22, 211-13; the devotee who is re. jewel of e.,' 36, 224 sq.; consists, leased is esteemed higher than he according to the Vaiseshikas, in the whose conduct is good, 8, 243; one absolute non-origination of the nine of the four Hotris, by whom this qualities of the Selfs, 38, 69; the universe is enveloped, 8, 278; the Self freed of the aggregate of eight seven organs, causes of e., 8, 278; is in e., 38, 83, 83 n. ; state of e, and the Dakshina at the allegorical sacri- of sleep, 38, 148 sq., 414 sq.; dissofice of concentration of mind, 8, 280; lution of the world means e., 38, the fruit of the tree intelligence in the 162; 48, 178 sq.; is cessation of forest Brahman, 8, 286, the nature 162; Nescience, 38, 174 ; 48, 9, 11, of e., 8, 292 sq.; 48, 270 sq., 755-71; 270 sq., 438 ; springs up in this life he who lias achieved e., being beyond or in the next, 38, 329 sq., 357 sq. ; all actions and Asramas, is one with is something not to be effected at God and the Universe, 8, 306-8, all, 38, 359; is a fruit like other 306 sq. n.; dialogue between a pre- fruits, 38, 405 sq.; the state of e. is ceptor and a pupil on the subject of analogous either to the waking state final e., 8, 310-17, 332 sq., 336, or to that of a dream, 38, 413; 339-45, 349, 351 sq., 355, 358, Gainas should maintain the doctrine 362-74, 385, 388-94 ; some people of the soul's bondage and e., 45, extol e., others all kinds of enjoy- 408; one of the four chief ends of ment, 8, 376; freedom from desires human action, 48, 6; consciousness and worldly bonds is e., 15, 332 sqq.; of the I persists in the state of Arâda's theory of e., 19, 137-41; e., 48, 69–72; false doctrine that e. as the great ocean has only one is the annihilation of the Self, 48, flavour, so Buddha's doctrine has 70; individual Self cannot become only one flavour, the flavour of e., the highest Self by means of final 20, 304; eight degrees of e., 21, e., 48, 98 ; obstacles in the way of 79; 49 (ii), 2, 193; the only scope e. removed by Scripture, 48, 183; of Buddha's teaching is e. and rest, is the pure existence of the highest 21, 120 sq., 124 ; is an eternally and Self consequent on the passing away essentially disembodied state, 34, of the limiting adjuncts, 48, 271; 28 sq., 283, 328 ; 48, 181 sq., 210, called 'heaven-world,' 48, 361; in 238; is Brahman, or oneness with state of e. the soul has no specific Brahman, 34, 28 sq., 33 sq., 283 n., cognitions, 48, 395, 545, 551; means 322; 38, 329; 48, 180, 192, 203 sq., passing over into Non-being (with 270 sq., 392; 49 (i), 130; is of the Buddhist), 48, 514 ; consists in nature of the eternally free Self, attaining to the Highest Person, 34, 32 sq.; is something to be cere- from that Highest Person only, 48, monially purified, 34, 33 ; cause of 625-8; different views about e., 49 desire of e., 34, 198; 48, 4; a being (i), 99 sq. See also Deliverance, Imdesirous of it becomes a deva, 34, mortality, Perfection, and Salvation. 223 n.; depends on the true nature Embryo, hate of the, 8, 240-2 ; 26, of the cause of the world, 34, 316; 19 sq., 27-9; Ahura Mazda, with impossible on the Sankhya view of the help of the Fravashis, watches the soul and Prakriti, 34, 372-4, over the e., 23, 182 sq., 185, 187; 380 sq. ; 48, 491, 494 ; is impossible, treatment of the e. found in the if the world and the souls constitute animal victim, 26, 391-7; conseone Self, 34, 378; the Sânkhya crated king represented as an e., doctrine of e., 34, 380 n. ; 38,69 sq.; 41, 78, 125 sq. ; garments representno being desirous of e. could be ing vestures of the e., 41, 86 sq., assumed, on the Bauddha doctrine, 86 n.; how the c. is born, Agni as 34, 406 sq.; nor on the Gaina doc- e., 41, 251 sq., 256; 43, 272; freed trine, 34, 430, 432 ; one of the Gaina from death through a Stoma, 43, categories, 34, 428; 45, 154 ; 48, 69 ; e.-killing (bhrûnahatya) and 517; Buddha's teaching a tank full slaying of a Brâhmana, 43, 272; 44, of the waters of e., 36, 64; Buddha's 341 n.; offering to the fire for the
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