pupils is sinful, 14, 239; a Snâtaka 138; 25, 444, 455 ; intermingling shall not travel with outcasts, Vri- of c. results from neglect of rites, shalas, or Sûdras, 14, 243; 30, 87; 8, 41, 55; in order to prevent a conVrâtyas or outcasts, excluded from fusion of c., Brahmanas and Vaisyas initiation, 25, 37, 405-7, 406 n.; he may take up arms, 14, 20, 236; who neglects the twilight devotions a Brâhmana who has intercourse becomes an outcast, 25, 49; out with a Kândâla female becomes an casts excluded from Sraddha feasts, outcast, or a Kândala, 14, 235 ; a 25, 103; alliance with outcasts teacher's wives of equal or of difthrough Veda or marriage, 25, 105; ferent c., 25, 68 sq., 68 n.; learning a Snâtaka shall not dwell in a coun- and an excellent wife may be actry swarming with men of low c., quired even from men of low c., 25, 25, 138, 141; flesh of animals slain 72 sq., 72 n. ; intermarriage beby Kândâ las is pure, 25, 192; Kân tween different c., 25, 75, 77-9, 83, dalas and Svapakas, their mode of life 86; great offence of a Brahmana, and occupation, 25, 414 sq. and n.; who, being invited to a Sraddha, penance for sacrificing for Vrâtyas, dallies with a Sûdra woman, 25, 25, 471; outcasts unfit to be wit- 1; intercourse with a Sûdra nesses, 33, 89; Kândalas used for female after having partaken of searching after a thief, 33, 206; gifts a Sraddha dinner injures the manes, not to be accepted from outcasts, 33, 25, 121; by intercourse with in220; occult sciences described as ferior people a Brâhmana becomes the arts of Kândalas, Sabaras, Dravi- a Sûdra, 25, 167; if there were no das, &c., 45, 366. See also Initiation punishments, a confusion of c. would (Vrâtyas), Sins (Abhisastas), and arise, 25, 219; 33, 216; king's Sûdras.
consort must be of equal c., 25, (f) MIXTURE OF C., MIXED C. 228; intermixture of c. to be pre
Low mixed c. of Kândâlas, from vented by the king, 25, 285; arins union of Sûdra with a Brâhmana may be taken up when the twicewoman, 1, 82, 91; 2, 103, 103 n.; born c. are threatened with dc15, 169; 25, 343, 404 sq., 401; struction, 25, 314, 314 n.; mixture definition of, and law regarding of c. caused by adultery, 25, 315, mixed c., 2, Ix sq. ; 7, 66 sq.; 14, 315 n.; seduction of maidens by XXV, 94, 94 n., 196-8; 25, lxxi sq., men of lower C., 25, 317 sq.; Ixxxi, 402-18; 33, 186-8; union females of low birth attained the of a twice-born man with a Súdra qualities of high-born husbands, 25, wife is sinful and degrading, 2, 69; 331 sq. ; confusion of c, caused by 7, 112; 10 (ii), 49; 14, 70, 228, Vena, 25, 339; standing of wives of 228 n., 244; 25, 466 sq. and n.; different c., 25, 342 sq.; offspring cohabitation of Aryan women with of Aryan father and non-Aryan Sûdras, and Aryan men with Apa- mother preferable to offspring of pâtra women causes impurity, 2, non-Aryan father and Aryan 74 sq.; low mixed c., Paulkasas, mother, 25, 417 sq.; those who Vainas, 2, 103, 103 n., 15, 169; have intercourse with women of mixed c. of Nishâdas, 2, 103 n., the lowest c. are reborn as Pretas, 7, 163; 14, 228; 25, 163; 30, 317; 25, 497 ; mixed assemblages (of intermarriage between different c. menibers of different c.) are illegal, sinful, 2, 130 sq.; 25, 184, 184 n.; 33, 154; intercourse with unchaste the son of a Brahmana who follows women, but not of higher c., perthe profession of a Kshatriya, and mitted, 33, 180 sq. ; paskaganâh = the son of a Sûdra born from a Brâh- the four c. and the Nishâdas, 34, mana woman defile the company at 262; a man of a inixed c. shall kill a Sraddha, 2, 145; those who have the dog at the horse-sacrifice, 44, been killed in trying to prevent 279 n.; the Sûdra woman is the mixture of c, go to heaven, 7, 13; Årya's mistress, 44, 326; the son of a crimes degrading to a mixed c., 7, Vaisya woman not initiated, 44, 326.
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