story of a Kândâla who was reborn in the Brahma world, 10 (ii), 20-3; not by birth does one become an outcast, not by birth does one become a Brahmana; by deeds one becomes an outcast, by deeds one becomes a Brahmana, 10 (ii), 23; 45, 140; disagreement of c. on the Dhamma being lost, 10 (ii), 52; Buddha is neither a Brâhmana, nor a king's son, nor Vessa (Vaisya), but a wandering mendicant, 10 (ii), 74 sq.; do not ask about descent, but ask about conduct; from wood, it is true, fire is born; (likewise) a firm Muni, although belonging to a low family, may become noble, when restrained from sinning) by humility, 10 (ii), 76; who has seen Buddha, is appeased, even if he be of black origin, 10 (ii), 103; the truth proclaimed by Buddha is open to all, 11, 187; Bhikkhus belonging to different c. before entering the Order, 20, 192 sq. 193 n.; the four c. renounce their names and lineage when they become Buddhist monks, 20, 304; the monk Harikêsa-Bala, born in a family of Svapâkas, converts a Brâhmana, 45, 50, 54 sq.; a Brahmana
or Kshatriya, an Ugra or a Likkhavi, when entering the order, is not stuck up on account of his Gotra, 45, 321 sq.; men of different c. may become Brahmanas, according to Saivas, 48, 521. Castration not allowed to Bhikkhus, 20, 77 sq. Categories, twenty-five, of the Sânkhya system, 34, 257-60; difficulties with regard to the six c. of the Vaiseshikas, 34, 394 sqq.; seven, two, five c. of the Gainas, 34, 428 sq., 430; five c. of the Saivas, 34, 435; nine c. or developments, 45, 153, 154. Caterpillar, soul compared to a, 38, 103, 352. Cattle, law relating to, 2, 168 sq., 241; 7, 36 sq.; 25, 253, 295-8, 336 sq.; 33, 67, 141-3, 160-4, 160 n., 346; 37, 119 sq., 403; the Earth feels most happy where flocks and herds thrive, 4, 23 sq.; creation of c., 5, 18; 26, 406-9; 37, 237; Aharman's contest with the c., 5,
177-82; duties towards c., 5, 374; 31, 69, 73; 37, 237-40; prayers for c., 5, 392; 12, 185; 26, 449; Arabian customs with regard to c., 6, 89, 89 n., 112, 112 n., 115 n., 132-4, 134 n.; punishment for depriving c. of their virility, 7, 35; tending c. duty of Vaisyas, 8, 127; 25, 325, 400, 419; created for men, 9, 167, 198; 37, 283; rites and prayers auspicious resp. inauspicious for c., 12, 64, 64 n., 71 n., 104, 172, 206 sq., 212, 342, 347, 353-5, 358; are fivefold, 12, 219, 228; c. means home, 12, 234; the asterism Rohinî connected with c., 12, 283 sq.; about selling c. to foreigners, 18, 182 sq.; Drvâspa keeps the flocks in health, 23, 111;
three times a day take care of the beneficent c., 23, 339; rearing of c. meritorious, 24, 28; Brâhmanas must not tend c., 25, 272; c. rearing one of the ten modes of subsistence, 25, 427; wealth means c., 26, 180; 44, 126; foul smell of c. not to be shunned, 26, 266 sq.; at first did not submit to being given away, 26, 344; are related to the
Adityas, 26, 353, 353 n., 356; Vâyu leader of c., 26, 362; c. are food, 26, 446 sq.; 41, 33; 43, 52, 56 sq., 87, 110, 115, 218 sq., 335; ceremonies and sacrifices relating to c., 29, 99-101, 130, 215 sq., 255-9, 353-5, 410 sq.; 30, xxviii, 37, 87-9, 116-18, 127-9, 184-6, 304; 44, 10, 12, 119, 123, 127 sq.; Prishâtaka or Asvayuga festival for the sake of c., 29, 130, 203, 332 sq., 415; 30, 92 sq.; Sûlagava sacrifice for averting plague in c., 29, 255-8; 30, 220-4, 291; Rudra invoked to protect the c., 30, 37; Rudra dwells among c., 30, 181; brandmarks on c., 35, 122; duties of shepherds, 37, 81-4; religious duty of tending and care of c., 37, 126 sq., 179, 248, 286 sq., 312, 318 sq., 370; 47, 168; on c. breeding, 37, 129, 139; remedies for c., 37, 129; mutual service of man, c., and sacred beings, 37, 265; wisdom produced by care of c., 37, 334; benefit for a husbandman through c., 37, 344; repletion unnecessary for c., 37, 381; salt
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