they unite him with again after cremation of the wife, his f., 44, 200-2 ; the f. by which 25, 198; the dhishnyas or hearths, the dead Sacrificer is burnt, lovingly 26, 147-55, 148 n., 441-6 ; 41, 317 touch him even as sons their father, sq., 317 n. ; 43, 241-5, 358, 360; 44, 204 ; sacrificial f, not kept up by if weakness comes upon the sacri- the Kâsis, 44, 401; the sacrificer of ficer, he is led to the Ahavanîya a Purushamedha takes up the two f., 26, 148, 148 n. ; kindling the f. within his own self, 44, 412 ; sacrificer, 26, 385 sq., 386 n.; the Agnîdhra (n.) or f.-shed, 44, 515; sacrificial f. at Sattras, 26, 441-6; the three sacrificial f. the heads of where the wife and the f. are, Agni, 46, 168 ; establishment of s. f. this is the home, 29, 89; restore not obligatory for those whose cona sick person to health, 29, 236; are dition of life involves chastity, 48, fond of the village, 29, 236; the s. f. 698. at the funeral, 29, 238 sq., 242 sq., (f) F. WORSHIP IN INDIA: THE 356; 44, 175; the fiction concern- AGNIHOTRA OR F.-OFFERINGS. ing the three s. f., 34, 146; as the Five A. oblations offered to the Gârhapatya the highest Self may be Prânas, 1, 89-91; 15, 279 sq. ; 38, represented because it is the Self of 249-52 ; 48, 294 sq.; as hungry all, 34,150; a sixth f.mentioned by the children sit round their mother, so Vâgasaneyins, 38, 187-9; the making do all beings sit round the A., 1, 91; of the fire-pan (ukhâ), 41, 229-46; he who offers the A, with a full 44, 579 sq.; building of the Gârha- knowledge of its purport, offers it patya hearth, 41, 298-319 ; 43, in all worlds, in all beings, in all 117-21; spells put into the s. f., 42, Selfs, all his sins are burnt, 1, 91; 76; Ukhya f. carried in a pan for the inner A. is better than the a year, 43, 191 n., 198, 198 n., 272 ordinary A., 1, 283; 8, 191; 38, sq., 272 n., 308, 324; Agnisava, 43, 263 ; reception of a guest during an 298, 298 n.; the f.-pan a womb, 43, A., 2, 118 sq.; meal time regulated 341; f.-pan represents the universe, by A., 7, 218; the A. as the first 43, 353 sq., 354 n.; thirty-six thou- among sacrifices, 8, 353 ; 15, 30 sq., sand Arka-f. produced by Mind, 51 sq. ; 17, 134 ; 25, 130, 130 n., Speech, &c., 43, 375-80, 375 n.; the 132; 44, 502; 45, 138; the A. or sacrificial f, to be laid down at new Morning and Evening Libations, moon, not under an asterism, 44, and the worship of the fires, 12, 173, i sq.; the offerer of the Agnihotra 186, 322-60, 374 sq., 374 n., 407, kept up by his f., 44, 47; Anvâ- 415, 443 sq. ; 26, 37, 37 n., 390; 43, hârya-pakana f., 44, 83, 178, 183; 274, 297, 297 n., 299, 356; 44, xiv,
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