gods, 25, 297, 297 n.; taking grass for feeding c. is no theft, 25, 313; doing good to or dying for c. a penance, 25, 446 sq.; worshipping and serving c. in atonement for slaying a c., 25, 453 sq.; scattering grass to a c., a kind of oracle, 25, 470; the sacrificer must not be naked in the presence of a c., 26, 9; the gods spake, Verily, the c. and the ox support everything here: come, let us bestow on the c. and the ox whatever vigour belongs to other species!' 26, 9, 11; the Dikshita shall not eat the flesh of a c. or an ox, 26, 11; called 'the great ones,' 26, 14; the c. for which the Soma is bought, 26, 54-63, 6971, 74, 156; different-coloured c. sacred to Soma, Indra, and the Fathers, 26, 62 sq.; worshipped at the Tarpana, 29, 122, 219; the himkâra of the c., 29, 298; a Snâtaka should not point out a c. suckling her calf, 29, 318; at the Asvayuga sacrifice they let the calves join their mothers, 29, 332 sq.; when driving towards c. in a chariot, one
should dismount in the middle of them, 29, 364; he who expels the evil world-destroyer benefits the c., 31, 131 sq., 136, 136 sq. n.; men toil for the c., and Ahura created the plants for her, 31, 152, 155 sq.; he who spreads Zoroastrianism furthers the kine, 31, 169 sq., 171 sq.; curse of the c. and horse, when they are stinted, 31, 244 sq.; the Zoroastrian deprecates all violence against the c., who is Ahura-Mazda's, 31, 248; the Fravashi of the kine wor shipped, 31, 252; the herd-owner is the father of the kine and the typical saint, 31, 306 n., 307 sq.; the farm-house with its pastures which give pasture to the kine and the holy cattle-breeding man worshipped, 31, 337 sq., 341; harm not the inexhaustible wide-ruling c., 41, 406, 406 n.; the c. of a Brahmana inviolable, 42, 16972, 430 sq.; he who kicks a c. will be bereft of his shadow, 42, 214; tainted is the milk of a c. suckling an adopted calf, 44, 198;-drinking the Pañkagavya (the five productions of a c., viz. milk, sour milk, butter, urine, and dung) as a purification, 2,
themselves to be c. or Brâhmanas must not be slain, 2, 229, 229 n.; men slain for the sake of c., 2, 250; 7, 67; 25, 185; food smelt at by a c. forbidden, 2, 266; the sin or crime of killing c., penances and punishments for it, 2, 281; 7, 136, 158 sq.; 14, 202; 25, 442, 453; the cleanser delights the c., 4, 133; dying for c. secures beatitude, 7, 18; 25, 416; feeding of c. an expiatory rite for Sûdra, 7, 50; c. are auspicious purifiers, upon c. depend the worlds, c. alone make sacrificial oblations possible (by producing sacrificial butter), c. take away every sin.... Scratching the back of a c. destroys all guilt, and giving her to eat procures exaltation in heaven. In the urine of c. dwells the Ganges, prosperity (dwells) in the dust (rising from their couch), good fortune in cow-dung, and virtue in saluting them. Therefore should they be constantly saluted, 7, 105 sq.; when c. have met with an accident, or have not eaten, Vedastudy must be interrupted, 7, 125; 29, 118; food given to a c., equal to alms given to ascetics, 7, 193; when
a c. or a Brahmana has met with a calamity, one must not eat on that day, 7, 218; the first among quadrupeds, 8, 353; like unto a mother, a father, a brother, and other relatives, the c. are our best friends, in which medicines are produced. They give food, and they give strength, they likewise give (a good) complexion and happiness; knowing the real state of this, they did not kill c., 10 (ii), 50 sq.; land is purified by being trodden on by c., 14, 24, 188; 25, 190; a Brahmana who protects c. is worthy to receive gifts, 14, 39; bestowing gifts for the use of c. meritorious, 14, 136; to protect c., a Brâhmana or Vaisya may take up arms, 14, 236; way must be made for a c., 14, 243; he shall raise his arm in the midst of a herd of c., 14, 245; a performer of rites securing success should worship c., Brâhmanas, manes, and gods, 14, 323; suckling c. not to be interrupted, 25, 138; must not be offended, 25, 154; touching a c. purifies, 25, 183, 472; for the sake of fodder for a c. one may swear falsely, 25, 273; damage done by c. and cattle sacred to the
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