years to be considered as the father of a Kshatriya of a hundred years, 2, 53; Kshatriyas, when assisted by Brahmanas, do not fall into distress, 2, 236; Brahmanas, united with Kshatriyas, uphold gods, manes, and men, 2, 238; Brahmanas are lords over all other c., 7, 215; Gayatri = Brâhmanas, Trishtubh Kshatriyas, 12, 96; Kshatriyas and Brahmanas represented by Indra and Agni, 12, 419; 26, 362; 44, xxii; etiquette between Brâhmana and king, 15, 162 sq.; a Kshatriya sage teaches a Brahmana, 15, 204 sqq.; Kshatriyas and Brahmans are fixed in Prâna, 15, 275; the monastical order of Gainas and Buddhists chiefly intended for Kshatriyas, not for Brahmanas, 22, xxx sq.; the embryo of Mahâvîra removed from the southern Brâhmanical part to the northern Kshatriya part of Kundapura, 22, 190 sq., 219, 223, 226-8; a Kshatriya and a learned Brahmana must never be despised, 25, 150; mutual relation of Kshatriyas and Brahmanas, rivalry between them, 25, 399, 399 n.; 43, 345 n.; 44, 131-4; from out of the priesthood (Brahman) the nobility (Kshatra) is produced, 25, 399, 399 n.; 44, 226 sq.; Brâhmana the root, Kshatriya the top of the sacred law, 25, 447; by the Diksha the sacrificer, of whatever c. he be, becomes a Brahmana, 26, 35; Brahınan and Kshatra, two vital forces, 26, 124; prayer for the priesthood and nobility, 26, 144; 43, 231-5; 44, 294, 485 sq.; a Brâhmana can be without a Kshatriya, but a Kshatriya not without a Brahmana, 26, 270 sq.; Kshatriyas learn their duties from Brahmanas, 35, 233; the Bodhisattva reflects whether he should take birth as a Kshatriya or a Brâhmana, 35, 272; Brahmanas superior to Kshatriyas, 35, 290; was Buddha a Brahmana or a Kshatriya? 36, 2530; Buddhist phrase Khattiyas and Brahmans,' 36, 127 n.; Buddhas always born as Brâhmanas or Kshatriyas, 36, 132 n.; Vâgapeya for Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, Râgasûya for Kshatriyas, 41, xxiv sq., 3
sq., 23-5; kindling-sticks for Kshatriyas and priests, both are Agni, 41, 259 sq.; the Kshatriya must give a sterile cow to the Brahmans, 42, 177; Brahmanas and Râganyas contend with one another in the theological disputations, 44, 112-15; why a Brahmana and a Râganya must perform the lute-playing at the horse-sacrifice, 44, 286 sq. See also Brahmanas (e),and Kshatriyas. (c) KSHATRIYAS AND VAISYAS.
The Vaisyas serve, store up for the Kshatriyas, 12, 82, 94; Kshatra and Vis, represented by Prastara and Barhis, 12, 92 sq.; the Pravara in the case of Kshatriyas and Vaisyas, 12, 115 n.; Kshatriyas represented by Indra (and Agni), Vaisyas by the Visve Devâb, 12, 371; 26, 220 sq.; Indra (or Varuna) the nobility, Maruts the people, and the nobility are the controllers of the people, 12, 387, 393, 399, 401 sq.; 26, 334 sq., 338, 395 sq. n., 396 sq.; the people are the nobleman's food, 26, 65 sq.; 41, 13, 153; 43, 125, 129, 132 sq., 132 n.; the nobility surrounded by the people, 26, 146; 44, 466; peasantry obedient to the nobility, 26, 227 sq.; 44, 227, 303; Vaisya or Râganya at the Vâgapeya chariot race, 41, 29; king sprinkled with consecration water by a Râganya and Vaisya, 41, 83 sq.; milk is the nobility, Surâ-liquor the peasantry, the nobility is produced from out of the peasantry, 44, 225, 228. (d) THE TWICE-BORN C. OR ÂRYANS.
Three c. mentioned by the names of Brahmana, Ragan, and Vis, 1, 143, 143 n.; what wise men of the three twice-born c. approve, is virtue, 2, 72; pure men of the first three c. shall be cooks, or Sûdras under certain restrictions, 2, 104 sq.; Snâtaka shall live in a place chiefly inhabited by Aryans, 2, 225; a Snâtaka shall always behave as becomes an Aryan, 2, 226; the three first c. called twice-born, 7, 12, 119; those countries are called barbarous (mlekkha) where the system of the four c. does not exist; the others are denoted Aryavarta (the abode of the Aryans); 7, 255; the twice-born
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