in the Faith, 4, 292 n., 293; ch. one duty of the good, 8, 326 ; 25, of the three best things, 4, 293; 164 sq. ; the hermit should always gifts to the righteous, the best give alms of whatever he has for sacrifice, 4, 357; the soul clothed food, 8, 361; be not niggardly in with garments given in ch., 5, 127, God's cause, 9, 232 sq.; food given 341, 341 n., 383 n.; mutual assist- to the poor and the orphan and the ance of the creatures is the will captive 'for God's sake,' 9, 312 sg.; of Allharmazd, 5, 158; game to be the wealthy denounced who do not preserved for the poor, 5, 301, care for the poor and the orphan, 301 n.; advantage of excessive alms 9, 331; the duty of all castes, 14, 26; giving, 5, 325, 345; meat-offering 25, 24, 401, 420; cannot save him to (personified) Compassion and whose conduct is vile, 14, 34; the sustenance of the poor, 5, 337; Paramita of ch., 19, 366-8; grand forsaking a righteous man in afflic- feats of charitableness of Bodhition, a discomfort to the earth, 5, sattvas, 21, il sq., 14, 243; accu361 ; almsgiving a duty of the mulation of merits acquired by acts Moslim, 6, lxxi, Ixxiii, 2, 6, 11, 15, of ch. compared with that acquired 24, 58, 60, 62, 77, 105, 149, 156, by occupation with sacred books, 163, 173-5, 183 sq., 186 sq., 235, 21, 320-7; keeping the Lotus of 242; 9, 4, 31, 60 sq., 65, 78, 80, 99, the True Law is a greater merit 113, 131, 143, 160, 165, 199, 209, than bestowing the whole world 266-8, 272, 285, 287, 301, 308, full of jewels on Buddhas, &c., 21, 332, 334 sq., 338, 342 ; feeding a 386 ; prayers, sacrifices, and ch. poor man, a substitute for a fast, 6, offered to Mithra, 23, 121; provision 26; expend in alms in God's way of lodgings for the sick and poor, and be not cast by your own hands into a good work, 24, 75; liberality of perdition ; but do good, for God loves thought, of word, and of deed, 24, those who do good, 6, 28; to whom alms 121 sq.; gifts to the poor for the should be given, 6, 31, 181; 9, 128; benefit of one's soul, 24, 184 sq.; duty towards orphans, 6, 32, 71 sq. nothing is to be given to a sinner, 77, 90, 135; 27, 259; the surplus' 24, 354; the chief virtue in the to be expended in alms, 6, 32; Ove Kali age, 25, 24; duty of giving alms who believe! expend in alms of what to ascetics and students, 25, 92 sq., we have bestowed upon you, before the 92 n.; the hermit to give alms of day comes in which is no barter, and no water, roots, and fruit, 25, 199 sq. ; friendship, and no intercession; and given up by the ascetic, 25, 205 ; the misbelievers, they are the unjust, property destined for ch., is indi6, 39 sq.; of almsgiving in God's visible, 25, 379, 379 n.; provision way, 6, 41-4; alms not to be given made for orphans, widowers, widows, for appearance sake, 6, 78 ; part of and cripples, 27, 243 sq. ; acts of ch. blood-money remitted as alms, 6, enjoined on the Emperor for the 85; share of the spoils to be given third month of spring, 27, 264 ; to the poor, 6, 168 ; alms not to compassion to be shown to orphans be accepted from misbelievers, 6, and widows, 27, 298; to relieve 180 sq.; God rewards those who suffering, and shelter the poor, the give alms, 6, 191; 9, 155; leads to first care of Zoroastrianism, 31, final emancipation, 8, 114; duty of xxii, 80 sq., 85, 85 n.; houses for Kshatriyas, 8, 127; one of the the poor built, 31, 300; render ye twelve great observances, 8, 167, the needy rich, 31, 357 ; charitable 182 ; giving away of sons and associations, 33, 348, 349 sq.; alms wealth to deserving men, 8, 169; less meritorious than sacrifices, 34, how ch. should be exercised, 8, 27; duty of almsgiving, especially 183 sq. ; want of ch. a mark of in the days of the Frayashis, 37, 18; the quality of darkness, 8, 320; the about begging and beneficence, 37, various acts of public ch., belong to 39 ; squandering alms, 37, 70; praise the quality of passion, 8, 324; the of liberality, 37, 91; reducing liber
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