enters his mother's side, 11, 47 n.; formed for final e., 8, 120 : Veda19, xix; curious belief as to e, look, study and Vedic rites not the true 11, 64, 64 n.; the E. Treasure of means of e., 8, 146, 309; 34, 27 sqq. ; King Sudassana, 11, 254 sq., 274, 48, 58, 181; attained by living as 279, 281, 286 sq.; the lord of e. a Brahmakârin, 8, 178, 178 n.; oba good rebirth, 14, 136; the tained by him who knows Rudra as hermit's life and the life of the e., the creator, 15, 252 sq.; reached by 17, 308, 312 sqq.; Devadatta's cutting off the consequences of maddened e. tamed by Buddha Karman, 19, 293; 38, 355 sq. ; 'the through the power of love, 19, 'reward conferred by the Vedanta, 247 sq.; 20, 247-50; young e. imi- 25, 59, 59 n.; through hermit's life tate the old ones, 20, 260 sq., and voluntary death, 25, 204 n.; by Samantabhadra mounts a white e. degrees, 34, lxxxix sq., 174, 223; for the protection of preachers, 21, 38, 162, 185, 391 ; taught of him 433 sq.; the e, fashioned from the who takes his stand on the Sat, 34, flesh of Mârtânda, 26, 13; one 55-7; 48, 203 sq.; results from the should not accept an e. as a gift, highest Lord, 38, 58 sq., 139; the 26, 13; Maruts compared with wild existence of a remainder of works e., 32, 107, 117; the wonderful e. does not stand in its way, 38, 119; Uposatha of Kakkavatti, 36, 128 sq.; cannot be dependent on locality, simile of the e., 36, 335–7; Padma, time, and special causes, as the fruit the e. supporting the world, 49 (i), of works is, 38, 356; results from
17,17 n. See Erâvana, and Airâvata. knowledge with works added, 38, El'Huzzâ, see Huzz.
359; 48, 9; to be reached by cutting Elias, made to die for a hundred off love and hatred, 45, 45 sq.; years, 6, 41 n.; a prophet, 6, 125; depends on faith, 45, 156, 156 n.; = DHu 'l Kif, 9, 53 n.; protested seventy-three articles necessary in against the worship of Baal, 9, 173, order to reach it, 45, 158-73; noble 173 n.
birth is no use for him who desires Elisha, a prophet, 6, 125; was of e., 45, 322 sq. ; those whom women the righteous, 9, 180.
do not seduce value e. most, 45, Elixir, see Life.
330 ; not due to knowledge of a Emancipation, or final release, or non-qualified Brahman, 48, 129–38; liberation (moksha, mukti, Sk.). destruction of body not necessary (a) How to reach it.
for e., 48, 184; e. in this life (gîvan(6) Its nature and character.
mukti) impossible, 48, 186 sq.; for (a) HOW TO REACH IT.
the souls of men who are intent on Highest knowledge leads to it, 1, their duties, 48, 411 ; the time of 235; 7, 287; 8, 179; 15, 236, 243, final e., as resulting from good 264-6; 34, xxvii, xxix, lxxvii sq., works, not fixed, 48, 713 sq. ; we 29, 63, 71, 92, 282, 291, 300, 316, know from Scripture that this Supreme 327 sq., 380 n., 423 ; 38, 55, 101, Lord, when pleased by the faithful 101 n., 165 sq., 235-8, 357, 370 sq.,
worship of his Devotees ... frees them 397-400, 414 sq. ; 48, 83, 274, 387,
from the influence of Nescience; ... 482 ; asceticism and similar means
allows them to attain to that supreme of obtaining it, 2, 78; 7, 184; 8, 69,
bliss which consists in the direct intui
tion of His own true nature : and after114 sq., 117, 127, 127 n., 231, 235,
that does not turn them back into the 245-53, 362-8; 14, 137 sq. ; 22,
miseries of Samsára, 48, 770. 51 sq.; 25, 205-16; 34, lxxiii ; 45, 152–7, 184-92, 308, 313; 48, 145; (6) ITS NATURE AND CHARACTER. reached through meditation on Having become united with the self, 8, 17, 78-83; 25, 169; Purusha, a man obtains e., 7, 290 ; 38, 52 n., 53 ; 48, 98, 100, 556; is assimilation with the Lord, 8, 69; devotion (Yoga) alone leads to e., is the highest goal, 8, 50, 54 n., 67, 8, 72 sq., 242; 15, 320 ; 48, 413, 125 n., 255; 48, 255; a means of 625-8 ; sacrifice and penance per- escaping death and rebirth, 8, 152-5;
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