150; dark forms with the face and 4, 54, 95, 95 n., 96 n., 98; 5, 205 n., curls of D., 5, 163; witchcraft and 247, 247 sq. n., 249 n.; pulling down idolatry of D., 5, 228, 37, 185; 47, D. a pious act, and an atonement xxvi, 66 sq.; there is no D. after for sin, 4, 88-90, 269; haunted by the renovation, 18, 118; one of the Daêvas and murderers, 4, 89 sq., seven heinous sinners, 18, 217, 228; 90 n.; Phl. dakhmak, depository demons and witches of the assembly for the dead,' 5, lxxii, 265, 265 n., of D., 18, 418; the three-mouthed, 361; description of D., 5, 247 sq. n. sacrificed to Anahita, 23, 60 sq., See also Funeral rites (c). 60 n.; ravished the two daughters of Dakkhinâgiri, town in Magadha, Yima, 23, 62, 62 n.; wished to empty 10 (ii), n; Buddha at D., 13, 206; the earth of men, and sacrificed to 17, 207 sq. Vayu, 23, 253 sq. and n.; struggle Dakkhinâpatha, the South (of between Atar and D., 23, 297 sq.; India), 10 (ii), 184.. with a thousand senses, 23, 326; Daksha, recites for Âruni, 12, 335 n.; created immortal by Aharman, 24, Pragâpati was D., hence the Dak35, 35 n.; advantage from Az-î D. shayana sacrifice, 12, 375 sq.; father the Bêvarâsp, 24, 60 sq.; received of the gods (senses), 14, 299; how a thousand years' dominion from he married his daughters, 25, 352, Aharman, 24, 103 ; his wickedness, 352 n.; cursed the moon, 25, 398 n.; 24, 267; 37, 111; revolt of Gâvah Aditi and D., 32, 245-8; assumed of Ispahân against D., 24, 323 sq., a new body, 38, 235; one of the 323 n.; Dahâkas and Mûrakas, 31, Adityas, 42, 444; Agni, his father, 245 ; five defects of D., 37, 177; 46, 296; Agni has been laid down Bêvarasp, a title of D., 37, 214, with the nourishment of D., 46, 214 n.; his accession, 47, xxix; a 297; is the personified intelligence, devastator, 47, 126; impenitence of 46, 298; Agni in the arms of D., 46, D. destroyed, 47, 163, 163 n. See 401. also Serpents.
Daksha-smriti, quoted, 48, 411. Dahara-vidya, knowledge of Brah- Dâkshayanas, the Dâkshayana sacriman within the heart, 1, 133 n.; 34, fice performed in the royal family of lxxv; 38, 219, 233, 393 n., 410. the, 12, 374 sq., 377. Dahvguma, worshipped, 31, 197, Dakshinâ(s), sacrificial gift(s),
204, 209, 215, 219, 224, 251, 259, priests' fee(s), Sk., t.t.: penance, 278, 337, 383 sq.
liberality, righteousness, kindness, Dâît, see Rivers.
truthfulness are D., 1, 51; given to Daityas: hundred thousands of the officiating priests, 1, 85; 7, 262, princes of the D. have been de- 266, 275, 279; 12, 7, 266, 275, 292, stroyed by Kâla, 7,79; their manes, 303 sq. and n., 308-10, 322, 373 sq., 25, 112; caused by goodness, 25, 390; 15, 1, 146; 25, 205; 26, 56 sq., 494.
114-16, 148, 333 sq., 340-9, 388-90, Dâityö-gâtu, see Fire (8).
422, 425 sq. ; 29, 49, 68, 74, 131, Daiva, or the science of portents, 135-7, 176, 182, 186, 196 sq., 220, 1, 109, 110, III, 115.
250, 288, 303, 353, 361, 384, 392, Daivapa, see Indrota D.
399, 403, 405, 420; 30, 38 sq., 49, Daiva Parimara, a meditation on 58, 63, 68, 70, 75, 265; 41, 44-6, the absorption of the gods into 50-2, 55-66, 99, 101, 112, 119, 12I prâna or Brahman, 1, 288-90. sq., 124 sq., 137 sq. 141 Sq., 186, Daiva Smara, a ceremony per- 252, 331, 42, 87, 89, 174-98, 380, formed by one who desires to 494, 595-600, 610, 645, 656, 688-- become dear to any man or wonian, 92; 43, 148, 237, 237 1., 271; 44, 1, 282 sq.
217, 218 n., 222, 268, 412 sq., 420 Daivodási, see Parukkhepa D. sq.; 46, 24, 363, 365; sacrifices Daiwi, Lying, a Daêva, 4, 224. without D. condemned, 8, 119, Daiyâmpâti, n.p., 43, 273.
119 n.; 44, 7; highest knowledge is Dakhma(s): the dead taken to a D., the D. at allegorical sacrifice of the
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