1, 28
nan, ahal?2,
truth sacrificed in f., 44, 46; out of 86; division of f. estate, divided and f. the gods fashioned the initiation undivided, 25, 105 n., 283 sq. and (dikshâ), 44, 139, 240; the daughter 1., 347, 373-9; 33, 370 sq., 383 sq. ; of Sûrya, 44, 226; a means of ob- charity must not be exercised while taining the end of sacrifice, 44, 441; one's f. lives in distress, 25, 432; a monk must not give way to a priest should be a Brâhmana of scepticism about future life, the a renowned f., 26, 345; duty of Ginas, &c., 45, 14; one of the four avenging the death of father, brorequisites to reach beatitude, 45, ther, and friend, 27, 92 ; duties 16, 152; the characteristics of f. between members of a f., 27, 379 sq.; and how it is produced, 45, 154-7; when a f. is in good condition, 27, necessary to reach perfection, 45, 390 sq. ; there are no two masters in 160 sq., 170 sq.; nine kinds of a f., 28, 285; wife and children and obstruction to right f., 45, 172, brothers—the charm of life, 28, 172 n., 193; in Brahman, and its 307; the householder only is inpreliminary means, 48, 305; what- dependent, 33, 50 sq.; a houseever he does with knowledge, with f., holder neglecting his f., 37, 45; with the Upanishads, that is more benefit of wife and children, 37, 71; vigorous, 48, 682-4, 688; difference, precedence of father to son, senior in Sukhâvatî, between beings who to junior, male to female, 39, 335; doubt, and those who believe in the whole f. responsible for a man's Buddha, 49 (ii), 62-5. See also evil deeds, 40, 245. Bhakti, Daệna, and Islâm.
(b) PARENTS AND CHILDREN, BROFa-kheu-king, t.w., 10 (i), 1 sq.
THERS. Fa Kheu Pi Hu, t.w., 10
Precedence of elder brothers in quoted, 11, 117 n.
marriage, and religious ceremonies, Fă-khin, translated a life of Buddha
2, 130; 14, 329; 25, 103 sq., 107 sq., into Chinese, 19, xxx,
442; 42, 164 sq., 521, 523-8; sons Falcon, see Birds (b).
who have enforced a division of the Family.
f. estate against the father's will, (a) F. law and f. life.
not to be invited to a Sraddha, 2, (6) Parents and children, brothers.
258; filial piety and fraternal duty, (a) F. LAW AND F. LIFE.
3, 169; 28, 440; filial piety, chief Ceremony of casting off a mem
moral duty, 3, 175, 212, 212 1., 394, ber of the f, who has committed
480 sq.; 19, 96 sq.; 27, 14, 467; a mortal sin, 2, 277-9; f, reunions
28, 226-9, 268 sq., 269 n., 290 sq. ; on the occasion of ancestor wor
39, 212, 347; cousins called "broship, 3, 300; the f. and the next of
thers,' 3, 211; filial piety, and kin answerable for fulfilment of
ancestor worship, 3, 300 sq.; 28, contract, 4, lxxxii, 34, 36-8, 36 n. ;
211 sq., 294 sq., 310 sq.; love renevils flowing from extinction of a f.,
dered to the mother, reverence to 8, 41 sq.; f. life and intercourse
the ruler, both to the father, 3, 470; with others should be avoided, 10
rules for a son in remonstrating with (ii), 6-11; to save the life of wife
his parents, 3, 483 sq.; 27, 114; and f., presents may be accepted there is awe for the father, and also from anybody, 14, 70; retribution for the elder brother. Wife and chil. of good and evil takes place in the dren, servants and concubines are like f., 16, 47 sq., 419 sq.; regulation of the common people, serfs, and underlings, the f., importance of f. ties, 16, 136- 3, 488; kindness towards parents 8, 138 n., 312 sq., 313 n. ; 28, 62- and kindred, 6, 11, 77, 135; 9, 3 sq., 7, 62 n., 258 sq., 411, 416-19; the 118, 132, 225 sq.; child to obey normal state of a f., 16, 242, 243 n.; father and mother, 8, 243; 24, 78; law about guardianship of a f., 18, a son dealing with the troubles 188-94, 196; 37, 113, 478; Bud- caused by his father or mother, 16, dhist monks must give up all f. ties, 95 sq., 97 n., 290 sq.; parents must 19, 302; how fanilies perish, 25, not be distressed, 24, 301 sq.;
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