are the first among men, 8, 353; race,' 2, 87, 87 sq. n.; how one Samskaras and Veda-study for the should behave towards teachers and three higher c., 8, 358; the twice- relations who have lost their c., 2, born c. and the Sûdras, 14, 9 sq.; 88; it is sinful and defiling to 25, 402; twice-born men shall re- touch or speak to, or look at a side in pure countries, Sûdras any- Kândâla, outcast, or Mlekkha, 2, 103; where, 25, 33; Aryan has three 7, 94 sq.; 14, 121, 171, 183; 25, births, 25, 61; Sûdras personating 119, 183; dogs, outcasts, and K'ântwice-born men to be punished, 25, dâlas receive a share at meals, 2, 381, 380 sq. n., 388; non-Aryan 122; 14, 50; 25, 92; outcasts do origin cannot be concealed, 25, 415; not inherit, 2, 133; 14, 89; 25, different duties of Aryans and non- 372 sq. and n.; 33, 194; a funeral Aryans, 25, 418; how far Sûdras meal looked at by dogs, Apapâtras, may imitate Aryans, 25, 428-30; Sûdras, Kândâlas, or outcasts, is falsely attributing to oneself high defiled, 2, 145, 259; 7, 250; alms birth, a mortal sin, 25, 441; the may be accepted from all c. except gods (and hence also the sacrificer Abhisastas and outcasts, 2, 190; who is consecrated) only commune garinents of the mourners to be with the three higher c. who alone given to men of the lowest c., 2, 254; are able to sacrifice, 26, 4; nobility the crow, the Kândâla among birds, 2, and priesthood and the people are 266 n.; those who associate with outthis all, 26, 291 sq. ; cruel punish- casts, become outcasts, 2, 278, 280; ments of Sûdras proffering a false 14,222; 25,467 sq. and note; definiaccusation against twice-born men, tion of the term outcast, 2, 280 ; 33, 33; men only of the three higher women become outcasts by interc. entitled to the study of the Veda, course with men of lower c., 2, 281; 31, 197; 'the Sûdra and the Arya' the seven lowest C., 7, 29 n.; = all men, 42, 68, 402; Brahman funeral ceremonies for outcasts, 7, (priesthood), Kshatra (nobility), and 93; mire and water defiled by being peasantry, 43, 67 sq.; Kshatra touched by low-caste people, 7, 102; (nobility), Sûdras and Aryas created, during penance one must not speak 43, 74 sq. ; prayer to be delivered to Sûdras and outcasts, 7, 151; 25, from sins committed against Sûdra 476; sin of living as a Vrâtya or or Arya, 44, 265; it is a rare chance outcast, 7, 176 sq. ; 25, 442, 442 n.; to be born as an Arya, for many are after having bathed, he must not the Dasyus and Mlekkhas, 45, 43. converse with low-caste persons, or
See also Society, Vaisya, and Sûdra. outcasts, 7, 205; a Snataka must (c) Low C. AND OUTCASTS.
· not speak to low-caste persons, 7, Gifts which may be accepted even 228; Svapâka, the lowest of c., 8, from an Ugra, or a Sûdra, 2, 27, 27 65; 10 (ii), 23; 45, 50, 55, 59; n., 65 sq., 65 n.; near a Sûdra, a Kshatriyas became Vrishalas, 8, 295; Kândâla and an outcast, as near a Buddha's definition of an outcast, burial-ground, the study of the Veda 10 (ii), 21-3; law about outcasts, must be interrupted, 2, 34, 261; 7, 14, 67 sq. ; penance for intercourse 124; 14, 121 sq., 210; 29, 81, 324; with low-caste and outcast females, he shall not study the Veda in a 14, 104; cohabitation with Apapatra village where Kândâlas live, 2, 34 ; women and female outcasts, an 14, 64; 29, 324; food brought or Upapîtaka sin, 14, 219; outcasts looked at by an Apapâtra, Sûdra, shall live together, sacrificing for Ugra, outcast, or Nishâda is impure, each other, teaching each other, 2, 60, 60 sq. n. ; 7, 163; 14, 69; 25, marrying amongst each other, 14, 162-4; intercourse with outcasts 220; no Vrishala or Vrishalî should and with Apapâtras forbidden, 2, 74; touch a woman in her courses, 15, 7, 133, 187 sq.; 14, 5, 109, 230; 219; is intercourse with the sons 25, 497 ; penance for a Brâhmana of outcasts permitted? 14, 220 sq.; who has served a man of the black associating with outcast teachers or
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