do not teach what is virtue and 309, 331; satisfied by reciting the what is sin, 2, 72 ; he who decides Vedas and other sacred texts, 7, wrongly, destroys his f., 2, 98; 126; 29, 219; animal sacrifices for procreation of sons, a debt to the the f., 7, 170 sq.; 14, 26 sq, and n.; f., 2, 159 sq.; 14, 261 sq.. 271 sq., 25, 174-6; 26, 62, 190; 29, 89, 30, 25, 82; 49 (i), 100; see also Debts 112 sq., 256; depend on house(the three); a Snâtaka, by his good holders for support, 7, 194 ; oblation conduct, will liberate his parents, of water to the f. before crossing a ancestors, and descendants from river, 7, 203; offerings to gods and evil, 2, 226; gods, f., and men f. after having bathed, 7, 206 sq.; to upheld by Brâhmanas, united with be worshipped at the Vaisvadeva Kshatriyas, 2, 238 ; by lying to a sacrifice, 7, 214; 29, 86, 162, 320, Guru one destroys seven ancestors 388; the f. drink from a pool, from and seven descendants, 2, 291; he which the bull set at liberty has who plants trees, gladdens the f., 7, drunk, and the earth dug up by 271; extol the emancipated saint, such a bull, is delicious food for the 8, 345; reach perfection by penance, f., 7, 262 sq.; fall down to hell, when 8, 389; cried out against the injus- the offerings of food and water are tice of killing cows for sacrifices, neglected, 8, 41 sq.; those who 10 (ii), 51; by what means the worship the f. go to the f., 8, 85; Bhikkhu can procure blessings for satiated at the Tarpana rite, 8, 325; departed friends, 11, 211, 211n.; 14, 253, 255 sq. ; 25, 87-91, 93; 29, the fate of the f. depends on the 115, 123, 149 sq., 220, 223; 30, 246; true or false evidence of witnesses, prayer to the f., 12, 3 n. ; 26, 24 n.; 14, 82 sq., 203; 25, 271; 33, 92-4, he who does not eat becomes a 92 n.; sins whereby the f. suffer, sacrificer for the f., 12, 5; the 14, 46, 46 n., 315; 42, 171; sins of Adhvaryu propitiates gods and f. at thef., 14, 321; 42, 73,604; heavenly the beginning of sacrifice, 12, 127 sq.; bliss of oneself and of f, depends on the adorable the f., the worshipful wife and children, 25, 332 ; the the gods, 12, 139; the PindapitriSnâtaka shall be careful about his yagia or oblation of obsequial cakes duties towards f. and gods, 29, 124; to the f., 12, 184 11., 361-9; 26, xxx; saved by a lawful marriage, 29, 166; 29, 424; 30, III sq., 338; times on their way to Brahman, shake off suitable for the worship of the f., 12, their good and evil deeds, 38, 229-31; 289 sq. ; gratified at the Agnihotra, rivers of ghee and honey flow for 12, 333; 44, 82, 82 n.; rites for the the f, of him who studies his dailyf. different (with regard to sacred Veda lesson, 44, 97 sq.; prayer to cord, &c.) from those for the gods, be delivered from sins against men 12, 362-6, 421-3, 425-36; 14, 165; and f., 44, 265.
26, 29; 29, 22, 24 sq., 31, III, 162, (c) WORSHIP OF F.
209, 252, 390; 30, 17, 27, 31, 99, Oblations and libations for the f.. II, 146, 251, 253, 331 sq.; 44, 1, 33, 66 17. ; 25, 203; 26, 154, 154 n., 198–200, 429-34, 467 sq.; present. 357 n. ; 29, 243 sq., 253 sq., 315, ing the f.with food, water, collyrium, 325; 30, xxviii, 146 ; 42, 60; 44, oil, garments, 12, 368, 368 sq. n.; 76 n., 211; daily offerings to the f., 30, 107-12, 229 sq.; the Mahaone of the five great sacrifices,' 2, pitriyagña, or great sacrifice to the 18, 108, 108 n., 195, 201; 7, 193 sq.; f., 12, 408 n., 415, 417 n., 420-37, 8, 306; 14, 50, 256; 25, 62, 132; 29, 420 n.; meals in honour of the f., 217, 321; 30, 23; 44, 95 sq., 96 n., 14, 25; food refused by the f., 14, 176, 176 n.; are the deities at a 71; the water-pot not to be used Sraddha, 2, 140 ; any gifts may be for worship of the f., 14, 164; the accepted when required for the sacred fires at offerings to the f., 14, worship of the f., 2, 265; 7, 188; 192; ablution after offerings to the ancestors and descendants sanctified f., 14, 193; 30, 330; libation to the by certain rites, 2, 302 ; 14, 117, 1. offered after the gods have been
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