in Sukas repres), 184-%? spreadine
doctrines, 11, 60-3, 65, 116 sq., only committed by conscious acts, 117 n. ; 13, 146; 19, 202-5, 292-5; refuted, 45, 414-17.; the theory of 20, 305, 329 sq. ; 35, 66 sq. ; 36, 6, a universal Nothing is the real pur47, 137, 207 sq., 218, 232 sq., 264 port of B., 48, 514; the chain of sq., 267, 303 sq., 304 n., 321 sq., causation, 49 (i), 177-9; the re365; 49 (i), 13 sq.; (ii), 171, 174, wards of teaching and spreading 193; a system of earnest self-culture the Law, 49 (i), 184-9; the ideal and self-control, 11, 62 1. ; central of B. as represented by the beings doctrine of B., 11, 143 sq.; B. not in Sukhâvatî, 49 (ii), 55-9. See also monotheistic, 11, 164 sq.; declared Buddha (g), Dhamma, Jewels (the in one stanza, 13, 146; 19, 194, three), and Philosophy. 194 n.; to escape old age, disease, (b) ITS HISTORY. and death, the chief aim of B., 19, Introduction of B. into China, 16-18, 32-7, 41 sq., 44-9, 51 sq., 58, 3, xiii, xiii n.; influence of B. on 94, 99, 103, 121, 128 sq., 133 sq., Taoism, 3, xxii; 39, xi sq., 1- 3, 23, 136 sq., 143, 160-2, 176 sq., 203-5, 33, 42-4, 129, 131, 155, 197 n., 224, 236, 265, 280 sq., 337 sq., 371; 313 n.; 40, 139 n., 238 n., 266 ; 35, 273, 275, 278; 49 (i), 27-35, legends of B. applied to Lâo-zze, 43, 46 sq., 51, 54, 96 sq., 120, 124; 39, 35 n.; the 'three jewels' of B. the principal tenets of B. as con- and of Taoism, 39, 1; transrotaceived by Buddha under the Bodhi- tion of births in Taoism and B., tree, 19, 160-3; the light of a lamp 39, 150; 40, 10n.: the 'Exin a dark room lights up equally tinction of the Buddhists and the objects of all colours, so it is with those Doing Nothing of the Taoists, 40, who devote themselves to religion- 288; by mastering the mysteries of there is no distinction between the from the Tâo, the Mahâyâna will be unfesscd disciple and the unlearned, 19, derstood, 40, 293 ;-Zoroastrianism 239; three principal doctrines of and B., 4, liji sq., 209 n.; B. in Iran, B., 34, 401; teaches the cternal 4, liy ;-date of B. and Yogasûtras, flux of everything that exists, 34, 8, 9 n.; relation between Bhagavad403 n.; denies authoritativeness of gitâ and B., 8, 23-7, 36, and notes Scripture, 34, 412; summary of to pp. 45-52, 56, 59 sq., 62-6, 68B. as learnt by Nâgasena, 35, 2 71, 79, 84, 88 sq., 101, 103, 105, sq.; psychology of B., 35, 86-99, 108 sq., 1 sq., 114, 118, 123; 132-+; worshippers of Buddha like Sanatsugâtîya prior to B., 8, 147 ; trees with the trunk of contempla- relation of Anugîtâ to B., 8, 212-15, tion, &c., 35, 151; a Buddhist con- 225 sq., 306 n., 376 n.; Buddhist fession of faith, 36, 55, 55 sq. n.; sects, 8, 213; 19, xi-xvi ; 34, 15 n.; the religion of the Conquerors is see also Yogâkîras; Buddhist counnot put to shame by backsliding, cils, 10 (i), xii-xlv; 13, xxi-xxiii; 36, 63-75; a tank full of the waters 19, 335 ; 35, 204, 204 n.; the First of emancipation, 36, 63 sq., 66 sq.; Council not mentioned in the five good qualities of the religion of Mahaparinibbâna-Sutta, 11, xi-xv; the Conquerors, 36, 69-72 ; its the date of the Courcil of Vesâli, 11, doctrines illustrated by the parable xix n.; Council of Pâtaliputra, 19, of the city of Righteousness, 36, xii sq., xvi, xxxvii; the first Council 208-43; sorrow, and the path that under the presidency of Ananda, leads to cessation of sorrow, 36, 19, 335 sq., 335 n.; "The Recita345; the stages of the Excellent tion,' i.e. the Council of Râgagaha, Way and the six modes of Insight, 35, 242, 242 n.; the Council of 36, 360 ; philosophical doctrines of Kanishka did not establish a new B., 36, 361 sq., 362 sq. n. ; on the canon, 36, xvi sq.;--Southern and Self and new sense-organs in a Northern Church, their difference new body, 38, 103 sq. ; denies the with regard to mystical powers, 11, existence of a separate Atman, 45, 207-9; the germs of B. in the 399 n. ; doctrine of B. that sins are Upanishads, 153, xxvii, li sq.; Mahâ
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