Khiû or Spring and Autumn,' 3, Shun, Wan, and Wû, 28, 326; on xix sq. ; the Hsiâo King, couver- festivities in the country districts, sations between C, and his disciple 28, 440-2, 442 n.; on archery, Zing-zze, 3, XX, 449-51, 461 sq., 28, 452 sq.; his Tâo or Path of 465-88 ; quotes the Shû King, he duty different from Lâo-zze's Tâo, did not compile it, 3, 2-4 ; on the 39, 29; did not accept the doctrine old historical documents, 3, 5; Pre- of returning good for evil, 39, 31; face to the Shih ascribed to him, 3, advises Zze-kâo, the duke of Sheh, 276, 296; what he did for the Shih 39, 132, 210-14; expounds and King, 3, 280-4, 337; reformed extols Taoism, 39, 136, 250-7, the music, 3, 284; on ancestor 253 n., 255 n., 257 n.; C. and the worship, 3, 299 sq., 302; Appen- swimmer in the cataract, 39, 150; dixes of the Yî King ascribed to 40, 20 sq., 20 n.; a description of hin, 16, xiii sq., xvii-xix, 1-3, Taoism ascribed to him ? 39, 192 7 sq., 26, 28-31, 46 sq., 53 sq., sq. n.; difference between Taoists 360 n., 364 sq. n., 371 n.; on the and C. as to pursuit of knowledge, study of the Yi King, 16, 1; the 39, 198 n.; on the virtues of a best teacher of the Chinese nation, Taoist sage, 39, 223-6, 322; 40, 16, 31; how he spoke of the Lî Ki, 72 sq.; conversations and parables 27, 1; replies to the questions of intended to ridicule his views, 39, Zang-zze, 27, 21 sq., 311-42; C. and 351-4; said to have studied six Zài Wo, on the constitution of books, 39, 360 ; the knowledge of inan, 27, 36; 28, 220-2 ; on the C. made little of, 39, 375 sq.; tells teaching of the Kings, 27, 38; 28, the story of the hunchback who, by 255 sq., 258; conversation between his concentration of mind, is clever Duke Ai and C., 27, 39 ; 28, 261- in catching cicadas, 40, 14 sq.andn.; 9; discourses to his three disciples about the ferryman who handled on ceremonies and government, 27, the boat like a spirit, 40, 15 sq.; 40; 28, 270-7; discourse of C. warns men against injuring the life with Zze-hsiâ on the sovereign as by indulging in sensual desires, 40, 'the parent of the people,' 27, 17 sq. ; instructs Yen Hui about 41; 28, 278-83; Words of the the Human and the Heavenly, 40, Master,' not really those of C., 27, 37-9; describes the True men of 44-6; 28, 330-64; on the con- old, 40, 55; instructs his disciple duct of the scholar, 27, 51 sq.; 28, Zăn Khiû, 40, 71 sq.; makes a 402-10; on the jade symbol, 27, specch without words,' 40, 104 sq., 59; 28, 463 sq.; on the law of 104 1. ; on the duties of a master, inheritance, 27, 120; on funeral 40, 117 sq.; on the difficulty of rites and mourning, 27, 122-5, knowing the inind of inan, and nine 127, 129-31, 134, 136-8, 146,
methods of testing it, 40, 209; 148-50, 153, 155 sq., 160, 170, about putting aside subjects con172 sq., 175 sq., 175 1., 182, 184 sq., cerning which doubts are enter192 sq., 202 ; 28, 152 sq., 160, 163, tained, 40, 296, 296 n. 164, 168, 394 ; on revenge for Congregation Day, prayers to be bloodshed, 27, 140 ; on oppressive said on, 9, 283, 283 n. government, 27, 190 sq.; on educa- Conjugal intercourse, see Sexual tion of princes, 27, 351; on cere- intercourse. monies, 27, 364-72, 401, 403, 414 Conjunction (samyoga): the distincsq., 423 sq., 437; on music, 27, tion of the Vaiseshikas between c. 419; 28, 121-4 ; on court-robes, and inherence, 34, 390, 396 sq.; the 28, 11; on sacrifices, 28, 166 sq., connexion between the Lord and 213; on filial piety, 28, 217 ; on the the souls and pradhâna cannot be c., state of equilibrium and harmony, 34, 4 36. 28, 301-29; does not search for Conjurers, see Sorcerers. what is mysterious, 28, 303 sq. ; Connubial intercourse, see Sexual handed down the views of Yâo and intercourse.
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