purifying, 1, iobair of c. 31, 32, the Creatora,
276 n. ; 7, 89, 89 n., 95-7, 103, 150 343; the kine's soul, the emblem sq., 168, 175; 14, 131, 168-72, 174, of the pious, 31, xix-xxi; the Soul 183, 187 n., 188, 190 sq., 324-8; of the Kine (Geus Urvan) complains 25, 449, 453, 464, 474; cow-dung a to Ahura and Asha, 31, 3-11; means of purifying, 7, 97, 105, 260; Ahura, the Creator of the Kine, 14, 24, 64; 25, 187, 190; hair of c. 31, 38, 44 sq., 146, 148, 181; eating a means of purifying, 7, 100; drops kine's flesh introduced by Yima, of water falling from the horns of a 31, 55, 61; the sacred kine blasc. produce religious merit and ex- phemed by Daêva-worshippers, 31, piate sins, 7, 105; six products of 55, 62, 62 n.; evil are those who the c. (urine, dung, &c., and Goro- have slain the kine's life by a blesskanâ), propitious, 7, 105 sq., 105 n.; ing, 31, 55, 63; they who work in swallowing barley-corns dissolved in the toil of the mother-kine further the excrements of a c., an expia- the highest wisdom, 31, 82, 90 ; for tory rite, 7, 154 ; altar smeared whom has Ahura made the motherwith cow-dung, 14, 262, 307; 29, kine, 31, 109, 114; the Karpan and 22, 162, 269, 276, 334, 376 sq.; 30, the Usig gave the kine to rapine, 14, 27, 43, 64, 89; 44, 191; great 31, 121; striving to gain the sacred merit of drinking gruel made of bar- kine, 31, 177, 180; the Karpans ley-grains which have passed through grant no pastures to the kine, 31, a cow, 14, 299; c.'s urine used for 184; the kine, the body of the purification, 25, 190; a witness kine, and the kine's soul worshipped, shall hold gold, cow-dung, or blades 31, 196, 244, 256, 278, 287 sq., of sacred grass in his hand, 33, 324 sq., 348, 362, 385, 391; the 302; horn of a c. used for medical moon, which contains the seed of charms, 42, 481 sq.; dried cow dung the kine, 31, 199, 210, 216, 225, used for burning dead body, 44, 256; the c. (days, clouds) released 202 ;-cow-pens, sacred places, 2, by Indra, 32, 14, 37, 44; clouds as 276; 14, 117, 249, 30; 25, 136, C., 32, 295 sq., 299; is of Varuna's, 138; Veda not to be studied in a of Rudra's nature, 41, 51 sq.; a c. cow-pen, 25, 147; penance of living means these worlds, 41, 156; the in a cow-pen, 25, 446, 453, 470; fire-pan is a c., 41, 237; created Samâvartana ceremony performed from Pragâpati's breath, 41, 402 ; in a cow-shed, 30, 165, 275.
the c. is wide-ruling and is food, (6) C. IN MYTHOLOGY AND MYS- 41, 406; the milch-c. is vigour, 43, TICISM.
39; the bricks of the fire-altar as The wish-granting c., 8, 89; 42, milch-c., 43, 171-4; a black c. 183; 49 (i), 157 ; the rays of the with a white calf symbolical of sun as heavenly c., 12, 271, 271 n.; night and sun, 43, 200; the thouthe earth is a c., 12, 308; 44, 268; sand-streamed c. milked by Kanva, the c. is food and sacrifice, 12, 43, 203; man's form (wealth) is 325 sq. ; the milk of the c. is Agni's kine, 44, 261; the c. lowed at the seed, 12, 326, 330; see also Milk; sight of the sun, 46, 57; Dyaus apIda, Aditi, Sarasvatî, divine names proached the speckled c., 46, 74, of c., 12, 355; 26,415 sq.; 41, 406 n.; 79; Mitra and Varuna watch over 44, 474; the c. are children of the beloved ambrosia in the c., 46, the Sun, 14, 134 sq. ; speech medi- 75; Sarama found the strong stable of tated on as a c., 15, 193; the body the c. from which human clans receive and soul of the c. (Drvâspa, Gosû- their nourishment, 46,83; the lowing rûn, Gôs), 23, 9, 17, 110; Mithra milch-c, of Rita, 46, 88; Agni, the delivers the c. (like Indra), 23, 141, father of the ruddy c. (dawns), 46, 141 n.; man's skin was put on the 220, 227; waters or dawns reprecow, 26, 9, 13 sq.; 41, 311.; the sented as c., 46, 248, 250, 313; Agni c. is food and hence breath, 26, 348; has perforated, as it were, the pure the c. with the five names, the five udder of the c., 46, 309; the c. seasons, 29, 342; Ushas, the c., 29, (dawns) imprisoned in the rock
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