parents or teacher, who is more 355 sq.; maternal uncle of Khung-r, venerable, 25, xxiv, 56 sq. and n., 27, 166; 'Uncle F.,' his virtue not 157; reverence due to father, mo- commended by Wăn-zze, 27, 199; ther, elder brother, and teacher, uncle of Duke Wăn of Zin, 28, 421. 25, lxvii, 71 sq., 154; a girl without Fan, conversation between the king a brother not to be married, 25, 77, of Khû and the ruler of, 40, 55 sq., 77 n.; forsaking mother or father, 55 n. 25, 104; position of the eldest bro- Făng, or Khang Shû, appointed to ther in f., 25, 157 sq., 346-8, 376 sq. be marquis of Wei, 3, 164-71; and n.; impurity of parents on announcement about drunkenness death and birth of children, 25, made to F., 3, 171-9; instructed 178 sq.; fine for defaming mother, about government, 3, 179. father, wife, brother, son, teacher, Fang-hsün, a name of Yâo, 3, 32, 25, 302; a son or a younger bro- 32 n. ther may be beaten as punishment, Fang-hwang, sprites haunting wilds, 25, 306; mother, father, wife, son 40, 19. not to be cast off, 25, 321, 442; Făng-î, got the Tâo, and became son's duty to protect the mother lord of the Great River, 39, 244, 25, 328 ; begging for parents allowed, 244 n. 25,430 ; rules for children in serving Fang-khi, minister of Yâo, 3, 34. their parents and parents-in-law, 27, Fang-kwang - tai - kwang-yan27, 449-58; filial piety, and respect king, Chinese translation of the to be paid by juniors to elders, 27, Lalita-vistara, 19, xxviii. 37; 28, 217, 226-32; mourning a Fang Ming, charioteer to Hwangmanifestation of filial piety, 27, 48; Ti, 40, 96. 28, 377, 379, 392; duty to parents, Fares, see Taxes. 27, 67-9, 75, 83, 114; 28, 24, 267, Farhank, mother of Kaî-Apîvêh, 5, 269; the filial piety of Shăn-shăng, 138 sq.; daughter of Vidhirisâ, 18,
the Reverential Heir-son,' 27, 171, 171 n. 126 sq.; a son must not give away Faridûn,=Thraêtaona, 4, 245. f. property, 27, 160; how the poor Farukhûzâd, n.p., 18, 289. discharge duties of filial piety, 27, Fasting, 182; mourning for a foster-mother,
(a) In India. 27, 326 sq. and n.; rights of the (6) In China. eldest son by the proper wife, 27, ( ) In Zoroastrianism.
(d) In Islam. 335-7, 335 n., 336 n.; parents and children, 27, 456 sq., 476; a son on (a) IN INDIA. the death of parents, 28, 24; filial Svetaketu, after f. for fifteen days, piety in sacrifice, 28, 236-8, 244 sq.; cannot remember the Vedas, 1, affection shown by the mother, hon- 97 sq.; f. is really abstinence, 1, our by the father, 28, 340 sq.; 131; as a penance, or part of father higher than mother, but love penance, 2, 80, 82-4, 86 sq., 121, the same for both, 28, 467; rever- 129, 184 sq., 275, 277, 290 sq., 296, ence to parents connected with 299, 301 sq.; 7, 88, 95, 130, 149-81; reverence to the Creator, 37, 343 sq.; 14, 30, 58, 109, 113, 116 sq., 119-23, father, mother, or priest not to be 131 sq., 185, 211, 217, 222 sq., 248, distressed, 37, 483; when a younger 266, 306, 308 sq., 311, 318 sq., brother comes, the elder weeps, 323-8, 330; 25, 164, 172, 465, 39, 362, 362 n.; fathers should in- 472-5, 478, 482 ; 29, 120, 140, 172; struct their sons, and elder their 30, 181; 43, 255 sq.; on new and younger brothers, 40, 166 sq.; op- full moon days, 2, 100; 10 (ii), 25; posing a father or elder brother, 12, 1 sq., 4 sq., 172 sq., 180, 340; a crime, 40, 241 sq. See also Daugh- 29, 16, 172, 389, 393; 30, 25, 27-9, ters, Father, Inheritance, Marriage, 265, 333; 44, 1 sq., 7-10, 20-2, 31;
in connexion with special vows, 2, Fan, minister of instruction of Yû, 3, 105, 152 ; 29, 80; 30, 74 ; after the
Fan, minions, and Wife, Marriage,
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