reaching maturity, 27, 451, 479; 28, 52 sq., 172; archery performances at the birth of a son, 28, 452; the Garbharakshana, 29, 47; the mother's getting up from childbed, 29, 51 sq.; how to procure male or female offspring, 29, 167 sq.; prayers and rites of a wife who desires to conceive, 29, 287, 291; Balis offered by a wife for the protection of offspring, 29, 290 sq.; Medhaganana and Ayushya rites for the new-born ch., 29, 293 sq.; charms against diseases of ch., caused by demons, 29, 296 sq.; 30, 213 sq., 219 sq., 286 sq.; 42, 283, 341-3; placing a boy on the bride's lap, 30, 50, 263; Soshyantîhoma, sacrifice for the woman in labour, 30, 55; monthly sacrifice in commemoration of the ch.'s birth, 30, 58 sq.; Kshipraprasavana, or ceremony for accelerating the confinement, 30, 210, 281; ceremony at a miscarriage, 30, 210; fumigation of new-born ch. to keep evil demons away, 30, 211 sq.; charms to prevent iniscarriage, 42, xxxviii, 298 sq., 302; charm against worms in ch., 42, 23-5, 452-5; prayer for long life pronounced over a boy, 42, 50 sq., 306 sq.; five Brahmanas breathe over the new-born son, 44, 129 sq., 129 n. See also Woman (b). (c) CH. IN PHYSIOLOGY, LAW, AND
Gift and sale of ch., 2, 132, 132 n.; 8, 169; 14, 75, 228, 335; 25, xciii, 442; games of ch., 3, 350, 350 n.; illegitimate ch., 4, 178-80; 24, 325; must be supported for seven years, 4, 183, 183 n.; on the nature of conception and generation, procreation of male or female ch., 5, 60 sq.; 25, 84; 37, 109-11; discrimination. in accepting the child of a handmaid, 5, 323 sq., 323 n., 344 sq.; about suckling ch., 6, 35; 9, 132; birth and weaning of ch., 9, 226; when the ch. is born, there is breath, as long as it is not born, it breathes in accord with the mother's breath, 12, 305; whether generation of ch. depends more on father or on mother, 14, 180; 25, 417 sq.; family in which no male ch, are born to be
avoided in choosing a bride, 25, 76; whether ch. belong to the begetter or to the owner of the soil, 25, 333-7; 33, 176 sq.; crime of killing ch., 25, 382; 40, 243; how punished, 25, 382; how ch. style themselves in speaking to their parents, 27, 113; law about ch., 27, 66; name of a posthumous heir announced to the spirits and in the ancestral temple, 27, 311-14; nurses chosen for the ch., 27, 472 sq., 476; dependence of ch., 33, 51; law about minority, 33, 51, 51 n.; the property of ch. not lost by adverse possession, 33, 61; are incompetent witnesses, 53, 89 sq.; 37, 38; not to be subjected to the ordeal by water, 33, 113; crimes committed by ch., 37, 41, 46 sq, 76; guardianship of a child, 37, 101, 162; born with head first, 41, 233; why they try to speak and stand up at the end of a year, 41, 388; 44, 12 sq.; are born after being fashioned for a year, 43, 274; 44, 87 sq.; 'child,' favourite name of the horse, 44, 288. See also Abortion, Adoption, Family, Parables (f), Parents, Son, and Woman (g). China: Sovereigns of Ch. and their titles, 3, xxvi-xxix; early historical documents in Ch., 3, 4-6; chronology of Ch., and principal eras, 3, 13, 15, 20-30; the three religions of Ch., 3, xiii-xxii; 39, 1 sq.; 40, 311 n., 315, 320 n.; sacred books of Ch., 3, xiiixxii; 49 (ii), xxvi; see also Confucianism; geography of Ch., 3, 6476; how the King of Ch. charms the great ocean, 35, 182. Chiromancy, treatises on, 42, 260. Christianity, and Zoroastrianism, 5, lxix sq.; established in Arabia, 6, xiv; its relation to Islâm, 6, xlvii-lii; Trinity and sonship of Jesus denounced, 6, 95, 108; Buddhism and Ch., 11, 165 sq., 208, 222; alleged Christian influences in the Upanishads, 15, xxxi; falsehood about the Messiah, 18, 107 sq.; criticisms of Christian doctrines, 24, xxv, xxvii sq., 225, 225 n., 229-43.
Christians, fiends with red banners (Ch.?) in Iran, 5, li, 215 sq.; referred to as infidels, 5, lxi, 297,
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