and Rakshasas... Akem-Manô.
are unfit to sacrifice, 25, 161; not protecting from it, 42,61; Zoroaster to be struck in battle, 25, 231; may killed by the e. e., 47, 77. marry, 25, 341, 373, 373 n.; 33, Evil mind, see Akem-Manô. 166 n.; shall not be witnesses, 33, Evil spirit, see Aharman, and Mara. 87; the ordeal by sacred libation Evil spirits, spells against, 21, 372, unfit for e., 33, 117; cannot keep 374, 407, 414, 433; exorcism of, a secret, 35, 141; cannot be con- 29, 147 sq.; slain by the full moon verted, 36, 177; a long-haired sacrifice, 44, 6. See also Demons, man, i.e. a e., 41, 9, 90 sq.; cos and Râkshasas. tume of e., 42, 108, 538 sq.; the Evil thought, see Akem-Manô. e. is neither woman nor man, 44, Evil works, see Karman. 219 sq. ; sacrificed at the Purusha- Evolution, versus Illusion, 15, inedha, 44, 413, 417. See also Cas- xxxvii. tration.
Ewe, see Sheep. Evayâmarut, the quick Marut, Excommunication, see Caste (e, i).
n. of Vishnu (?), 32, 363-5; E. Excrements, voiding of, see Easing Atreya, author of a Vedic hymn, nature. 32, 365.
Existence, six states of it, viz. hell, Eve, see Adam.
brute creation, world of ghosts, deEvidence, see Witnesses.
mons, men, gods, 21, 7, 10, 329, 352; Evil, caused by the Asuras or 49, (ii), 182, 182 n., 184 ; worldly and demons, 1, 4 sq.; ten e. ways, 3, spiritual e., 24, 153 sq., 185 sq.; 94, 94 n.; whether e. may be dore 37, 14, 18, 31, 231, 233, 249, 274, for the sake of good, 5, 385 sq.; 288, 317, 408, 416 sq., 439; 47, Muslim to ward off e, with good, 6, 3 sq., 43; what is, and what is not 235; e. of birth, death, &c., 8, 103; in the world, 36, 101-3. action as being full of e. to be Exorcisms, against enemies, during abandoned, 8, 121; the cause of e., sacrifices, 43, 171, 44, 271, 279 sq., 8, 156 n.; good and e. are a pair, 8, 337. See also Witchcraft. 277; let a man overcome e. by Expiatory rites, on seeing bad good, 10 (i), 58; Buddha on the dreams, 1, 262 sq.; for a false witorigin of all kinds of e., 10 (ii), ness, 7, 50; addressed to Vishnu, 7, 164-7; how the temporal e, is to 155 sq., 156 n.; connected with be regarded, 18, 22 sq.; the e. in bathing, 7, 204; 14, 249-52 ; are of the world is definite and terminable, the quality of passion, 8, 324; to 18, 91; if there were a God, there be performed after the death of could be no e., 19, 206-8; origin a Guru, and when afflicted by other of e., 24, xxv; 31, 3 sq., 26; see misfortune, 29, 246-50; e. r. and also Dualism ; those who do e, to the results of works, 38, 117 n., 353, the wicked act in love of Ahura- 354; not possible in the case of one Mazda, 31, 68, 72; eight defects of who has lapsed from the condition man, and four e, in the conduct of of a Naishthika, 38, 318 sq.; 48, affairs, 40, 196 sq.
706 sq. See also Omens, Penances. Evil Eye, cast by the Daevas, 4, 225; Pratikramana, Sacrifices (b), and medicine against it, 4, 227-9; by it Sin (c). Ahriman corrupts the good crea- Eye: the person who is seen in the tures of Ormazd, 4, 236 n.; Agash, e. is Brahman, 1, 14 sq., 67, 135; demon of the e. e., 5, 111 sq., In n.; 34, xxxiv sq., 77-81, 123-30; 48, 47, 53 n.; mischief caused by the 272-6; person in the right e. and e. e., 10 (i), 29 n.; 37, 101 sq.; person in the sun, 1, 15; 15, 191; 47, 45; good eye, and e. e., 23, 38, 217 sq., 244-7; person in the e. 4 sq. n.; created by Ahriman, smit. called Samyadvâma, Vâmanî, and ten by the Airyaman prayer, 23, 44- Bhâmanî, 1, 68; person in the e. 6; spells against it, 23, 161; of the is not affected by anything, 1,68 n.; bride, 29, 278; 30, 189: charin person within the e. is the real against e. c., 42,39, 91, 285 sq.; salve agent of sceing, 1, 135 n.; person
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