185 sq., 296, 302 sq., 307, 308, shared by parents, 5, 325, 345 ; 24, 324, 330, 333, 350, 380, 411; he 313; 37, 470; he who has no kinswho does not carnally love divine, men, no ch., is released, 8, 246; human, or animal beings, is a true Mohammed's enemies shall be Brâhmana, 45, 139; heretics do not childless, 9, 343 ; begetting ch, a lead a life of eh., 45, 245; is the debt to the ancestors, 12, 190 sq., highest of austerities, 45, 291 ; ob- 190 n. ; 49 (i), 10o; offspring proserved by those who abandon works duced by sacrifice, 12, 257; men's and possess knowledge of Brahman, offspring their death, 12, 361 ; birth 48, 693; not recommended by of ch. causes interruption of VedaGaimini, 48, 694. See also Absti- study, 14, 211; 29, 115, 142 ; a nence, and Sexual intercourse. wife, childless for three years, Chatter, sin of unseasonable, 5, Ixi, becomes at last a mother: a good 287 sq., 288 11., 290-3; 24, 11, 11 n.; omen, 16, 179, 181 n.; a wife who is 37, 152.
pregnant, and will not nourish her Chest, the imperishable, which has ch.--inauspicious, 16, 179, 181 n.; the sky for its circumference and the the wife's duty to nourish her ch., earth for its bottom, &c., 1, 49 sq. 16, 333; succession of life through Child, Children.
ch. commendable, 18, 92, 92 sq. n.;
results of good deeds manifested in (a) Religious beliefs about ch. (6) Religious ceremonies connected with ch., 18, 141; 'to remove the burden ch
of offspring' by assisting in their (.) Ch. in physiology, law, and custom.
support, an atonement for sins, 18, (a) RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ABOUT CH. 232, 236 ; sterility hateful to Ashi
The quality of the ch. depends Vanguhi, 23, 280 sq.; a virtuous ch. on the marriage rite of the parents, is a good supporter of fame, 24, 41; 2, 128; 14, 207 sq. and n. ; 25, the worst child, 24, 69; the tie of 82 sq. ; 29, 166; in thy offspring ch. is the most pleasant, 24, 82; for thou art born again, that, mortal, is the welfare of the soul after death thy immortality, 2, 159; the heavenly it is necessary to leave a ch., 24, bliss of the ancestors depends on 278-81 ; the fiend Sêg threatens the procreation of ch., 2, 159 sq.; infants, 24, 294; Veda-study, sacrithe sins of their eh. do not hurt the fices, and procreation of sons fit the ancestors, 2, 160; no religious rites body for union with Brahman, 25, or restrictions enjoined for ch. 34 ; sins of the father fall on eh. before their initiation, 2, 185 sq. and grandchildren, 25, 156; imand n.; 14, 10, 150; dreams of portance of preserving the purity of bears forbode sons, dreams of offspring, 25, 328 sq. and n.; are snakes daughters, 3, 350 ; the duty the cause of happiness in this world and religious merit of begetting eh. and after death, 25, 332 ; conception (sons), 4, Ixii, 46 sq., 47 n.; 5, 325, without sexual intereourse, 35, 185, 345; 14, 26, 44, 56, 260-2, 271-3; 306; ch. under seven years cannot 18, 225 sq., 429, 429 n.; 25, 205; attain to Nirvana, 36, 177-81; con37, 109; used as assistant priests, 4, demned for wizard's spells, 37, 65; 308 n., 309-11, 365; 37, 95; Mâshya sins of ch., 37, 77; sin of giving and Mashyôî eat their ch., 5, 57, weapons to ch., 37,78 ; fit for judge57 n. ; there is no begetting of ch. ship, if acquainted with the law, 37, after the resurrection, 5, 127 ; un- 80 ; spiritual perception of ch., 37, seasonable chatter no sin for ch., 5, 11; the excellence of virtuous off290 sq. ; father responsible for sins spring, 37, 179; childlessness a of ch., 5, 291, 291 n., 305 n.; 37, punishment in hell, 37, 21; tokens 129 sq.; when his wife becomes at the time of childbirth, 37, 427; pregnant by him, a man is freed the guilt which remains unpunished from mortal sin, 5, 307; new-born at the death of a man falls upon his ch. not to be shown to a sinful posterity, 39, 39, 40, 244 sq., 244 n.; person, 5, 322; good works of ch. the Taoist sage like a little ch., 40,
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