i.e. concentration of thought, 1, three seats for all e., viz. land, xxiii sq.
water, space, 8, 339; he who has Ekanalà, n. of a Brâhmana village, vanquished the five e, obtains the 10 (ii), 11.
highest seat in heaven, 8, 344; fire Ekapadâ, see Metres.
is the lord of the e., 8, 346; the Ekarshi, n. of a teacher, 15, 120, 187. five great e. the outer rim of the Ekasâmgî, daughter of Mahâkau- wheel of life, 8, 355; life made up tuka, converted by Buddha, 49 (i), of the entities beginning with the 198 sq.
Mahat and ending with the gross e., Eka-sâtaka, a Brahman and a devout 8, 357; the truth about the five Buddhist, 35, 172 ; 36, 147.
great e. must be known by the Ekâshtakâ, personified as a goddess, Sannyâsin, 8, 368; the five great e. and mother of Indra, 29, 338 n., are of the nature of seed and pro342; sacrifice and prayer to E., 29, ducts, 8, 383; mind the ruler of the 424; 30, 114, 114 n.; the consort five e., 8, 385 sq.; no reference to of the year, 30, 233, 236. See also the five e, in the Yî King, 16, 33; Ashtaka, and Festivals.
the four e. pertaining to Allharmazd, Ekata, an Aptya deity, 12, 47, 48 n., 24, 129, 129 n.; all existence derived 49; E., Dvita, and Trita, 42, from the four e., 24, 136, 143; the 521 sq.
minute perishable particles of the Ekavrâtya, n. of a dog-demon five e., 25, 13, 13 n.; identified with harassing children, 30, 219.
the parts of the body, 25, 512; the Ekoddista, see Sraddha
five e. in man and nature, 27, 380Ekuttara Nikâya, see Tipitaka. 4; the origin, the subsistence, and Elapatra, a Naga, worships Buddha, the retraction of the e. all depend on 49 (i), 191.
Brahman, 34, lii; 38, 24-6; the reElders, see Old Age, and Theras. absorption of the e, into Brahman Elements (entities, Bhûtas): crea- takes place in the inverse order of tion of the three e., viz, fire, water, their emission, 34, lii; 38, 25 sq.; earth, 1, xxxiji sq., 94; 38, 4, 26-8; the subtle e, completely merged in tripartition of the three e., 1, 95-7, Brahman when final emancipation 100; 38, 98-100, 104; 48, 119 sq., is reached, 34, lxxix sq.; 38, 371 sq.; 369 sq., 578–83, 586; e. and sense- the three e. denoted by the three organs, 1, 96-8; 8, 337, 340-3, 348, colours, red, white, black, 34. 352, 383-5; 34, 281; 38, 26-8; 254 sq.; the product of Nescience, the five e., viz. earth, air, ether, 34, 281; the atoms and their water, and fire, 1, 221; the five e. respective e., 34, 393 sq., 402; in the body of man, 1, 223; 8, 238; endowed with intelligence, 38, 38, 242; five hsing or e. (?), 3, 24 sq.; in obtaining a different body 139-41, 140 sq. n.; Purusha sepa- the soul goes enveloped by subtle rate from the twenty-four e., 7, parts of the e., 38, 101-4, 371 sq.; 287, 287 sq. n.; twenty-four or breath and soul unite themselves twenty-five e., 7, 290 ; 8, 317, 373, with all e., 38, 368 sq.; 48, 730 sq.; 373 n.; the five e. supported by the aggregate of the e. continues to Vishnu, 7, 291; included in the exist up to the final union with Kshetra, 8, 102; the enjoyer of the Brahman, 38, 371, 376 sq. ; qualities devoid of the qualities of materialists explain everything by the five e., 8, 247; subtle e., 8, the five e., 45, 342 sq. See Earth, 2 47 1., 318 n.; five great e. (Mahâ- Fire, Skandhas, Tanmâtras, Upabhûtas), 8, 258 n., 317; 15, 296; dhis, Viseshas, and Water. 38, 4, 4 n.; the great e. are the Elephants, Airâvata, chief anong, branches of the tree of worldly life, 8, 89, 89 n.; use of e. as vehicles, 8, 8, 313, 313 n., 371; dissolution of 208; the e. as the emblem of the world into the five great e., 8, endurance and self-restraint, 10 (i), 335, 387 sq.; from egoism the five 77 sq., 77 n.; Buddha descends great e. were born, 8, 335, 382; from heaven as a white e., and
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