welfare of the e., 47, 30. See also Eternal, the, Eternal happiness, Child.
Eternity, see Immortality, and NirEmperor, see Ruler.
vâna, Emptiness, see Nihilism.
Ether (âkâsa): Om means e., and e. Emûsha, n. of the boar who raised is the origin of all things, 1, xxv, the earth, 44, 451.
17; as a name of Brahman, 1, xxv sq., Enâ, see Sena.
xxvi n., 46, 53, 118, 126 n., 143, Enlightenment (Bodhi), see Know- 143 n., 303; 21, xxvii ; 34, xxxiv, ledge,
Xxxviji, 81-4, 114, 182, 232 sq., 273, Enoch, and Seth, the prophets of 287; 38, 6-8, 12, 248; 48, 242-6,
Sabaeanism, 6, xi; Idrîs identified 236, 276 sq., 349-53, 661; e. within with E., 9, 31.
the heart, and the e, around us, are Entanglements, see Hindrances. the same, 1, 46, 126 ; 48, 643, 661; Entity, does not spring from non- the e. in the heart is Brahman, 1, entity, 34, 415-18; entities, see 65, 65 n., 1 26 1. ; 34, xxxvi, 174-92; Elements.
38, 144; 48, 314-25; the departed Ephesus, story of the Seven Sleepers sacrificers, &c., go from the world of, 9, 14-16, 14 n.
of the fathers to the e., from there. Equanimity, one of the four in- to the moon, 1, 80; e. (or space is finite' feelings, 11, 201 sq., 273. better than fire. For in the e. exist See also Tranquillity.
both sun and moon, the lightning, stars, Equinox, see Sacred Times
and fire (agni). Through the e. we Erân-shâh, son of Yazad-yâr, son call, through the e. we hear, through of Tistar-yâr, 24, 255 sq. and n.
the e. we answer. In the e. or space
we rejoice when we are together), and Eras, see Time.
rejoice not (when we are separated. In Erâvana, the king of elephants,
the e. everything is born, and towards came to listen to Buddha, 10 (ii), 63.
the e. everything tends when it is born. Erâvatî, n. of a river near Kunâlâ,
Meditate on e., 1, 118; the small e. 22, 297.
in the lotus of the heart, 1, 125 sq., Eredat-fedhri, the maiden, becomes
129; 48, 384, 631 sq.; the small e. the mother of the Saviour Saoshyant,
within the heart is not affected by 23, 195 n., 226, 226 n.
old age, nor by the death of the Eredhwa, n.p., 23, 215.
body, 1, 126 sq. ; is the revealer of Erekhsha (Phl. Aris), the swift
all forms and names, 1, 143; the archer, 23, 95, 95 n., 103.
union of earth and heaven, 1, 247 sq., Erenavâk, and Savanghavâk deli
Bali-offering to the E., 2, 203; 29, vered by Thraêtaona, 23, 62, 62 n.,
290, 388; 30, 22; is the body, which 113, 255, 277.
Brahman created for himself, 8, Erethe, thought, genius, 23, 11, 282; 244 n.; has no support, 15, lii n.;
worshipped, 31, 200, 211, 217, 226. in the e, within the heart it is the Erezrâspa, son of Uspăsnu, a high- Person, consisting of mind, impriest, 23, 216, 216 n. ; 37, 219 n. mortal, golden, 15, 49; everything See also Arezrâspâh.
is woven in the e., 15, 137; the e. Erezyat-danghu, n.p., 23, 218. is woven in the Akshara (the ImÊrilo, son of Dûrêsrôbô, 47, 34 n., perishable), 15, 137-9; 34, 243; the 147.
Self, the e, within the heart, 15, 179 ; Er-raqîm, story of the Fellows of the Lotus of the heart is the same
the Cave and, 9, 14-16, 14 n. as e., 15, 306; the supreme light of Esdras, made to die for a hundred the e. within the heart, 15, 343; the years, 6, 41n.
two elementary principles are really Eshavîra, a Brâhmanical family held one e., 16, 357 n.; offering and in contempt, 44, 45 n.
prayer to the E., 26, 23; is not coEsoteric doctrine, see Secret doc- eternal with Brahinan, but springs trines.
from it as its first effect, 34, lii ; 38, Essence, the subtile, is the root of 3-18; is the Udgitha, 34, 83; everything, 1, 101-9.
although all-pervading, is spoken of 02
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