Ârmaiti, 4, Ixvii ; 18, 393 n., 401; return to the E., 39, 300; friendly what comforts and discomforts most relation between Brihaspati and the the E., 4, lxxi, 21-31; 5, 360 sq.; E., 41, 34; is a milch-cow, yielding 37, 153; the cleanser delights E., 4, all desires, 41, 60; prayer of the 133; made by Ahura, 4, 221; at- king to Mother E., 41, 103; Varuna tacked by the evil spirit, 5, 29 sq., and the E., 41, 103; injured by 173-5; pleased by agriculture, cat- digging in her, 41, 220 sq.; mother tle rearing, and virtuous conduct, 5, of Agni Purishya, 41, 311; bears 376 sq., 377 n.; 37, 154; colloquy what is desirable, 41,387 sq.; bears of Vishnu and the E., 7, 5-12, 41, healing plants, the remedy against 77, 291-7; sustained by those who poison, 42, 27, 31; hymn to Mother follow the law, 7, 8; colloquy of E., 42, 199-207, 639-44; identified E, and Lakshmi, 7, 297-301; sup with a brick of the fire-altar, 43, 91; ports all things, 8, 113; Mother E. plants the hair of its beard, Agni and Father Heaven, 12, 229; 42,166; the man, 43, 208; Vaisvânara as E., 44, 238, 287, 325; is a spotted cow, 43, 394 ; no mortal must give her 12, 242 sq., 308; the queen of away, else she will sink into the serpents, 12, 301 n., 302; 26, 451; midst of the water, 44. 421; inSky and E. as husband and wife voked at the burial, 44, 433; the (Heaven 1, E, thou '), 15, 205, 220; first-born of this world, 44, 450, 29, 168, 282; bears Agni in her 450 n. ; 'on the E.'s place of divine womb, 15, 221; a manifestation of worship, 44, 450-2, 456; is Brahman, 15, 303; the unlimited afraid of the Pravargya, blessings capacity of the E., emblematic of invoked on her, 44, 462-4; having the course of the superior man, 16, become a mare, the E. carried Manu, 214 sq., 215 n.; overthrows the full and he is her lord Pragâpati, 44, and replenishes the humble, 16, 226, 451 n., 466 ; Agni, when spreading 226 sq.n.; the symbol of the E. and through the forests, shears the hair the sun entering into its midst, 16, of the E., 46, 54; has spread her241, 242 n.; all things receive their self far and wide, 46, 83; Dhishanourishment from the E., 16, 426, nâ as the E., 46, 120 sq.; Agni licks 427 n.; Mother E., 21, 371 n.; 41, the face of Mother E., 46, 145; 34, 60; purified by the Sun, 23, 86; Agni announces man's sins to E., Fravashi of the E. worshipped, 23, 46, 325; care and propitiation of 200 ; Zamyâd Yast inscribed to the the E., 47, 162. See also Heaven Genius of the E., 23, 286–309; the (c, f), Prithivî, and Zamyâd. mother the image of the e., 25, 71; Earth-demon, the firm one, oblaas the E. supports everything, so tion to, 29, 201, 213, 345. does a king, 25, 396 sq., produces Earthquake, caused by the chief the sources of wealth, 27, 378; the events in Buddha's life, 11, 44, 116, firm one, the son of the E., 29, 328; 155; 19, 146, 163, 268 sq., 307,
Heaven am I, and I am E., 29, 345, 350, 49 (i), 7, 141; causes of 363; the initiated boy given in an e., 11, 45-8; 35, 171 sq.; caused charge to the E., 30, 154 ; I know by Vessantara's generosity, 35, 170thy heart, O E., that dwells in hea- 8; the earth shook six times in ven, in the moon,' 30, 212; stagger- honour of Nâgasena, 36, 373; exing, yet rejoicing under the on- piatory rite on the occasion of an slaught of the Maruts, 32, 337, 339, e., 42, 640. 347; rules the world, 35, 9; if there Easing nature, rules about, 2, were two Buddhas, the E. would 93 Sq., 220, 222 sq.; 4, 201 sq., tremble, not being able to bear the 202 n.; 5, 317 sq. ; 7, 194-6; 14, goodness, 36, 49; Bhikkhus should 36 sq., 60, 164, 173 sq., 245 ; 24, 12, be like the E., 36, 307-9; the 12 n., 317; 25, 136 sq., 143, 146,
notes' of the E., i.e. sounds heard 152 sq., 192 sq., 472; 29, 318 sq.; in nature, 39, 177 sq. and n.; all 37, 207 sq.; singing of Gâthas must things are produced from the E. and be interrupted when e. n., 4, 325;
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