Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 206
________________ EAR-EARTH 189 43, 10, 333; introduced from the 38, 23 sq.; e. or food, 1, 96-8, 100; left side, made one only, 43, 11, 15; 38, 23 sq. ; its subtilest portion bethe eye created the e., the e. comes mind, 1, 96-8; sacredness of created work, 43, 378 sq.; the two the e., how to keep it from defileears connected by a channel, 44, ment by dead matter, 4, lxji, lxiv, 36; the two Asvins are the ears, Ixxy-lxxvii, 67-70, 87 sq., 133, 14244, 263; what he speaks, that one 4, 185 sq.; 5, 248 n.; 18, 229; 26, hears with the e., 44, 263. 43; a means of purifying, 4, 79, 93, Earnestness (apramâda), the virtue 130; 7, 96, 97, 98, 102; a Snataka of, 10(i), 9-11; frees from the must not scratch the ground, nor arrow of pain, 10 (ii), 55. crush clods of e., 7, 227; a cow in Earth. the act of bringing forth a young (a) Cosmological ideas about it. one, compared to the e., 7, 264; (6) E. as an element, its sacredness, &c. one of the ten fires at the allegori(C) E. as a deity. cal sacrifice of the sense-organs, 8, (a) COSMOLOGICAL IDEAS ABOUT IT. 261; is the source of smells, 8, 337, E. produced from water, 1, 94, 340, 348 sq., 352; sound, touch, 100; 34, lii; 38, 23 sq.; 48, 536; colour, taste, and smell are the five the seven Karsvaras or regions of qualities of e., 8, 383 sq.; the disthe e., 4, 222, 222 n., 377; 5, 32 sq., ciple of Buddha will overcome this 67, 69, 175, 232; 18, 79, 79 n., 263; e., 10 (i), 16; sins caused by actions 23, 86, 96, 102, 104, 123, 123 n., injuring the souls of e., 22, 3-5; 135, 141 sq., 163, 171 sq., 181 1., yellow the colour of the e., which 182, 202, 254, 292 sq.; 24, 35 sq. n., occupies the central place, 27, 436, 36, roo, 269, 269 n., 271, 301; 31, 436 n.; as everything depends on 58, 58 n., 303, 313, 317; 37, 26 sq., the e., so all good qualities depend 189, 212, 214 sq., 220, 271; 47, 15, on virtue, 35, 52 sq.; seeds are 34 sq., 41, 80, 108, III, 148; crea planted without the consent of the tion of the e., 5, 10; 12, 280 n.; the e., 35, 150; called 'night,'38, 23 sq.; regions of the e., and their chief- is the Rik, 38, 345-9; is the resttains, 5, 115-20; seven heavens ing-place in this world, 44, 17; is and seven earths, 9, 290; repre- the source of prosperity, 44, 18; sented as a great cube, 16, 61 n.; touching the e., in an expiatory divided in three parts, 23, 181,181 n.; rite, 44, 30; from the e. I take one of the worlds, 25, 157; three thy body,' 44, 133 sq. ; is a womb, earths, 26, 118; 41, 27; 42, 30, 68, and milk is seed, 44, 180; is foul 400 sq., 471; the womb from which matter, 44, 203; is a good abode, everything has sprung, 26, 260; 44, 457; white is this e., 44, 463; seven spaces of the e., 29, 341; 48, the Mahâvîra pot made of clay (e.) 477; rests on air and water, 35, and water (sky), 44, 492; origin 175 sq., 176 n.; there is only one e., and feeding of the e-bodies, 45, 36, 50; is dissolved into water, 38, 397 sq., 397 n.; e.-bodies commit 26; is four-cornered, 41, 155; is sins, 45, 403 sq. threefold, 41, 239; the truth is this (c) E. AS A DEITY. e., for this e, is the most certain of E., the deity, invoked in a curse, these worlds, 41, 364; nine earths, 1, 251; sacrifices to E., 2, 108; oceans, heavens, 42, 228, 631; was 3, 302; 27, 218, 220, 222, 385 sq., of the size of a span in the beginning, 425; 28, 203; 29, 320 sq., 388 ; 30, 44, 451; was raised by the boar 22; 44, 505; invoked and worEmûsha, 44, 451; is higher than the shipped, prayers to E., 3, 126 sq. ; water, 44, 502; a place of abode 4, 221; 23, 11, 19, 229; 28, 60; for all the gods, 44, 505. See also 29, 207, 219, 340; 30, 96, 241; 31, World (d). 251, 286 sq.; 32, 423; 41, 34, 253, (6) E, AS AN ELEMENT, ITS SACRED. 346 sq. ; 42, 161; 46, 110, 115, 127, NESS, ETC. 253; filial piety is the righteousness Black the colour of e., 1, 95, 96; of E., 3, 473 ; spoken of as Spenta and seven great cubs. 181,1811 Digitized by Microsoft®


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