important 25, 113; offersvadhà call,
satisfied, 14, 238; food given to the 272; strangers do harm by offering f. before eating, 14, 265; the offering to one's f., 42, 73, 603; invoked to to the manes secures long life and heaven, help in battle, 42, 119, 585; invoked is worthy of praise and a rite ensuring for success in an assembly, 42, 138, prosperity, 14, 266; libations to the 544 ; shares of gods, f., and men f. offered by the ascetic, 14, 278; a (priests), of the sacrifice, 42, 180, performer of rites securing success 612; offerings to father, grandfather, shall worship cows, Brâhmanas, f., and great-grandfather, 43, 15 n.; it and gods, 14, 323; Prâna is the first he does not eat (on a fast), he beoffering to the f., 15, 275; consume comes consecrated to the f., 44, 21; the offerings through the mouths of by bathing the student drives off Brâhmanas, who represent the f., hunger from his kinsmen and his f., 25, 25, 90, 111, 114, 119; wife 44, 50 ; the f, gratified by the sacriassists at offerings to the f., 25, fice, the world of the f. gained by 78 sq. ; rite in honour of the f, more the sacrificer, 44, 272; the eaters important than that in honour of (smasâb) amongst the f. destroy in the gods, 25, 113; offerings to the yonder world the good deeds of him f. accompanied by the Svadhâ call, who has no sepulchre prepared for 25, 117, 122; 42, 177; 44, 234, 423; him, 44, 422 ; what is good for the sacrificial food pleasing to the f., 25, living is also good for the f., 44, 124 sq.; worshipped at the Ashtaka 425; the clod deposited between festivals, 25, 152; 29, 103 sq., 206-9, the grave and the village, as a 344, 417, 420-4; 30, 97, 104-11, boundary between f. and the living, 232-6, 293 sq., 341, 341 n.; do not 44, 440 ; worshipped at the Praaccept the food of one who disdains vargya, 44, 481 sq., 485, 487 sq., a freely-offered gift, 25, 167 ; fish 487 n.; seated upon the Barbis, 44, used for offerings to the f., 25, 172; 487, 487 n. See also Ancestor worthe thrum of the Dikshita's cloth ship, Ancestors, and Sraddhas. belongs to the f., 26, 9; Yama in- Fear, the sage or devotee is devoid of, voked with the f., 26, 122 sq., 123 n.; 8, 50, 67, 69, 86, 101, 114, 126, 151, a pit that is dug is sacred to the f., 246, 250, 287, 292, 344; death pro26, 143, 168 sq., ceremonies for f. duced by delusion and f., 8, 155, not to be changed by one going to 357; the hermit fears nobody, and a foreign country, 29, 102; the nobody is afraid of him, 8, 285; is Nândîmukha f, worshipped, 29,111; of the quality of darkness, 8, 320 ; monthly offerings to the t., 29, absence of f. has the quality of 209; the vow belonging to Agni goodness, 8, 325; f. and falsehood together with the f., 29, 229; worse than death, 24, 50, 67.
sprinkled butter' used for the f., Female, female ascetics, females, see 29, 237 ; invoked for protection, 29, Women. 280 sq.; invoked to give long life to Ferîdûn = Thraêtaona, q.v. the new-born child, 29, 294 ; when Festivals : Ashtaka (Anvashtaka, driving towards f. (1) he should dis- Ekâshtakâ) f., 2, 36; 13, 130; 14, mount, when he has reached then, 270; 17, 211; 25, 148, 14.8 11., 152; 29, 364; invoked for offspring, 30, 29, 102-5, 205-9, 223, 341-5, 110 ; offering to the f. at the house- 414, 417-24; 30, 80, 97-113, building ceremony, 30, 123; prayer 232-6, 293 sq., 304 sq. ; 36, 331; to Agni at offerings to the f., 32, during certain f. recitation of the 35 sq. ; worship of the f., gods, and Veda is forbidden, 2, 36, 42, 42 n., Brâhmanas to be performed sepa- 263 sq.; 14, 65, 65 n.; 29, 115, rately after a partition, 33, 370 142, 414; 30, 80; to be kept by sq. ; who profits by offerings to a king, 2, 236, 236 n.; observance the dead? 36, 151 sq. ; the hollow of the seasons, 10 (ii), 41 sq.; see in the sacrificial post sacred to the also Seasons; f. of the Ganga and f., 41, 31; worshipped at the Sautrâ- the Mahî, 17, 25; 20, 359; a f. manî, 41, 136; 44, 233 sq., 236-8, celebrated by children, with their
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