d World Huntina, 2,
house, 4, Txxiii; useful animals debtors, 13, 199; to be paid before which destroy dead matter, 5, 72 partition of property, or by the sq. ; seven (eight) kinds of d, which heir, 25, 379, 379 n. ; 33, 197; delay the arrival of the Nasûs, 5, sacrifice for one who cannot pay d., 331 sq., 331 1.; the folly of bewail 30, 113; sureties and pledges, 33, ing the dead, 10 (ii), 107 sq.; by 61, 70-5, 77 ; one enslaved for d., What means can the sacrificer over- 33, 135 1., 136 sq.; contract of d., come d.? 15, 122 ; renunciation of bond, 33, 305; law about pledge, sins at the time of d., 24, 309; sin 33, 322-6; a cause why some peoof eating dead matter, 24, 336, 353, ple become monks, 35, 50; a father 356; terms to be used in speaking may deposit his son as a pledge, 36, of the d. of men and animals, 27, 122 ; discharge of d, on the death 112, 117 sq.; three kinds of d, on of creditor, 42, 528;--the three d. to which no condolence should be the gods, Rishis, and Manes, 7, 137; offered, 27, 131; how to speak of 12, 190 sq., 190 n.; 14, 56, 271 sq.; d. of different persons, 27, 132 sq.; 25, 169, 205, 215, 346, 443, 443 n. ; 28, 133 sq.; ceremony to be per- 38, 295 ; 49 (i), 100. formed after the d. of a Guru, to Decay, see Death (6). prevent the d. of other members Deeds, see Good Works, Karman, of the family, 29, 246-50 ; prayers Thought, and Works, to ward off d., 29, 248 sq. ; prayer Deer, see Animals, and Hunting. to avert involuntary d., 29, 427; Defamation, a title of the law, 2, 30, 118; ceremonies to avert occur- 84 sq., 281 sq., 290 sq., 295 ; 14, rence of d. in family, 30, 296 sq.; 122, 222 ; 25, 253, 267, 301-3, 484 ; striking a dead person, 37, 48; fine for d. of a maiden, 25, 294. lamenting over the dead prohibited, See also Abuse, and Backbiting. 37, 193; rites by which the conse- Defilement, Defiling, see Impurity. crated king is freed from violent d., Deformities : deformed persons ex41, 90 sq., 94; prayers for exemp- cluded from Srâddha feasts, 2, 258 ; tion from the dangers of d., 42, 53- 14, 52 ; 25, 103 sq., 107 sq., 119 sq.; 60, 569 sq.; he conquers recurring d. considered as sins, 14, 4, 103; 42, d. (i. e. the round of birth and d.) 521; due to crimes committed in by the Mitravindâ sacrifice, 44, 66; former births, 14, 109; 25, +40 sq.; he is freed from recurring d. who deformed people excluded from studies his daily Veda-lesson, 44, sacrifices, 23, 76; food not to be ac99; a possessor of esoteric know- cepted from hermaphrodites, 25, ledge conquers recurrent d., and 162; crippled and deformed people attains the full measure of life, 44, to be removed from councils of a 174; expiatory rite in case of d. of king. 25, 239; deformed and cripsacrificer when the Agnihotra-milk pled people cannot be witnesses, 25, has been put on the fire, 44, 184 sq.; 266; 33, 88 sq. ; cripples not to recurring d. warded off from cattle pay taxes, 25, 322 ; cripples, idiots, of sacrificer, 44, 271; recurring d. madmen, &c., cannot inherit, but of the fathers warded off, 44, 272; must be supported, 25, 372 sq. ; fear (at funeral rites) of other cripples, idiots, &c., may marry, 25, members of the family following 373, 373 n. the deceased in d., 44, 424, 426, Deities, see Gods. 440. See also impurity.
Deliverance: what sort of d. is Debts : law about d. and interests, 2, there for the Muni wlio is free 69, 69 11., 244; 4, 35 n.; 6, 44 sq. ; from desire ? 10 (ii), 202 sq. ; eight 7, 39 sq., 42-6, 74; 14, 82; 18, stages of d. (vimokkhâ), 11, 49 n., 184; 25, xxix sq., 253, 262-4, 272 51 sq., 212 sq. See also Emancipasq., 277-86; 33, 41-120, 263 sq. tion. 273, 299, 308 sq., 319-32, 320-4, Deluge, when the waters of it 328, 331 sq., 339, 388-90; 37, 65, spread abroad, Yü arranged and 138 sq., 141-3; imprisonment of divided the regions of the land, 3,
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