See also Familduties of a d., 31. ; ;
Darius, proclaims Ahura-Mazda, the Gautama gotra had two disciples, 4, Ixi; a Mazda-worshipper, but 22, 293. not a Zarathustrian, 3i, XXX- Dattaka, author of a Kamasastra, 45, xxxii.
274 n. Darkness, see Qualities.
Daughters, offered as presents, 1, Darsapûrnamâsa, see Sacrifices 57 sq.; inherit, 2, 134 ; 25, 348, 352, (1).
370 sq.; Yão, to test Shun, gives Darsinika, defeated by Vistâspa, 23, him his two d. in marriage, to see 117, 280.
his behaviour towards them, 3, 14, Darûn, see Sacrifices (b).
36; do neither wrong nor good, only Darvihomas, see Sacrifices (i). about the spirits and the food they Dasabalakâsyapa, one of the five will have to think, and to cause no first disciples of Buddha, 19, 172; sorrow to their parents, 3, 350 sq., Vâshpa so called, 19, 193 n.
350 n.; preference of sons to d., 5, Dasagvas, carried on the sacrifice 323 sq., 344 sq. ; the appointed d. in first, 32, 296, 306 sq.
place of a son, 7, 62, 65; 14, 85 sq. Dasapeya, t.t., see Sacrifices (j). and n., 226; 25, cix, 77, 352-5; 33, Dasaratha, laments the loss of his 375 sq:; sale of d., 14, 221; 25, son Râma, 19, 92 ; 49 (i), go; Râma, 84 sq., 29, 345; how to secure the Rishi, fought against D., 19, the birth of a learned d., 15, 219; 330; horse sacrifice of D., 44, xxix; daughter's son to be entertained at the chariot of D.'s son coming back, a Srâddha, 25, 102, 118 sq.; not to 49 (i), 8o.
quarrel with d., 25, 157; the highest Dasârhas, a clan descended from object of tenderness, 25, 158; Yadu, 45, 113, 113 n., 115.
guardianship over d., 37, 146 sq.; Dasârna, n. of a country and people, reverence and duties of a d., 37, 382. 45, 57, 87. Da sârnabhadra, the king of Dasârna, Dauhshanti, see Bharata D.
turned Gaina monk, 45, 87, 87 n. Daungha, son of Zairita, 23, 204. Dâsas, strongholds of which they Daurgaha, n. of a horse, 44, 397; were the lords, 46, 263.
patronymic of Purukutsa, 44, 397 n. Dâsîkharbatîkâ Sâkhâ, of the Davâns, who did only one good Godâsa Gana, 22, 289.
work in his life, 5, 350 sq., 350 n.; Dâstâghni, n.p., 23, 218.
37, 469. Dastân, n.p., 5, 139 sq., 139 n. David, and Goliath, 6, 39; Psalms Dâstânîk, Vesko progeny, descend- given to D., 6, 94; 9, 7; dis
ants of Nîvîk and, 37, 198, 198 n. believing Jews cursed by D., 6, 108; Dâstayana, or Dâstayâni, his brood a prophet, 6, 125; makes coats of killed by Keresâspa, 18, 370, 372; mail, 9, 52, 151; mountains and 23, 296.
birds made subject to D.,9,52,52 n.; Dasyu, Dasyus: Vritra called a D., D. and Solomon gave judgement
12, 166; race or caste, 25, 192, 265, about a field, 9, 52, 52 n.; endowed 410, 410 n., 413, 434, 499; cannot with knowledge, 9, 100; mountains be witnesses, 25, 265, 266 n.; demons and birds sing praises with D., of D., originated from them, 42, 67; de- 9, 151, 177; was endowed with feated by Indra, 42, 83, 118, 222 sq; might, 9, 176; the parable of the the earth destroys the blasphemous ewe lambs proposed to D., 9, 177; D., 42, 203; there are many D. and warned not to follow lust, 9, 177. Mlekkbas, 45, 43; Agni invoked Dawi, the Woman Treasure of the against the D. (sing. or plur.), 46, King of Glory, 11, 257, 310; 33, 49, 102, 375, 383, 397; Aryans Pragâpati's daughter, 12, 209; and D., the pious and impious, 46, wedded to Indra, 12, 337; sacri182, 183; the gods have over- fice to the D., 31, 387; 44, 297 n., powered them, 46, 303.
298; Arushî, the red D., 32, 23 sq., Datta: Arya D. (Dinna), n. of a red cows of the D., 32, 23, 26; Sthavira, 22, 274, 288; Ârya D. of Aditi beyond the D., the face of
the king of Dasârma.
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