against evil d., 18, 384, 384 n., 437, shippers, 47, 57; Mazda-worship 444; 31, 240; hostile to next-of- opposed to the d., 18, 126; 37, 168, kin marriage, 18, 402, 410-13, 417– 271, 410; 47, 51, 58; the d. de20, 422, 424; sins and evil passions nounced, 37, 272, 275; the d. and personified as fiends, 24, 9, 50, 82, the wicked deny the renovation, 37, 126, 126 1. ; mock the wicked soul 284; four triumphs of the sacred in hell, 24, 25, 31, 52; slain by beings over the d., 37, 285; gratified Hôshầng, 24, 58; 47, XXV, 8; by the wicked, 37, 301; demonsmitten by Frédûn, 24, 61; worship antecedent to Zoroastriandestroyed by Vistâsp, 24, 65; ism, 47, xxvi, 43 sq.and n.; Zoroaster wicked man called 'demi-demon, opposed the worship of the d., 47, 24, 82 sq.; kept back from disturb- xxvi sq., 47, 51, 154 ; smiting the ing the passage of the stars, 24, 91 fiend, the duty of man, 47, 5; how sq.; mountains which are smiters of the d. tempt men, 47, 60-2; the d., 24, 98; deceive men, 24, shattered by revelation from the 102 ; confounded by religious cere- Avesta, 47, 64; d. in hell disabled monies, 24, 103 sq.; Fravashis pro- by the conversion of Vistâsp, 47, tect the body of Keresâsp against 72; wizards, demon-worshippers, the d., 24, ITO; opposed to the demon-consulters, 47, 124; duty of sacred beings, 24, 164; a fiend in the priest to struggle with his own every human body, 24, 265 sq.; fiend, 47, 169; duty of severing the make use of water poured away at fiend from one's reason, 47, 170. night, 24, 292 n.; Zarathustra urges See also Akem-mano, Daevas, and the overthrow of the demon of Drûg. Rapine, 31, 152, 156; impreca- (6) IN INDIA. tions against the demon of Rapine, One should use for Sraddhas such and her devotees, 31, 161, 163 sq.; materials, by which the d. are kept Dahâkas and Mûrakas are born in aloof, 7, 247; demoniac state of the house where Haoma is not mind of evil-doers, 8, 75; neither worshipped, 31, 245; Sraosha gods nor d. understand the maniinvoked against Wrath and other d., festation of Krishna, 8, 87; Pra31, 303 sq.; vexed by just judge- Thâda, chief among d., 8, 89, 89 n.; ment, 37, 102; destruction of d. alarmed at the greatness of Krishna, through the growth of corn, 37, 154; 8, 94, 96; beings divided into godVendidâd or law opposed to the like and demoniac, 8, 114 sq., 118; d.,' 37, 156, 402, 446; frightened gods and d. practise the life of by the birth of Zaratûst, 37, 165; Brahmakârins for freedom from prayers powerful against the d., 37, death, 8, 151 sq., 152 n.; were 165 sq. and n.; inward talk of the vanquished through heedlessness, d., 37, 167; Ahunayair recited for 8, 152, 152 n.; the paths of action smiting the d., 37, 173 sq.; 47, 7, are destroyed by d., 8, 257; their 58-60, 62 sq.; the rich who gives natural inclination towards ostentanothing is produced by the d., 37, tiousness, 8, 282; evil-doers reborn 176 sq.; serpents produced by the as d., 8, 321; all d. extol the emancid., 37, 196; repelled by the spirit pated sage, 8, 345; Vishnu is the of the consecrated cake, 37, 197; ruler of gods, d., Nagas, &c., 8, 347; the seven arch-d., 37, 213, 213 n.; the demon causing madness, 12, 123; repulsed by Zoroaster, 37, 227 sq.; danger from d., 13, 261, 313, 340; 47, xi, 33, 58-60, 62 sq., 123 sq.; 20, 312; Kâka, a slave begotten by non-possession of rulers and high- a d., able to travel sixty yoganas in priests, their law, 37, 232; the one day, 17, 188 sq.; feasts at festipatron spirits of mankind sickened vals of d., 22, 92; the winds invoked by d, 37,243, 243 n.; three deceit- to protect the cattle from slaughful d. and their colloquy with tering hosts, 29, 99; imprecations Allharmazd, 37, 252-4, 253 n.; against d. harassing children, 29, Hôm-water not for demon-wor- 296 sq.; 30, 211 sq., 214, 219 sq.,
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