n.; Buddha-knowledge,' 'seeing Nirvâna,' euphemistic terms for d., 21, 52 sq. n., 118 n.; there is nothing inaccessible for d., 22, 19; the sage desires d. as the dissolution of the body, 22, 61; why people disregard d., 24, 50; not a complete dissolution of existence, 24, 136, 208; the cause of d., 24, 161; old age, disease, and d., 25, 209, 212; falsehood allowed to prevent the d. of a person, 25, 272; premature d., 28, 52 sq.; 36, 162-74; spoken of as dissolution, 28, 203; the round of birth, action, d., 34, xxvii; not necessary for the condition of being free from the body, 34, 41, 43; the highest Self different from the individual soul in the state of d., 34, 233-6; release from the jaws of d. by knowledge of the highest Self, 34, 247; what it means when applied to the sprout, 34, 340; all men are afraid of d., 35, 206-13; the terms 'birth' and 'd.' if applied to the soul, have a metaphorical meaning, 38, 28 sq.; has the power of manifesting those works whose fruit has not yet begun, 38, 113, 117-19; the state of swoon is the door of d., 38, 152; 48, 606 sq.; identification of the Avabhritha-ceremony with d., 38, 221; the d. of the body is the term of the attainment of final release, 38, 357 sq., 363; certain times favourable for dying, 38, 37981; 48, 740 sq.; ideas about d. and life in Tâoism, 39, 21-3; 40, 55, 146, 281 sq.; the Tâo as an antidote against d., 39, 92 sq.; 40, 32; firmness and strength the concomitants of d., 39, 118; birth and d. merely changes of the same kind in the process of evolution, 39, 149; 40, 4-6, 4 n., 10, 47 sq., 47 n., 65; story of Mr. Deformed and Mr. One-foot who are not afraid of d., 39, 149; 40, 5 sq.; how do I know that the love of life is not a delusion? and that the dislike of d. is not like a young person's losing his way, and not knowing that he is (really) going home? 39, 194; loosing the cord by which the life is suspended, 39, 201 sq., 248; unity of life and d., 39, 229; d. and life are ordained from Heaven,
39, 241; a mere change for the sage, 39, 332, 365; d. and life are not far apart, but why they have taken place cannot be seen, 40, 130; one hundred and one kinds of d., 42, 49 sq., 58, 162, 307, 565; he that will live is warm, he that will die is cold, 43, 135 sq.; ceases through immortality, 43, 327; why people say he has been cut off,' 43, 371; retribution after d., 44, xiv; 45, 372, 377; the fool's 'd. against one's will,' and the sage's 'd. with one's will,' 45, 20-4; a monk should learn the method of dying a religious d., 45, 299; antagonistic to the origination of knowledge, 48, 18; the term 'd.' denotes Nescience, 48, 23; the word 'd.' denotes darkness, i.e. non-intelligent matter in its subtle state, 48, 140; the departing soul is held embraced by the highest Self, 48, 352; when he has departed, there is no more knowledge, 48, 395; he who moves within d., of whom d. is the body, whom d. does not know, he is the inner Self of all, the one god Nârâyana, 48, 403 sq.; soul in deep sleep and in d. unconscious, 48, 765 sq.; when men die, they pass into dissolution as far as regards this world, 49 (i), 108. See also Future Life, Immortality, Life, Nirvâna, and Suicide.
Hymns and prayers recited when d. approaches, 1, 261, 313 sq., 313 n.; 23, 312 sq.; 24, 344; signs and premonitory symptoms of approaching d., 1, 261 sq.; causes interruption of Veda-study, 2, 36 sq.; 14, 208 sq., 209 n., 211; 29, 115 sq., 324, 414; 30, 80; impurity caused by d. or dead matter, 2, 59, 249-54; 4, lxxi-lxxxi, 49-51, 5885, 87 sq., 92-102, 105-15, 11955, 190; 5, lx, 245-76, 310, 319 sq., 332; 7, 87-94; 14, 177 sq., 180-2, 298; 18, 35, 39-43, 52 n., 161, 161 n., 283, 292 sq. and n., 431, 455-8; 24, 111, 335-7, 339-41, 3535; 25, 146, 163, 177-87; 29, 355, 3579; 37, 153-60; for three days after the d. of a man there is danger lest somebody else should die in that
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