2, 201, 201 n.; money may be taken 285 n.; Navazûd ceremony, 24, from rich men who neglect their 262 sq. and n., 316 sq.; explanation religious duties to defray the expenses of c. and ritual, 37, 23; assault of c., 2, 273; to be performed by the against one about to celebrate a husband together with the eldest sacred c., 37, 49, 49 n.; a thief wife, 7, 111 sq.; penance for omitting liberated to celebrate a religious the daily rites, 7, 179 ; 25, 472, C., 37, 59 sq.; on the day of 472 11.; the eternal rites of families battle, 37, 89; at the five periods destroyed by destruction of a family, of the day and night, 37, 167 ; three 8, 41 sq. ; Vedic c. not a true means grades of c., 37, 192 ; great ordinance of emancipation, 8, 146; gifts made of the ceremonial of Allharmazd, at c., 8, 169; through ignorance of 37, 346 sq.; religion of Allharmazd the truth c. become amplified, 8, made progressive by C., 37, 363; 171 ; rites and c. condemned, 11, why c. are performed, 37, 381 sq.; 10, 10 n., 199, 300 n., 301; the worship of the sacred beings, 37, 395 ascetic shall discontinue the per- sq.; the c. which go to the bridge of formance of c., 14, 46; families sin, 37,477; the wizard Mahrkûs deperish by neglect of sacred rites, stroyed by the Dâhmân Afrîn ritual, 25, 86; daily c. of a householder, 47, xii, 108. See also Sacrifices (o). 25, 87-97; the rites prescribed in (c) IN CHINESE RELIGIONS. the Veda, a means of obtaining A minister appointed to direct union with Brahman, 25, 212,212 n.; "the three c.,' 3, 44, 44 n.; in c. rites without knowledge of the it is better to be sparing than exsoul not sufficient, 25, 213, 213 n.; travagant, 16, 105 n. ; 'the ornaKshatriyas degraded by omission of mental observances of society,' 16, c., 25, 412; domestic rites and c., 231, 232 n.; arise when things are vols. 29 and 30; c. at the emanci- subjected to restraint, 16, 434, pation of a slave, 33, 138 sq.; 440 n.; their supposed prevalence religious c. performed by several in Chinese religion, 27, 12 sq.; persons jointly, 33, 338; c. in Mahâ- valueless without truth and reveryâna Buddhism, 49 (i), 199. See also ence, 27, 25 sq., 394 sq., 403, 403 n., Auspicious rites, Hair, Marriage, 408 sq., 411-14, 415 n., 416 sq., Sacraments, Sacrifices, and Works.
439, 445 sq.; their importance for (b) IN PARSI RELIGION.
government and morality, 27, 39, C. restored by Pêshyộtanû, 5, 367, 375-9, 386,388-93 ; 28, 261-6; li sq., 227, 229; Allharmazd per- discourse of Confucius on c., 27, forms the Yazisn ceremony with 40; 28, 270-7; rules of c. prethe archangels, 5, 14; the Gêtô- sented under the figure of dykes, kharîd rite and other c., 5, 127, 27, 41 sq. ; 28, 284-99; are sug127 n., 292, 292 n., 351; 18, 234, gested by the course of nature, and 234 n., 237 ; 24, 262 sq. and n.; conformed to the feelings of man, Mazdayasnian c., 5, 205 sq., 211 sq.; 27, 59; 28, 465 sq.; how to pracfive c, which when performed are tise c. in a foreign country, 27, good works, and when neglected 101 sq.; the six ceremonial observsins, 5, 351 sq., 351 n.; ceremonial ances, 27, 230, 248; their origin worship and sacred feast, 5, 362; and development, 27, 364-72, 385the merits of different c., 5, 380 sq., 90; enumerated, 27, 367, 388; 28, - 381 n.; about the cost of religious 430 ; on the things to be used for c., 18, 201-9, 242 sq., 250-5; to c., and details about time, number, order religious rites, an atonement &c., 27, 395-448, 448 n.; regufor sin, 18, 232; celebrating c. a lation of expenditure for c., 27, good work, 24, 27 sq., 27 n.; how 396; number of rules of c., 27, the c. of the sacred beings ought to 404, 404 n.; are not the expression be considered, 24, 94 sq.; annual of feelings, 27, 406 sq. ; promote Rapithyin ceremony, 24, 264 ; duty righteousness and humility, 27, of performing Gâdangôi, 24, 285 sq., 413 sq. ; 28, 219 sq.; different c.
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